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and as a striking proof of the extent of the evil, I shall quote a few paragraphs from a sermon of this era, a species of eloquence in which it. will readily be granted that it ought least to have appeared.

"Here I have undertaken one who hath overtaken many, a Machiavillian (or rather a matchless villain), one that professeth himself to be a friend, when indeed he is a fiend.-His greatest amity is but dissembled enmity.-His Ave threatens, a va; and therefore listen not to his treacherous Ave, but hearken unto Solomon's Cave; and though he speaketh favourably, believe him not. -Though I call him but a plain flatterer (for I mean to deal very plainly with him), some compare him to a devil. If he be one, these words of Solomon are a spell to expel this devil.-Wring. not my words, to wrong my meaning; I go not about to crucifie the sons, but the sins of men.Some flatter a man for their own private benefit: -this man's heart thou hast in thy pocket; for if thou find in thy purse to give him presently,. he will find in his heart to love thee everlastingly."

* A Caution for the Credulous. By Edward Sulton, preacher, quarto, p. 44. Aberdeen printed, 1629, Edinburgh re-printed, 1696. Vide Beattie on Laughter and ludicrous Composition, p. 386.

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22. THE REV. DEANE BARTELETT. thy divine was educated at Merton College, Oxford; where, on the fifth of July, 1693, he was admitted to his degree of Master of Arts. It is generally supposed, that his intimacy with Steele commenced at this University, as Sir Richard was at that time a member of the same College. That he was the author of N° 130, in the Guardian, on the Merits of the speculative and the active Parts of Mankind, we can bring forward the authority of Steele himself to prove, who, in his Apology, after quoting two paragraphs from this paper, adds the following marginal note: "This most reasonable and amiable light in which the clergy are here placed, comes from that modest and good man, the Rev. Mr. Bartelett *."

The paper thus assigned him reflects great credit upon his abilities and good sense. The style is lucid, pure, and simply elegant; and the view which he has taken of the two classes that form the subject of his essay, and the arguments with which he supports his positions, are in a high degree rational and perspicuous.

We shall now proceed, according to the arrangement laid down at the commencement of this essay, to notice those authors who have con* Steele's Political Writings, 12mo. 1715, p. 958.

tributed merely letters, or portions of a number, to the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian.

23. THE REV. WILLIAM ASPLIN. We learn that this gentleman was a writer in the Tatler, from the dedication to a work which he published in 1728, entitled Alkibla; A Dissertation on Worshipping towards the East, &c. and which opens with the following passage: "In the brightest days of Britain, when Bickerstaff presided in the chair of wit, and o'er this happy land showered manna down which suited every taste, I had the honour, though unworthy and unknown, to be accepted as an humble correspondent*.”

Mr. Asplin was a member of Alban's-hall, Oxford; took the degree of A. M. there in 1710, and afterwards resided at Banbury. Three letters in the Tatler, two of which are dated from Hedington, a village near Oxford, and one from the University, are conjectured by the annotators to have been the productions of his pen. The first, in N° 45, is on the subject of Puppetshows; the second, in N° 71, gives a ludicrous account of the Reformation of Manners at Oxford; and the third, in N° 72, requests a decision on a wager, to which a term made use of by

*See vol. i. of this work, p. 158, where the whole of the dedication is given.

Steele, in N° 69, had given rise. The two former, which are signed Benjamin Beadlestaff, possess some humour; the latter is of no value.

24. JOHN HENLEY, notoriously known to common fame, under the appellation of Orator Henley, was the son of the Rev. Simon Henley, Vicar of Melton Mowbray, in Leicestershire, and was born in that parish on the 3d of August, 1692.

In the early part of his life he gave the promise of being an useful and ornamental member of society; he was diligent and successful in the acquisition of literature; and having attained more grammatical knowledge than is customary for a youth of seventeen, adding to the classical languages an acquaintance with Hebrew, he was removed to St. John's College, Cambridge. Here he prosecuted his studies with equal zeal and attachment; and having taken his degree of Batchelor of Arts, he was requested by the trustees of the school at Melton at first to assist in, and afterwards to assume the whole charge of that establishment. This he conducted with so much ability, as to raise it from a declining to a very flourishing state.

Shortly after his entrance upon the direction of this school, he was ordained a deacon by Dr. Wake, Bishop of Lincoln; he then took his de

gree of M. A. and in due time was admitted to priest's orders, and officiated as the curate of his native town. His life had hitherto been industrious and respectable; but he now, unhappily for himself, became inflamed with the ambition of figuring as a preacher in London. He procured many letters of recommendation; and succeeded so far as to gain the patronage of the Earl of Macclesfield, who presented him with a benefice in the country worth 80l. per annum. Not chusing, however, to reside upon this preferment, he obtained a lectureship in the city, and acquired, and maintained for some time, great popularity as a preacher. He assisted Dr. Burscough, afterwards Bishop of Limerick, in the duties of the pulpit, and received a scarf from Lord Molesworth as his chaplain.

He now flattered himself with a permanent establishment in the metropolis, and used every effort to realize his wishes. He was disappointed, however, in all his expectations; and, determined not to revisit the country, he declared that he thought it "as lawful to take a licence from the King and Parliament at one place, as another; at Hicks's-Hall as at Doctor's Commons ;" he relinquished, therefore, his benefice and lectureship, and set up an oratory in Clare

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