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equally established by Acts at subsequent periods, shall continue to be observed and maintained as if they had suffered no interruption.

V. In return for the indulgence and good treatment afforded by the Sublime Porte to English merchants, with respect to their goods and property, as well as in all matters tending to facilitate their commerce, England shall reciprocally extend every indulgence and friendly treatment to the flag, subjects, and merchants of the Sublime Porte, which may hereafter frequent the Dominions of His Britannic Majesty for the purposes of commerce.

VI. The last custom-house tarif established at Constantinople, at the ancient rate of 3 per cent. and particularly the Article relating to the interior commerce, shall continue to be observed, as they are at present regulated, and to which England promises to conform.

VII. Ambassadors from His Majesty the King of Great Britain shall enjoy all the honours enjoyed by Ambassadors to the Sublime Porte from other nations; and Ambassadors from the Sublime Porte at the Court of London shall reciprocally enjoy all the honours granted to the Ambassadors from Great Britain.

VIII. Consuls (Shahbenders) may be appointed at Malta, and in the Dominions of His Britannic Majesty where it shall be necessary to manage and superintend the affairs and interests of merchants of the Sublime Porte, and similar privileges and immunities to those granted to English Consuls resi

Actes à des époques subséquentes, doivent être observés et maintenus comme par le passé comme s'ils n'avaient souffert aucune interruption.

V. En vertu du bon traitement et de la faveur accordée par la Sublime Porte aux négocians Anglais, à l'égard de leurs marchandises et propriétés, et par rapport à tout ce dont leurs vaisseaux ont besoin, ainsi que dans tous les objets tendant à faciliter leur commerce, l'Angleterre accordera réciproquement sa pleine faveur et un traitement amical aux pavillons, sujets et négocians de la Sublime Porte, qui dorénavant fréquenteront les Etats de Sa Majesté Britannique pour y exercer le com


VI. Le tarif de la douane qui a été fixé à Constantinople en dernier lieu sur l'ancien taux de 3 pour cent, et spécialement l' Article qui regarde le commerce intérieur, seront observés pour toujours, ainsi qu'ils ont été réglés: c'est à quoi l'Angleterre promet de se conformer.

VII. Les Ambassadeurs de Sa Majesté le Roi de la Grande Bretagne jouiront pleinement des honneurs dont jouissent les Ambassadeurs des autres nations près la Sublime Porte, et réciproquement les Ambassadeurs de la Sublime Porte près la Cour de Londres, jouiront pleinement de tous les honneurs qui seront accordés aux Ambassadeurs de la Grande Bretagne.

VIII. Il sera permis de nommer des Shahbenders (Consuls) à Malte, et dans les Etats de Sa Majesté Britannique, où il sera nécessaire pour gérer et inspecter les affaires et les intérêts des négocians de la Sublime Porte, et les mêmes traitemens et immunités qui sont pratiqués envers

dent in the Ottoman Dominions, shall be duly afforded to the "Shahbenders" of the Sublime Porte.

IX. English Ambassadors and Consuls may supply themselves, according to custom, with such Dragomen as they shall stand in need of, but as it has already been mutually agreed upon, that the Sublime Porte shall not grant the "Barat" of Dragoman in favour of individuals who do not execute that duty in the place of their destination, it is settled, in conformity with this principle, that in future, the "Barat" shall not be granted to any person of the class of tradesmen or bankers, nor to any shopkeeper or manufacturer in the public markets or to one who is engaged in any matters of this description; nor shall English Consuls be named from among the subjects of the Sublime Porte.

X. English patents of protection shall not be granted to dependants, or merchants who are subjects of the Sublime Porte, nor shall any passport be delivered to such persons, on the part of Ambassadors or Consuls, without permission previously obtained from the Sublime Porte.

XI. As ships of war have at all times been prohibited from entering the canal of Constantinople, viz. in the straits of the Dardanelles and of the Black Sea; and as this ancient regulation of the Ottoman Empire is in future to be observed by every Power in time of Peace, the Court of Great Britain promises on its part to conform to this principle.

les Consuls d'Angleterre résidans dans les Etats Ottomans, seront exactement observés envers les Shahbenders de la Sublime Porte.

IX. Les Ambassadeurs et Consuls d'Angleterre pourront selon l'usage se servir des Dragomans dont ils ont besoin : mais comme il a été arrêté ci-devant d'un commun accord que la Sublime Porte n'accordera pas de "Barat" de Dragoman en faveur d'individus qui n'exerceront point cette fonction dans le lieu de leur destination, il est convenu, conformément à ce principe, que dorénavant il ne sera accordé de "Barať" à personne de la classe des artisans et banquiers, ni à quiconque tiendra de boutique et de fabrique dans les marchés publics, ou qui prêtera la main aux affaires de cette nature; et il ne sera nommé non plus des Consuls Anglois d'entre les sujets de la Sublime Porte.

X. La patente de protection Angloise ne sera accordée à personne d'entre les dépendans et négocians sujets de la Sublime Porte, et il ne sera livré à ceux-ci aucen Passeport* de la part des Ambassadeurs ou Consuls sans la permission préalable de la Sublime Porte.

XI. Comme il a été de tout tems défendu aux vaisseaux de guerre d'entrer dans le canal de Constantinople, savoir dans le détroit des Dardanelles, et dans celui de la Mer Noire; et comme cette ancienne régle de l'Empire Ottoman doit être de même observé dorénavant en tems de paix vis-à vis de toute Puissance quelconque, la Cour Britannique promet aussi de se conformer à ce principe.

* Passeport de protection.

XII. The ratifications of the present Treaty of Peace between the high Contracting Parties shall be exchanged at Constantinople in the space of ninetyone days from the date of this Treaty, or sooner if possible. In faith of which, and in order that the ratification of the twelve Articles of this Treaty (which has been happily concluded, by the assistance of God, and in the sincerity and good faith of the Two Parties) may be exchanged; I, Plenipotentiary of the Sublime Porte, have, in virtue of my Full-Powers, signed and sealed this instrument, which I have delivered to the Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty, in exchange for another Instrument exactly conformable thereto written in the French language, with a translation thereof, which has been delivered to me on his part, agreeably to his full Powers.

Done near the Castles of the Dardanelles, the 5th of January, 1809, which corresponds with the year of the Hegira 1223, the 19th day of the Moon Zilkaade.



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XII. Les ratifications du présent Traité de Paix entre les hautes Parties Contractantes seront échangées à Constantinople dans l'espace de quatre vingt onze jours, depuis la date du présent Traité, ou plutôt si faire se pourra. En foi de quoi, et afin que la ratification des douze Articles de ce Traité qui vient d'être heureusement conclu avec l'assistance de Dieu, et en vertu de la sincérité et loyauté des deux Parties puissent être échangées; Moi, Plenipotentiaire de la Sublime Porte, ai en vertu de mes Pleins-pouvoirs, signé et cacheté cet Instrument, lequel j'ai remis au Plénipotentiaire Anglois, en échange contre un autre Instrument tout à fait conforme, écrit en langue Françoise, avec sa traduction, qui m'a été remis de sa part, conformément à ses Pleinspouvoirs.

Fait près des Châteaux des Dardanelles, le 5 Janvier, 1809, qui correspond à l'an de l'Hegire 1223, le 19 de la Lune Zilkaade.


(Signé) ROBERT ADAIR, (L.S.)


APPENDIX No. II.-Page 3.


At the Court at Windsor, the 12th day of December 1873.


The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS Her Majesty the Queen has power and jurisdiction within the dominions of the Sublime Ottoman Porte:

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts or otherwise in Her vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:


1. This Order shall commence and have effect from and immediately after the 31st of December 1873.

2. The Orders and Rules described in the first Schedule to this Order are hereby repealed.

But this repeal shall not affect the past operation of those Orders or Rules, or any of them; nor shall this repeal affect any appointment or deputation made under any of those Orders; and every such appointment and deputation shall continue and be as if this Order had not been made, being nevertheless liable to be revoked, altered, or otherwise dealt with under this Order, as if it had been made under this Order; nor shall this repeal affect any right, title, obligation, or liability accrued, or the validity or invalidity of any thing done under those Orders or Rules, or any of them; nor shall this repeal interfere with the institution or prosecution of any proceeding in respect of any offence committed against, or any penalty or forfeiture incurred under, any of those Orders or Rules.

3. Pending proceedings shall be regulated by this Order, as far as the nature and circumstances of each case admit.

4. In this Order

"the Secretary of State" means one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State;

"the Ottoman dominions" means the dominions of the Sublime Ottoman Porte;

"Consular Officer" means a Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of Her Majesty resident in the Ottoman dominions including a person acting temporarily, with the approval of the Secretary of State, as or for a Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of Her Majesty so resident;

"commissioned Consular Officer" means a Consular Officer not being merely a Consular Agent, and holding a commission of Consul-General, Consul, or Vice-Consul from Her Majesty, including a person acting temporarily, with the approval of the Secretary of State, as or for such a commissioned Consular Officer;

66 uncommissioned Consular Officer" means a Consular Officer not holding such a commission, including a person acting temporarily, with the approval of the Secretary of State, as or for such an uncommissioned Consular Officer; "subject" means a subject of Her Majesty by birth or by naturalization; "resident" means having a fixed place of abode in the Ottoman dominions; "native Indian subject" means a native of India as defined in the Act of Parliament of 1858, "for the better government of India," not of European descent;

"a protected person" means a person enjoying Her Majesty's protection; "Ottoman subject" means a subject of the Sublime Ottoman Porte;

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foreigner" means a subject or citizen of a State in amity with Her Majesty, other than the Sublime Ottoman Porte;

"month" means calendar month;

"pounds" means pounds sterling;

"will" means will, codicil, or other testamentary instrument;

"Office copy" means a copy either made under direction of the Court, or produced to the proper officer of the Court for examination with the original, and examined by him therewith, and in either case sealed with the seal of the Court, as evidence of correctness;

"oath and affidavit," and words referring thereto, or to swearing, may be construed to include affirmation and declaration, and to refer thereto, or to the making of an affirmation or declaration, where an affirmation or declaration is admissible in lieu of an oath or affidavit;

"proved" means shown by evidence on oath in the form of affidavit, or other form, to the satisfaction of the Court of Consular officer acting or having jurisdiction in the matter;

"proof" means the evidence adduced in that behalf;

words importing the plural or the singular may be construed as referring to one person or thing, or to more than one person or thing, and words importing the masculine as referring to females (as the case may require).

For the purposes of this Order the district of the Consulate-General of Constantinople shall be deemed to consist of, and comprise the districts of, the following Consulates and Vice-Consulates, namely:











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