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there may be a thousand born capable of making as great generals and ministers of state as any in story.' Here is a statesman's opinion of poetry; it is honorable to him and the art. Such a poet of a thousand years was Pope. A thousand years will roll away before such another can be hoped for in literature.

"He was adored by his friends-friends of the most opposite dispositions, ages, and talents, by the old and wayward Wycherly, by the cynical Swift, the rough Atterbury, the gentle Spence, the stern attorney-bishop Warburton, the virtuous Berkeley, and the 'cankered Bolingbroke.' Bolingbroke wept over him like a child; and Spence's description of his last moments is at least as edifying as the more ostentatious account of the death-bed of Addison. The soldier Peterborough and the poet Gay, the witty Congreve and the laughing Rowe, the eccentric Cromwell and the steady Bathurst, were all his inmates."


"It is surely superfluous to answer the question that has once been asked, whether Pope was a poet? otherwise than by asking in return, if Pope be not a poet, where is poetry to be found? Let us look round on the present time, and back on the past; let us inquire to whom the voice of mankind has decreed the wreath of poetry; let their productions be examined, and their claims stated; and the pretensions of Pope will be no more disputed. A thousand years may elapse before there shall appear another man with his power of versification."

'We rejoice to see the Bard of Twickenham' in his present attractive and popular form. We do not know that the editing of Pope could have been placed in better hands than those of Dr. Croly. To a perspicuous and manly style, he adds an intimate acquaintance with the genius and literature of poetry. The annotations and criticisms on the poems are judicious, and aid the reading of the text materially. The memoir is discriminative and impartial, and does justice both to the poet and the


The illustrations are of a superior order: the getting-up of the work is perfect, and it will form a worthy companion to the illustrated series which have preceded it.'-Monthly Magazine.

This is a handsome work. Dr. Croly has written an agreeable memoir: the narrative is consistent and clear; there is some force and discrimination, both in character and criticism; nor is there any want of relish for either the beauties or peculiarities of the poet. But it is not by a new memoir alone that this edition courts our notice as critics; there are notices and notes to each poem. To trace the history of every piece-intimate where he found inspiration in others, or saw with his own eyes, or versified, as he did in many instances, the passing events of polite

life is a labor worthy of such an editor as Croly. That he will perform all this well, we have little doubt: his notes on the poems in the first volume, more particularly on the Essay on Man,' are both numerous and valuable.'-Athenæum.

We have here the commencement of a neat and valuable copy of Pope's works. Of Dr. Croly's fitness for the task he has undertaken there can be but one opinion. Himself a scholar, a critic, and a poet, we have a right to anticipate all the illustration of which the author is now susceptible; and what is done in the first volume fairly fulfils this expectation. The memoir, though excessively severe on Warburton, is well put together, and contains many just remarks; while it lucidly states all that is necessary to be known of the individual and his productions, without attempting any new field of inquiry. The embellishments are very appropriate.' - Literary Gazette.

This edition bids fair to rank among its fellows fairly and honorably.'-John Bull.

There are occasional passages in the life of deep and eloquent remark. The edition is very elegantly prepared.' - Examiner.

'Dr. Croly could not have selected a more elevated subject than the entire vindication of Pope, whose memory has not yet labored out of the purgatorial calumnies and sneers heaped on it by the ignorance or ill-nature of nearly a century. He has done both literature and morals an essential service in boldly and politely sweeping away the cobwebs and rubbish which had gathered round Pope's imperishable monument.'-Manchester Advertiser.

This edition deserves to be well received by the public. It is beautiful and correct; and the critical notes upon the poems are written in a candid and impartial spirit, and evince much sound critical discernment. Dr. Croly has executed this part of his task with judgment and ability. We know of none, indeed, in the present age so able to illustrate the peculiar excellences of Pope. The life prefixed to the volume is elegantly written. Though brief, it combines all that is known of the poet; and in many places the bard is ably vindicated from the misrepresentations of former biographers; and, amongst others, those of Dr. Johnson.'-Sunderland Herald.

'Excepting Shakspeare, there is, perhaps, no author who has supplied so many standard quotations as Pope. He has been so much a favorite with the compilers of Speakers, Readers, Poetical Preceptors, &c., that there is not one person in a hundred, of those who have had a better education than is given at charity schools, who is not familiar with many passages in his writings; and yet of those who have admired the extracts, comparatively few have read his works.'-Sheffield Independent.

The illustrations are of the superior order; and the gettingup and general appearance of the volume render it one of the handsomest, as it ought to be one of the most acceptable works of the present day.'-Perthshire Courier.

'It is, in every respect, the most beautiful edition of Pope which we have yet seen. The memoir and the notes are well written, and highly interesting.'-Glasgow Courier.

The plates which adorn the volume are exceedingly well designed and skilfully engraved; and the edition is altogether admirably got up.'-Taunton Courier.

This edition is greatly enhanced in value by the talents of its editor, whose annotations form a delightful appendage to the text, and whose biography of Pope is also a very satisfactory and well-selected sketch from the numerous and contradictory statements that have been given to the world by the friends and foes of this great moral poet.'-Brighton Herald.

The memoir and notes are written in a manner calculated to give it that character which must gain it a passport into almost every library. Its beauty, cheapness, and size, are strong recommendations, and the engravings are executed in the best style of the art.' Stockport Advertiser.

'The genius of Dr. Croly enables him to revive the oldest and most familiar works with a phœnix-like freshness, and he has done so in the present instance. The memoir of the poet, which precedes the poems, is written in an impartial and entertaining, yet vigorous style, while the notes form a valuable aid in the just reading of the author. Dr. Croly is an admirable critic, and can dissect poetry in a masterly manner. Few libraries, we imagine, will ever be found so deficient as to be without Pope's works, and in no form can we so strongly recommend them as that in which Mr. Valpy has sent them forth. They combine valuable literary information, beauty of typography and illustrations, and great economy.'-Bucks Gazette.

'The taste of the day, which encourages the reprint of standard works in a manner which combines so much elegance with economy, is not likely, we should conceive, to overlook the merits of this enterprise, even amid a host of competitors.'- Greenock Advertiser.

We are glad to observe the appearance of this beautiful edition of Pope's Works. The engravings are executed in a high style of excellence. There is, however, an attraction which we have not yet mentioned; it is, the Memoir, by that delightful poet and eminent divine, the Rev. Dr. Croly. We need hardly add, that the execution is worthy both of the biographer and his subject.'-Berkshire Chronicle.

In 15 Volumes, 5s. each, uniformly with BYRON, POPE, and VALPY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND,






This edition, which has experienced the most favorable reception during the course of publication, may now be had complete, in fifteen volumes, price £3. 15s. The Plates may be purchased separately in one volume, handsomely bound for the Drawing-Room, or for illustrating other editions, £1. 11s. 6d. Single engravings at 1s. each.

The distinguishing features of this edition are the text of MALONE; GLOSSARIAL NOTES on all obsolete words; and an HISTORICAL DIGEST and ARGUMENT prefixed to each Play.

The work is embellished with ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ILLUSTRATIONs, executed on steel in the first style of outline engraving, from the Plates in BOYDELL'S SHAKSPEARE, originally published at £95, and large paper at £190.

The attention of the youthful reader is directed to the most striking and brilliant passages by the INDEX, which forms a complete reference to the BEAUTIES OF SHAKSPEARE.

For the accommodation of NEW SUBSCRIBERS, the Publisher will deliver the work monthly, commencing at any time with the first volume.


'It is our duty to join the voice of the public press, which is unanimous in commendation of this most useful and elegant edition. Nothing evinces more pointedly the high refinement to which civilisation has attained amongst us, than the production of a work like this. As a cheap, well printed, and elegantly illustrated edition, the present one has no other that can come in competition with it. The succinct yet appropriate remarks that preface each play, add greatly to the value of the publication. The greatest praise that we can give to the now completed undertaking, is to say, that the most popular of our poets is produced to the world in a manner that is likely to become most popular.' - Metropolitan Magazine.

'Among the numerous editions of celebrated authors which have lately been introduced to the public in an illustrated form, we know of none more deserving, or likely to become popular, than the one before us. Though all Boydell's plates are not equally excellent, nevertheless the effect is almost invariably good. The typography is so beautiful, and the paper and manner of getting up so excellent, that this must be considered the cheapest and best edition of the bard of Avon extant. These united claims to patronage cannot be resisted; and we are certain that the work will find its way into the boudoir of every lady, and the library of every gentleman; at least, if it does not, it ought.'-Monthly Magazine.

An admirable idea, and capitally put in execution. The outline engravings abound, and are excellently done; type good, size convenient, price next to nothing, the subject Shakspeare.' If this combination do not attract, there is neither taste nor patriotism in England.' - United Service Journal.

The typography is neat and clear; and the text we assume to be correct, from the name of the editor.'-Spectator.

'The publications which it becomes a duty to remark on, are those periodical works which form a new feature of the national literature, and which really and truly deserve the patronage which we are happy to say we believe them generally to obtain. One of the most valuable of these works is Mr. Valpy's beautiful edition of the Plays and Poems of Shakspeare, illustrated with elegant and graceful outlines from the best and most celebrated pictures, which were originally engraved for Boydell's expensive work-amounting to 170 in number.'-John Bull,

This bold speculation has succeeded, and the sale of the work is already as extensive as the proprietor could have hoped for. It is, indeed, a beautiful work.'-Athenaum.

Mr. Valpy has conferred a great benefit on the public by this cheap and graceful edition of the works of the 'world's first wit.' Of the style in which it is got up, we cannot speak too warmly. Its mechanical department, such as paper, print, &c., is perfect, and the addition of Boydell's well-known embellishments renders it the most finished work of the sort we have.' -Sun.

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