With MORNING and EVENING PRAYERS, ADDRESS FROM A CLERGYMAN TO HIS PARISHIONERS. By R. VALPY, D.D., F.A.S. CONTENTS: Of God-The Son of God-The Holy Ghost-The Trinity-Read the Scriptures-The Incarnation of Jesus Christ -The Doctrines of Jesus Christ-The Resurrection-Redemption-Justification-Faith-Works-Works without Faith-Faith without Works-Union of Faith and Works--Merit and Reward -Humility-The Influence of the Holy Spirit-RepentanceRegeneration, Renewal, Conversion-Delay of Conversion-Our Endeavors-Predestination, Free Will-Of Prayer-Public Worship-Family Prayer-The Sacrament of the Lord's SupperForgiveness of Injuries-Veneration to the Name of GodRelative Duties-Exhortation to Piety-Prospect in Life-Use of Time-Death. INTERESTING PRESENT. Just completed, in 4 vols. foolscap 8vo. price 20s. neatly bound in cloth, THE ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS, (With KELLY'S ILLUSTRATIONS;) Consisting of One Thousand and One Stories. A New Edition, illustrated by 24 beautifully-finished plates, from Original Designs, by T. Kelly; forming the cheapest and most elegant edition of this very popular work that has yet appeared. PUBLISHED BY SMITH, ELDER, AND CO., CORNHILL. 0 Preparing for early publication by MR. VALPY, A NEW AND ILLUSTRATED EDITION SWIFT'S OF WORKS: WITH A LIFE AND NOTES, BY THE REV. G. CROLY, LL. D. To be published in ten monthly volumes, uniform with Byron, Pope, Shakspeare, &c. |