LAW BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER, 67, CHANCERY LANE; AND HODGES AND SMITH, DUBLIN. 1841. BIBL CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXII. Court of Chancery, 1, 49, 120, 241, 376 Copyhold Commutation and Enfranchise- Progress of Law Reform, 17, 385 Punishment of Death, effect of, 356 Secondary Punishment, 440 Offences in England and Wales, 280 243 LIST OF PUBLIC ACтs, 6, 52, 68, 100, 129 162, 197, 210, 227, 245, 261, 293, 310 LIST OF LOCAL AND PERSONAL ACTS, 278, LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS, 315, 361 Removal of Courts from Westminster, 3, PROGRESS OF LAW BILLS IN PARLIAMENT: 34, 55, 69, 122 Abolition of Lease for a Year, 23, 33, 69, Results of the Session, 65, 161 Effect of partial repeal of Usury Laws, 353 see end of each No. during the Session. PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES RELATING TO New Equity Courts, 1, 81 Petersdorff's New Abridgment, 35 Crisp's Attorney's Pocket Book, 198 Rouse's Copyhold Act and Practice, 243 Practical Man, 4th Edition, 264 Maugham's Outlines of Law, 292, 395 Macpherson's Law of Infants, 311 Collins on the Stamp Laws, 329 Protection of Purchasers-Bankruptcy, Lord Denman's Act as to Costs, 404 3 & 4 W. 4, (c. 42, s. 23,) 339 4 Vict. c. 22; 4 & 5 Vict. (c. 28,) 290 THE LAW RELATING TO ABSTracts of Title, 337, PROPERTY LAWYER AND CONVEYANCING: Illegitimacy, 67 Distribution of Intestate's Estate, 101, 214 Limitation to Separate Use, 202, 220 Separate Estate of Married Woman, 465 Choses in action of Wife, 231 Searches for Judgments after 1st August, Judgments affecting Real Estates, 202, 409 Purchase of Stock-Dividends, 309, 324 Charges by Ecclesiastical Persons, 417 Vendor and Purchaser; Conveyance, 100 |