OF THE LAW OF PERSONAL PROPERTY, INTENDED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN CONVEYANCING. BY THE LATE JOSHUA WILLIAMS OF LINCOLN'S INN, ONE OF HER MAJESTY'S COUNSEL. The Fourteenth Edition BY HIS SON, T. CYPRIAN WILLIAMS OF LINCOLN'S INN, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, LL.B.; LATE LECTURER ON CONVEYANCING TO THE INCOR- PORATED LAW SOCIETY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. WILLIAMS'S CONVEYANCING STATUTES," AND Editor of WILLIAMS LONDON: SWEET AND MAXWELL, LIMITED, 3, CHANCERY LANE, Law Publishers. MEREDITH, RAY, & LITTLER, MANCHESTER ; C. F. MAXWELL, MELBOURNE & SYDNEY. PREFACE TO THE FOURTEENTH EDITION. IN preparing the present edition, the editor has ventured to work with a free hand. While following the main design of the original book, he has not scrupled to re-write, to add or to excise, wherever he has judged it expedient to do so; with the result that the book now contains a very large proportion of his own work. The main additions relate to the ownership of goods, and its history, and to the possession and alienation of goods, and the title thereto; and it is hoped that the consideration of these subjects at greater length than before will be justified by their importance. In other respects, the editor has done his utmost to restore the simplicity and brevity, which were characteristic of the original text; and that he has not been altogether unsuccessful in the direction of brevity, is shown by the fact that, although the additional matter amounts to more than fifty pages, the whole book is shorter by fourteen pages than the previous edition. Nor does this fairly represent the whole gain; for a large amount of statute law now printed in type uniform with the rest of the text, |