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The invest himself with all the attributes of sovereign power.

largest, and most heavily laden. sepoys followed on both sides of the river. At one point, fourteen officers and men While the siege of Cawnpoor had been landed to charge the dastardly cowards, going on, the advance of reinforcements to who fled before them; but, following the the relief of the garrison had been arrested pursuit too far, the little band was cut off by the mutinies at Benares and Allahabad. from the river; and twelve of them ulti- These were put down, and order restored, mately took shelter in a temple, where they by the prompt and effective measures of kept a body of insurgents, who had tracked Colonel Neill; but before any troops could them, at bay, till they put heaps of wood be dispatched, Brigadier-general Havelock round the place, to which they set fire. arrived at Allahabad, having been sent by Compelled to leave or be suffocated, seven Lord Canning to take the command in the (all that then remained) dashed through Cawnpoor and Oude districts, directly after the smoke-five of them reaching the river; his reaching Calcutta from Persia. He lost two were shot. Of those five, one lost his no time in advancing to Cawnpoor, not life as he was floating down the stream; having more than 2,000 men under his the other four-Lieutenants Mowbray, command. With this small force he deThomson, and Delafosse; and Sullivan, of feated the rebels on the 12th of July, about the artillery-reached the shore, and gave four miles from Futteypore (a town seventy themselves up to a friendly Oude rajah, miles north-west of Allahabad, and fifty who ultimately enabled them to rejoin a south-east of Cawnpoor); and again on party of British troops. The unfortunates the 14th of July, at Aoung, a small village in the boat which the fourteen Englishmen six miles from Futteypore, where they had left, were pursued by other boats under the Nana's orders, and taken on the second day, after a short struggle. In that boat there were sixty men, twenty-five women, and four children. They were conveyed to Cawnpoor, where the men were shot, and the women and children put in confinement with the others; the total number then being about 150.

had intrenched themselves. There was a second engagement the same day, in which Major Renaud was killed; the total loss, in both encounters, being twenty-five in killed and wounded. On the evening of the 15th, the detestable miscreant, Nana Sahib, hearing of these defeats, had all the prisoners, male and female, in his possession, barbarously murdered! His ruffians Nana followed up these atrocities by apt villains to do his bidding-assaulted assuming the post and dignities of an in- the English ladies confined, as already dependent rajah; and, no doubt, he cal- stated, in a brick building in his camp, culated upon re-establishing a Mahratta" with every kind of weapon, from the government at Cawnpoor. He had salutes bayonet to the butcher's knife, from the fired for himself, as sovereign; for his battle-axe to the club. They cut off their brother (Balla Sahib), as governor-general; breasts, they lopped off their limbs, they and for Jowalla Pershad, as commander-in- beat them down with clubs, they trampled chief. He also published a proclamation, on them with their feet; their children announcing the end of British rule in India; stating, that they were defeated on all sides, and that the king of Egypt had declared war upon them, whilst he himself was prepared to drive them from the country. He broke up his camp a few days after his treachery to the garrison, and repaired to Bithoor, where additional salutes were fired; and he appeared to

and put into his house, near the church at Cawnpoor, along with his wife. "The girl," continues the deposition," remained till nightfall; and when he came home drunk, and fell asleep, she took a sword, and cut off his head, his mother's head. two children's heads, and his wife's, and then walked out into the night air. When she saw other sowars, she said, ' Go inside, and see how nicely I've tubbed the rissaldar's feet.' They went inside, and

they tossed upon bayonets: blood flowed like water; but they were not glutted, nor did they quit the building till they were satisfied that not a living soul remained behind them."+ Nana then, at the head of 7,000 men, prepared to oppose the advance of Brigadier Havelock into Cawnpoor. He was signally defeated on the 17th, and fled to Bithoor, having blown up the magafound all of them dead. She then jumped into a well, and was killed. From fear of what this girl had done, none of the rebels would have anything to say to the English women, whom Nana at first proposed to give to the soldiers."-We think this story, if it has truth for its foundation, is greatly exaggerated. * Narratives of Lieutenants Mowbray, Thomson, and Delafosse.

†The Red Pamphlet; Part II.

zine. After the battle, the troops encamped, and then the officers went in search of survivors. Terrible was the shock when they came upon the charnel-house where the massacre of the 15th had been committed. "It was a flat-roofed building containing two rooms, with a courtyard between, in the manner of native houses. The floor of the inner room was found two inches deep in blood; it came over the men's shoes as they stepped. Ladies' hair, back-combs, parts of religious books, children's shoes, hats, bonnets, lay scattered about the room; there were marks of sword-cuts on the walls low down, as if the women had been struck at as they crouched. From the well at the back of the house, the naked bodies, limb separated from limb, protruded out. It was a sight sickening, heartrending, maddening. It had a terrible effect on our soldiers; and those who had glanced upon death in every form, could not look down that well a second time. Christian men, who had hitherto spared a flying foe, came out, bearing a portion of a dress, or some such relic in their hands, and declaring that, whenever they might feel disposed for mercy, they would look upon that, and steel their hearts."*

From that time, all that has been known of the wretch Nana is veiled in uncertainty. He appears, on reaching Bithoor, to have set fire to his palace, and blown up his magazine, and then fled into Oude; for when General Havelock and his force arrived there, after a march over a very difficult country, on the 19th of July, he found all desolate and deserted. There is reason to believe that Nana subsequently returned, re-fortified his palace, and was again defeated; but the interest which attached to his movements was now directed to Lucknow; and some reports ascribe to him the direction of events in Oude. It was to that quarter that the attention of Havelock was now especially directed.

Lucknow, the capital of Oude, is situated on the right, or south-west side of the Ghoomtee, distant 610 miles from Calcutta, 128 from Allahabad, and 53 from Cawnpoor. All the principal buildings of the city, and the British residency, were on the river's bank. The latter was a large

The Red Pamphlet; Part II.
"The Garden of the Lady Alum," or Beauty of

the World.

Journal of the Siege of Lucknow; by Captain

R. P. Anderson.

inclosure, situated on higher ground than the rest of the town, which it may be said to have commanded. It contained the house of the resident, those of the civil and military officers attached, all the necessary out. buildings, and many vaults, running underground to a considerable extent. To the west, between 800 and 900 yards from the residency, was a strong turreted, castellated fort, called the Muchee Bawn. The city lies to the south of the residency; and the cantonments on the other side of the Ghoomtee, to the north-east. Four miles from the residency, on the Cawnpoor road, is the Alumbagh,† formerly a winter palace of the king of Oude, now a stronglyfortified post.-It had always been the custom in the East, to preserve the Europeans as much as possible from exposure, as less able to endure the climate than the natives; hence the latter were, at every station, entrusted with the charge of the most important buildings. This was the case at Lucknow; but, after the mutiny of the 7th irregulars in May, Sir Henry Lawrence removed the magazine stores, before in the charge of the sepoys, to the Muchee Bawn, and placed that fort entirely in the hands of Europeans. The treasury was not taken absolutely out of the hands of the sepoys; but six guns were placed so that, at the first alarm, they could be brought to bear upon them. "Earthworks and defences were also thrown up; and, as far as time and circumstances would permit, the whole position was strengthened by batteries, ditches, and stockades: besides this, ammunition was collected, guns were brought in, and last, not least, grain in vast abundance was stored within the intrenchments." About the 24th of May, in consequence of rumours of the bad spirit prevalent in the native troops, all the ladies and their families, the sick, and the wives and families of the European soldiers, were removed to the residency; and it was made the place of general rendezvous in the event of a rise. At the same time, all the civilians were embodied as special constables, and took night duty. On the 30th, at 9 P.M., the 13th, 48th, and 71st native regiments in the cantonments mu tinied. When they assembled in open revolt, the Europeans opened a fire upon them from some artillery, and a few were killed: two officers were also shot; and the officers' bungalows and the bazaars were plundered and burnt. The rebels made for



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