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The memory of Thomson having gained complete possession of my mind, I was not willing to pass by Rossdale House, at the head of Kew Footlane, where he used to reside. The house now belongs to Mr. Ashley of Grosvenor-square, but was possessed, till within these few months, by the widow of Admiral Boscawen ; she is recently deceased at the age of 90 or more.

Although we were strangers without any introduction, we were received in the most obliging manner, and every thing connected with Thomson's memory was readily shown. The first article that we saw was the table on which he wrote the Seasons. It is small, round, and low, but rather elegant in its appearance, being of mahogany, and having an inscription in the middle. This table is preserved with great care, as are also the two brass hooks in the wall on which Thomson used to hang his hat and cane.

They next pointed us to his favourite seat in the garden. It is a summer-house of plain boards, of a pentagonal form, enclosed completely on all sides but one, and, contiguous to the sides, there is a seat running quite around the interior part, except the entrance. It is in the midst of a garden of some extent, and is overhung by vines and trees. On the front, immediately above the entrance, is this inscription; Here Thomson sung the seasons, and their change.

Pardon my weakness, if such it be, in mentioning these little circumstances, and still more in experien. cing strong emotions of mournful pleasure, while I lingered in the lodge which this delightful poet once frequented.

There are several inscriptions on the inside of the summer-house, one of which follows:

"Within this pleasing retirement, allured by the music of the nightingale, which warbled in soft unison to the melody of his soul, in unaffected cheerfulness, and genial, though simple elegance, lived James Thomson. Sensibly alive to all the beauties of nature, he painted their images, as they rose in review, and poured the whole profusion of them into his inimitable Seasons. Warmed with intense devotion to the Sovereign of the universe, its flame glowing through all his compositions; animated with unbounded benevolence, with the tenderest social sensibility, he never gave one moment's pain to any of his fellow creatures, except by his death, which happened at this place on the 224 of August 1748."

Reluctantly I withdrew from this interesting scene, and pursued the foot path, which Thomson always travelled to Kew.

We arrived at the Botanical Garden, but, too late to be admitted to see it, and, indeed I was not displeas ed at the disappointment, for I did not wish to turn my mind to any other subject, and therefore, stepping into a coach, we returned immediately to London,


Christ's Hospital.... A preacher there....Great number of boys educated on charity....Lord Nelson....A crowd always at his heels.... His appearance.


August 25.-In company with an American I went to the church belonging to Christ's Hospital, Newgate-street, where we heard a preacher who seemed to be a man of warm piety and of respectable talents. The final judgment was his theme, and with much earnestness and feeling, he urged the importance of realizing the truth of the scripture representations on this most important subject.

This church presented a very interesting spectacle. There were present about six hundred boys, from the age of 6 to that of 16, who are educated on the foun. dation of this charitable institution. Besides these, there are 3 or 400 more, principally females, who are at Hertford at school, so that at least 1000 children are dependent upon this charity. The boys whom we saw at church were all dressed in that peculiar uniform which I mentioned at Manchester, and which appears to be common in English charitable institutions of ancient date. It consists of a jacket of coarse blue cloth, buttoned close around the neck and body, and descending to the feet in a kind of skirt or petticoat, which is buckled around the waist with a leather belt. These boys formed a very interesting spectacle; they were all provided with service books, and sung to the organ, which was a very fine one, loud and deep-toned,

and yet soft and clear. After service we walked into the buildings where the boys receive their instruction and have their accommodations. The buildings are very ancient and need repair. The dining-hall is extensive, and is adorned with two large pictures, one of which represents Edward VI. granting a charter to the institution; the other was so remote that we could not distinguish its subject through the iron grating which separated us from them.


August 26.-As I was standing in a shop in the Strand, this morning, I had the satisfaction, which I had long wished for, of seeing Lord Nelson. He was walking through the streets, on the opposite side, in company with his chaplain, and, as usual, followed by a crowd. This is a distinction which great men are obliged to share in common with all wonderful exhibitions ;- -a dancing bear would immediately attract a throng in the streets of London, and this great admiral can do no more in the same circumstances. If it be a gratification, while it is new, it must soon become extremely troublesome. Lord Nelson cannot appear in the streets without immediately collecting a retinue, which augments as he proceeds, and when he enters a shop, the door is thronged till he comes out, when the air rings with huzzas, and the dark cloud of the pópulace again moves on, and hangs upon his skirts.

He is a great favourite with all descriptions of people; the nation are wonderfully proud of him, and, although his late unwearied pursuit of the French and Spanish squadrons has proved fruitless, the enthusias tic admiration in which he has long been held, does not seem to be in the least diminished.

My view of him was in profile. His features are sharp and his skin is now very much burnt, from his having been long at sea; he has the balancing gait of a sailor; his person is spare and of about the middle height, or rather more, and mutilated by the loss of an arm and an eye, besides many other injuries of less magnitude.

It was certainly a rational source of satisfaction to behold the first naval character of the age, a man whom his contemporaries admire and posterity will applaud. His very name is at this moment, under providence, a palladium to this island, and no hostile fleet can meet him without dreading the event of the interview.

I have been for some time, contemplating a tour to Bath, Bristol, and the mines of Cornwall, and having procured from the alien-office, my permission to travel into the interior of the country, I have been busied for a few days past, in making every other preparatory arrangement of my concerns, and to-morrow I intend to commerce my journey in company with our country. man Mr. T, who goes with me as far as Bristol.

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