The grave sir Gilbert holds it for a rule, 'God cannot love,' says Blunt, with tearless eyes, 105 109 Yet, to be just to these poor men of pelf, Each does but hate his neighbor as himself: Damn'd to the mines, an equal fate betides The slave that digs it and the slave that hides. B. Who suffer thus, mere charity should own, Must act on motives powerful, though unknown. P. Some war, some plague, or famine they foresee, you and me. 116 Some revelation hid from 120 105 But the good bishop. In the folio edition of 1735, this had been sir Robert Sutton; but Warburton, to whom Sutton had been an early patron, and given the living of Broadbroughton, prevailed on Pope to erase the name. The imaginary bishop then took his place. It was the foolish fashion of the time to ridicule church dignitaries indiscriminately; and Pope could scarcely be expected to exhibit his wisdom at the expense of his prejudices. 118 To live on venison. In the extravagance and luxury of the South-sea year, the price of a haunch of venison was from three to five pounds.-Pope. 125 Wise Peter sees the world's respect for gold, And therefore hopes this nation may be sold. Glorious ambition! Peter, swell thy store, And be what Rome's great Didius was before. The crown of Poland, venal twice an age, To just three millions stinted modest Gage: But nobler scenes Maria's dreams unfold; Hereditary realms, and worlds of gold. Congenial souls! whose life one avarice joins, And one fate buries in the Asturian mines. Much-injured Blunt! why bears he Britain's hate? A wizard told him in these words our fate : 130 123 Wise Peter. Peter Walter, a person not only eminent in the wisdom of his profession, as a dexterous attorney, but allowed to be a good, if not a safe conveyancer; extremely respected by the nobility of this land, though free from all manner of luxury and ostentation. His wealth was never seen, and his bounty never heard of, except to his own son, for whom he procured an employment of considerable profit, of which he gave him as much as was necessary. He purchased Stalbridge-park, near Sherborne, a seat of the Boyle family, now in possession of the earl of Uxbridge, where he lived many years. He was a neighbor of Henry Fielding, who lived at East Stour, about four miles distant; and was supposed to be the character described by him in Tom Jones, the important Peter Pounce.-Pope. 126 Rome's great Didius. A Roman lawyer, so rich as to purchase the empire when it was set to sale on the death of Pertinax.-Pope. 127 The crown of Poland, &c. The two persons here mentioned, Mr. Gage, and lady Mary Herbert, daughter of William, marquis of Powis, in the Mississippi despised to realise above £300,000; the gentleman with a view to the purchase of the crown of Poland, the lady on a vision of the like royal nature.-Pope. 129 Maria's dreams. Lady Mary Herbert, daughter of Wil. liam, marquis of Powis.-Pope. 133 Much-injured Blunt. Sir John Blunt, originally a scrivener, 'At length, corruption, like a general flood, 135 140 And France revenged on Anne's and Edward's arms!' 'Twas no court badge, great scrivener! fired thy brain, Nor lordly luxury, nor city gain: No, 'twas thy righteous end, ashamed to see 145 151 Less mad the wildest whimsey we can frame, 155 Hear then the truth:-"Tis Heaven each pas sion sends, And different men directs to different ends. 160 was one of the first projectors of the South-sea company, and afterwards one of the directors and chief managers of the famous scheme in 1720. He was also one of those who suffered most severely by the bill of pains and penalties on the said directors.-Pope. Extremes in nature equal good produce; Extremes in man concur to general use.' Ask me what makes one keep and one bestow? 170 180 Old Cotta shamed his fortune and his birth, Yet was not Cotta void of wit or worth. What though, the use of barbarous spits forgot, His kitchen vied in coolness with his grot? His court with nettles, moats with cresses stored, With soups unbought and salads bless'd his board? If Cotta lived on pulse, it was no more Than bramins, saints, and sages did before. To cram the rich was prodigal expense, 185 And who would take the poor from Providence? Like some lone Chartreux stands the good old hall, Silence without, and fasts within the wall: 173 This year a reservoir. A quaint idea borrowed from old Fuller, in his Church History.' No rafter'd roofs with dance and tabor sound; Not so his son; he mark'd this oversight, 190 196 200 205 What slaughter'd hecatombs, what floods of wine, After ver. 218, in the Ms. Where one lean herring furnish'd Cotta's board, |