THE WHOLE SELECTED FROM THE DRAUGHTS OF ACTUAL PRACTICE, AND Now first published under the DIRECTION and imediate INSPECTION of THOMAS WALTER WILLIAMS, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER AT LAW. In Four Volumes. VOL. iv. LONDON: Printed by his MAJESTY'S LAW PRINTERS MDCCLXXXVIII. 79 A Conveyance of Freehold Premisses by Deeds of Leafe and Release, to a Corporation, from Perfons who had purchased the fame in Trust for fuch Corporation, by Virtue of Powers in the Act for building Blackfriars Bridge, enabling Bodies Corporate, &c. to purchase other Lands in lieu of such as the City of London should purchase under that Aft. T No. XVIII. building Blackfriars bridge re HIS Indenture, &c. between Benjamin The act for Philips, of, in the parish of —, London, cheesemonger, and Reginald Dennison, cited, of, London, gentleman, of the one part; and the Master, Wardens, and Society of the art and mystery of A, of the VOL. IV. No. XIX. 4 Y 3 city whereby corporations were to the empowered to city for the pur poses of the act. |