THE LIFE O F ALEXANDER POPE, Efq. COMPILED FROM ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS; WITH A CRITICAL ESSAY ON HIS WRITINGS AND GENIU S. BY OWEN RUFFHEAD, Esq. LONDON: Printed for C. BATHURST, H. WOODFALL, W. STRAHAN, ADVERTISEMENT. HE following History hath been chiefly compiled from original manuscripts, which the writer had the honour to be entrusted with by the reverend and learned prelate, the Bishop of Gloucester, the intimate friend of Mr. РОРЕ. As a compofition of this nature ought to be compleat in itself, without reference to any other work, the reader will, nevertheless, unavoidably meet with some repetitions of matter, which is already perhaps familiar to him. In those instances, where the writer hath been, indebted to others, more especially in what he hath borrowed from the Commentary and Notes, he hath, for the moft part, followed the very words of the author, from whom the paffages are taken. As in justice to the public, he would not prefume to alter expreffions which he could not mend; fo in juftice to himself, he would not incur A 2 |