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duty, and particularly borrowed ones, should be watched over with a jealous eye, and a daily roll-call be instituted. Prints too, and drawings, are a source of constant amusement when neatly kept; but it is a melancholy truth, that not one person in a hundred is qualified to turn over a valuable portfolio. Try the first guest that comes in your way; place the folio or quarto on a table before him, and you will observe his right hand lying on his knee, the left alone is put in action, and turns over the leaves close to the hinge of the binding, to the constant danger of chipping and tearing the edges of the stiff paper. Were books printed in the Arabian fashion, from right to left, and read backwards, the left hand would be the proper officer to suddenly called away from your studies, are customs too unlike a gentlewoman to require notice.

employ; but according to our method of arranging words and figures, the right hand can alone be deputed to execute the trust with safety; and this must be placed ready to turn over the leaves at the top right hand, or north-east corner of the page.


If you are to go a journey, think in due time of all the articles necessary for your comfort, without being superfluous; and let them be neatly packed up, so as to avoid loading the carriage with illcontrived bundles, bags, or boxes. Nothing is so disagreeable as a carriage filled with loose parcels, and the very utmost that a young person can be allowed in the inside of it, is a writing portfolio, a work box or bag, a book in

As we are

her hand, and a parasol. now arrived at the article of packing up, it will, perhaps, be expected that Theresa too should take her leave, a ceremony she is by no means unwilling to perform, being aware that a short visit is more likely to be acceptable than a long one; and should any jealous critic suggest articles proper for discussion, which have here escaped observation, she will gladly leave the subject in his hands, hoping, that when the right spirit is awakened in the minds of her young friends, they will remember and apply in every possible instance, these hints of their most anxious wellwisher,






THERESA Tidy cannot permit a Sixteenth Edition of the Eighteen Mxims to make its appearance, without repeating her expressions of obligation for the candid reception which that little manual has met with from her young friends, as well as her hope, that the subject has become less irksome to them, than as represented to have been by the breakfast party of her acquaintance, mentioned in the Introduction, and that they have already culled a larger portion of leisure and comfort, than they could have thought possible, from the sole interposition of order and

arrangement. In addition to the Maxims already given, Theresa ventures to add only two or three hints.

After the first duties of the day have been performed, consider what are the circumstances and occupations which particularly demand your attention, and not only prepare to fulfil your own part, but make your appointments, and give orders to others with precision. This is a rule never omitted by the wise mistress of a family; and till her children have learned the same lesson, they will imagine that the dinner will appear upon the table, the horses come to the door, the farm furnish its supplies, the garden its luxuries, and the bills be paid, by the touch of a fairy's wand.

And here it may be remarked, that it is no uncommon error for diligent and active-minded persons to undertake more

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