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Questions which a Teacher may ask the Class, after having gone with them through any historical book of Scripture, or any considerable portion of a book.


What illustrations are given in this book, or section, of God's power; knowledge; justice; long suffering; and mercy? What of his readiness to hear prayer; of his providence; of his control over the actions of men ; of his faithfulness, and of his grace?


What instances are given of human weakness; ignorance of the future; and in constancy? What illustrations of resistance to temptation, and of yielding to it? What of the folly of sin; of its deceitfulness; of its progress when indulged; and of its evil? What virtues are exhibited in this book, or section? What instances are there of turning aside from a right path once pursued? What instances of affliction are there; and what were the effects of the affliction? What illustrations are given of the nature of human life; its disappointments; fears; changes; or of the insufficiency of worldly things to afford happiness?

III. QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE PREPARATION FOR THE COMING OF JESUS CHRIST, EVER GOING ON IN THE DIVINE DISPENSATIONS What types are there of the Saviour in either persons or things; and point out the resemblance? What prophecies of Christ are there; and are these prophecies referred to in the New Testament? Are these prophecies of any other person than Jesus Christ; or of any historical event; and can you mention the fulfilment of such prophecies? What proofs are there of man's need of a Saviour; and of the Holy Ghost to renew his nature? Do you learn from any part of this book or section, how you should pray and for what?

The above questions are not given as all that should be asked, but merely as suggestions which some teachers may find of use; and they are so printed as to indicate how teachers may divide them into separate questions.-Sunday School Union Notes on the Lessons.


It would be accounted a very barbarous thing in a father or master, to suffer a child to starve for want of the necessaries of life, food and raiment; and all the world would cry shame upon them for it: but how much greater cruelty must it in reason be thought, to let an immortal soul, and one for whom Christ died, perish for want of knowledge and necessary instruction for the attainment of eternal salvation ?—Archbishop Tillotson.


So spake the Saviour, and well will they repay the search. There is food for all. Sages may ponder over its hidden meanings, and babes rejoice at its simple truths. Here is oratory sublimer than the "thunder" of Demosthenes, and more captivating than the eloquence of Cicero; narratives of truths more thrilling than the fictions of the novelist, and tragedies grander than the imaginings of Sophocles; history, at whose magic spell our hearts leap within us to avenge the oppressed, and hurl the tyrant from his usurped throne; mysteries, deeper than Eleusinian rites, o'er which the dust and wrecks of time have gathered; music, sweeter than Apollo's lyre; melodies, more blandishing than Calypso's song, and pastorals more beautiful than the numbers of Theocritus or Bion's muse. It tells us of wonders more marvellous than the feats of Hercules, and of a power greater than that of Jove; of mountains more sacred than Olympus; of streams clearer than the water of Peneus, and of valleys more beautiful than Tempe; of heroes greater than Achilles, and of battles fiercer than those of Troy. Here are delineations of character truer than Shakespeare's; a code of ethics more rigorous than Aristotle's; philosophy deeper than Plato's; and virtue holier than Socrates! Where can be found another book containing all these excellencies. But these are not all. There are words that will bind up the broken hearted, and change each falling tear into a sparkling gem; words that, whispered into the closing ear, will make the departing spirit rejoice in view of the spirit-land, and light up with the brightness of the shining ones, the valley of Death. Well then might the Saviour say, "Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of Me." Uppingham.

S. G.

commended itself.


MR. EDITOR,-During the last month I received a circular letter from the deacons of the Congregational church at Ryde, in the Isle of Wight, asking for the small sum of one penny from each of our teachers, in aid of a sum required by our friends at Ryde towards the erection of their intended Sunday school rooms, which was no sooner read than the money was immediately subscribed. The request was modest and the plan simple, and What a great work might be accomplished if there was a systematic plan of weekly offering by the 250,000 teachers of Great Britain towards the erection of new schools and the extinction of old debts! Such an offering would realize the sum of 1,0417. 138. 4d. weekly; a sum sufficient to build two moderate-sized schools. Can anything be done towards the accomplishment of so noble a work? I trust that the people at Ryde will afford us the result of their efforts, so that some idea may be obtained of the willingness of the Sunday school teachers to aid the work.I am, Sir, yours truly,


Superintendent of the Congregational School.

7, Sunderland-terrace, Ulverston.


EVERY-DAY life is full of suggestions to a thoughtful mind. Let us suppose ourselves residing at a few miles distance from some great town, or the capital of a kingdom. We leave our own dwelling at early morn, and, as we pass along, witness the rising sun and the dewy fields, inhale the fragrant breeze, gaze with delight on the waving trees and the lovely flowers, In these, and various other objects around, above, beneath, we find emblems of spiritual things, and learn how "nature is both a parable and a prophecy." But now, leaving these beautiful objects behind us, we enter the town, and soon find ourselves among houses, churches, shops, banks, gaols, and palaces. First, we see a gay wedding pageant sweep by, and in the next street, a funeral procession passing on towards the grave. A little further, a crowd is gathered round a burning house, and yonder a troop of boys are following two youths in the grasp of a policeman. One while we find ourselves passing splendid blocks of houses where the great and rich reside, and then, with difficulty, we are threading our way amid narrow streets where the poor dwell. Now the drunkard reels past us, and surely that earnest-looking man is a city missionary going forth to his noble work. We next pass a shop all life, thronged with customers, and a door or two further on we find one closed, and the shutters covered over with bills. Now all these and many other scenes and circumstances have their hidden springs and causes, their histories and consequences. If these could be traced, how much of human character and of the dispensations of God would be brought out; what solemn warnings and important lessons might be gathered.-Sketches and Lessons from Daily Life, by FELIX FRIENDLY.



THERE are some little children in this picture? [Yes; they were brought to Jesus.] What for? [That He should lay His hands on them and pray.] Why did their friends wish our Lord to lay His hands upon them? [Because laying on of hands has been from very ancient times a form of blessing. Jacob blessed the two sons of Joseph, laying his hands on their heads.] Who are those three men standing behind our Lord? [Some of His disciples, who rebuked or reproved those that brought the little children to Jesus.] And what did Jesus say? [He was much displeased, and said, Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God."] Then the little children were not refused a blessing? [No; Jesus took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them.] This is a very interesting picture to you little children, is it not? And what special lesson does it teach you? [It teaches us the kindness and love of God our Saviour, who, though He made and preserves heaven and earth, yet loves little children, and will have them come to Him.] Ought you not to love Him very much for this great goodness to little ones like you? And have you never been blessed by Him? [When we were

baptised He blessed us and made us His own children.] How can little children like you show their love to Jesus? [By being humble and gentle, very obedient to our parents and teachers and loving to one another; by trying to behave well in church, and saying our prayers reverently at home; and by being willing to give up our own will to others.]


[No: this picture represents one Who is that man kneeling on the

We do not see Jesus in this picture? of His parables.] What is a parable? ground? [He is the younger son of the old man with white hair.] His clothes are much torn, are they not? [Yes; he asked his father for his portion of goods, and then left his father's house and went into a far country, where he wasted his substance with riotous living.] Was this right? [No; it was ungrateful to wish to take so much from his father, and very wicked to waste his substance.] What happened then? [When he began to be in great want, having nothing to eat, he recollected how his father's servants had enough and to spare; so he came to his father.] Did he beg pardon? [Yes; he said, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. Make me as one of thy bired servants."] Then this is the time represented in the picture? [Yes; there is his father laying his hand on his head, for he received him joyfully.] Who is that man with a robe on his arm coming out at a side door? [A servant, whom the father had desired to bring the best robe and put it on his returning son, and to put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet; he also ordered a feast to be made to welcome his son home.] And who is that talking to the servant? [The elder son, who had never left his father.] [He does not look glad to see his brother? [No; he was vexed that there was so much rejoicing on his return.] Why? [Because the same rejoicing had never been made for him.] But then he had never gone away? [No; his father's love was shown to him every day, so there was no need for a special display of it.] What did Jesus teach in this parable? [That God is willing to forgive His sinful children when they turn to Him, as the father in the picture forgave his prodigal, or wasteful, son.] What can you little children learn from it? [When we have been naughty, to ask pardon at once from God and our parents or friends; and then we may hope to be forgiven.] How should you feel when your brothers or companions have been naughty? [We should wish very much for them to be forgiven, and be very glad when they obtain pardon, and not be jealous at any mark of favour that may be shown them.]


What does this picture represent? [It represents a parable related by our Lord.] The man who is in front of the picture looks very ill and wounded? [Yes; he fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, and wounded him, so that they left him half dead.] Who are the two men in the background? [The first is a priest, the second a Levite, who, when they saw the poor wounded man, did not try to help him, though he was of their own nation, but passed by on the other side.] Then who is the man who is helping him? [He is a Samaritan.] What is a Samaritan?

[One of a neighbouring nation, whom the Jews disliked, and would have no dealings with.] And what did the Samaritan do for the poor wounded man? [He bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine.] Whom does the ass belong to? [To the Samaritan; and he put the poor wounded man on it, and brought him to an inn and took care of him.] And did his kindness end there? [No; he paid for the wounded man at the inn, and told the innkeeper to take care of him, and he (the Samaritan) would pay him when he came again.] Then the Samaritan was kinder to the Jew than one of his own nation? [Yes; Jesus would have us be kind to all our fellow creatures, and not only to those whom we love.] What may little children learn from this? [To be kind to everybody, and to those especially who are sick or in distress, even though they may be strangers.] But is it in the power of little children to show much kindness? [Yes, indeed; for though they may not have money to give, they can show kindness by going on errands for sick people, trying to help, as well as they are able, in attending them, in refraining from noise, and many such-like ways, if they only have the wish to be kind.]-National Society's Monthly Paper.


ALL the prophets were devout students of God's works, and warm admirers of the beauties scattered through them: as a proof of which, they have hung unfading garlands, which they gathered in their lonely walks, in various parts of that Temple of truth, which they helped, as God's instruments, to rear and beautify. And He to whom they all bear witness, and point out as the "Plant of Renown:" "the Righteous Branch," "the Rose of Sharon;" he who gave these flowers their lovely tints, and moulded their faultless forms; he talked to man of the flowers, teaching him to "consider the lillies," and to learn from them to trust that Providence which overlooks nothing, to which nothing is impossible, and which is pledged to fulfil all the purposes and promises of God's excellent loving kindness. Flowers also are emblems of those graces of the Spirit which believers in Jesus derive from him. The sunflower sets forth faith, and bids us be ever looking unto Jesus. The violet is the well-known teacher of humility; it hides from view, yet sheds a sweet fragrance around. The snow-drop, battling with the wintry cold, is the symbol of hope. The honeysuckle, clinging to its strong prop, and filling the air with its odorous perfume, sets forth love; while the lily, in softest tones, repeats the words of Him whom it represents, and says, "Trust implicitly your heavenly Father's care."-Sketches and Lessons from Daily Life, by Fe ix Friendly.


AT A MEETING of the Liverpool Town Mission, the Rev. G. Curnock, in remarking upon the ignorance of spiritual things even among classes disposed to be religious, instanced a man who put by his wedding-coat in order that he might not be found at last without a "wedding garment;" another who fetched a minister to a dying woman, saying that they had searched the Prayer-book through for the service for the dead and could not find it.— Liverpool Courier.

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