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peerage fhall be deemed extinct lifications in refpect of property of unlefs on default of claimants to the the members elected on the part of inheritancy of fuch peerage for the Ireland to fit in the house of comspace of one year from the death of mons of the united kingdom the perfon who fhall have been laft fhall be respectively the fame as potleffed thereof; and if no claim thall be made to the inheritance of cafes of élections for counties and are now provided by law in the fuch peerage, in fuch form and man- cities and boroughs refpectively mer as may from time to time be in that part of Great Britain called preferibed by the houfe of lords of England, unless any other provifion the united kingdom before the ex- fall hereafter be made in that repiration of the faid period of a year, fpect by act of parliament of the then and in that cafe fuch peerage united kingdom: that when his thall be deemed extinct; provided majefty, his heirs, or fuccefiors, fall that nothing herein fhall exclude declare his, her, or their pleafure, any perfon from afterwards putting for holding the firft or any fubfein a claim to the peerage fo deemed quent parliament of the united king extinct, and if fuch claim fhall be dom, a proclamation fhall illue under allowed as valid by judgement of the the great feal of the united kinghoufe of lords of the united king- dom, to caufe the lords fpiritual and dom, reported to his majefty, fuch temporal and commons who are to peerage fhall be confidered as re- ferve in the parliament thereof on vived; and in cafe any new creation of a peerage of that part of the in fuch manner as by any act of this the part of Ireland, to be returned united kingdom called Ireland fhall prefent feffion of the parliament of have taken place in the interval in Ireland thall be provided; and that confequence of the fuppofed ex- the lords fpiritual and temporal and tinction of fuch peerage, then no commons of Great Britain fhall, new right of creation fhall accrue together with the lords fpiritual and to his majefty, his heirs, or fuccef- temporal and commons fo returned fors, in confequence of the next as aforefaid on the part of Ireland, extinction which fhall take place of conftitute the two houfes of the any peerage of that part of the parliament of the united kingdom: united kingdom called Ireland: that if his majefty, on or before the that all queftions touching the elec-ft day of January, 1801, on which tion of members to fit on the part day the union is to take place, hall of Ireland in the house of commons of the united kingdom, fhall be Great Britain, that it is expedient declare, under the great feal of heard and decided in the fame man- that the lords and commons of the ner as queftions touching fuch elec- prefent parliament of Great Britain tions in Great Britain now are, or hould be the members of the reat any time hereafter fhall by law be fpective houfes of the firit partiaheard and decided, fubject never- ment of the united kingdom on thelets to fuch particular regulations part of Great Britain, then the faid on the in refpect of Ireland as from local fords and commnons of the prefent circumstances the parliament of the parliament of Great Britain thall united kingdom may from time to accordingly be the members of the time deem expedient: that the qua- refpective honfes of the firft parlia

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ment of the united kingdom on the part of Great Britain; and they, together with the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons fo fummoned and returned as above on the part of Ireland, fhall be the lords, fpiritual and temporal and commons of the first parliament of the united kingdom; and fuch first parliament may (in that cafe) if not fooner diffolved, continue to fit fo long as the prefent parliament of Great Britain may by law now continue to fit, if not fooner diffolved: provided always, that until an act shall have pafled in the parliament of the united kingdom, providing in what cafes perfons holding offices or places of profit under the crown in Ireland fhall be incapable of being members of the house of commons of the parliament of the united kingdom, no greater number of members than twenty holding fuch offices or places as aforefaid fhall be capable of fit ting in the faid houfe of commons of the parliament of the united kingdom; and if fuch a number of members fhall be returned to ferve in the faid house as to make the whole number of members of the faid houfe, holding fuch offices or places as aforefaid more than twenty, then, and in fuch cafe, the feats or places of fuch members as fhall have laft accepted fuch offices or places fhall be vacated, at the option of fuch members, fo as to reduce the number of members holding fuch offices or places to the number of twenty; and no perlon holding any fuch office or place fhall be capable of being elected, or of fitting in the faid houfe, while there are twenty perfons holding fuch of fices or places fitting in the faid houfe; and that every one of the lords of parliament of the united

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kingdom, and every member of the house of commons of the united kingdom, in the firft and all fucceeding parliaments, fall, until the parliament of the united kingdom hall otherwife provide, take the oaths, and make and fubfcribe the declaration, and take and fubfcribe the oath now by law enjoined to be taken, made, and fubfcribed by the lords and commons of the parlia ment of Great Britain: that the lords of parliament, on the part of Ireland, in the houfe of lords of the united kingdom, fhall at alf times have the fame privileges of parliament which hall belong to lords of parliament on the part of Great Britain; and the lords fpiritual and temporal respectively on the part of Ireland, hall at all times have the fame rights, in refpect of their fitting and voting upon the trial of peers, as the lords fpiritual and temporal refpectively on the part of Great Britain; and that all lords fpiritual of Ireland fhall have rank and precedency next and immediately after the lords fpiritual of the fame rank and degree of Great Britain, and fhall enjoy all privileges as fully as the lords fpiritual of Great Britain do now or may hereafter enjoy the fame; the right and privilege of fitting in the houfe of lords, and the privileges depending thereon, and particularly the right of fitting on the trial of peers, excepted; and that the perlons holding any temporal peerages of Ireland exifting at the time of the union, fall, from and after the union, have rank and precedency next and immediately after all the perfons holding peerages of the like orders and degrees in Great Britain fubfifting at the time of the union; and that all peerages of Ireland,


ereated after the union, fhall have rank and precedency with the peerages of the united kingdom fo created, according to the dates of their creations; and that all peerages, both of Great Britain and Ireland, now fubfifting, or hereafter to be created, thall, in all other refpects, from the date of the union, he confidered as peerages of the united kingdom; and that the peers of Ireland fhall, as peers of the united kingdom, be fued and tried as peers, except as aforefaid, and fhall enjoy all privileges of peers as fully as the peers of Great Britain; the right and privilege of fitting in the house of lords, and the privileges depending thereon, and the right of fitting on the trial of peers, only excepted.

Refolved, that it be the fifth artiele of union, that the churches of England and Ireland, as now by law established, be united into one proteftant epifcopal church, to be called The United Church of England and Ireland;" and that the doctrine, worship, difcipline and government of the laid united church fhall be, and fhall remain in full force for ever, as the fame are now by law eftablished for the church of England; and that the continuance and prefervation of the faid united church, as the eftablished church of England and Ireland, fhall be deemed and taken to be an effential and fundamental part of the union; and that in like manner the doctrine, worship, difcipline and government of the church of Scotland fhall remain and be preferved as the fame are now eliablitned by law, and by the acts for the union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland.

Refolved, that it be the fixth

article of union, that his majefty fubjects of Great Britain and Ireland fhall, from and after the Ift day of January, 1801, be entitled to the fame privileges, and be on the fame footing, as to encouragements and bounties on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country refpectively, and, generally, in refpect of trade and navigation, in all ports and places in the united kingdom and its dependencies; and that, in all treaties made by his majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, with any foreign power, his majesty's fabjects of Ireland fhall have the fame privileges, and be on the fame footing, as his majesty's fubjects of Great Britain: that, from the Ift day of January, 1801, all prohibitions and bounties on the export of articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country, to the other, fhall cease and determine; and that the faid articles fhall henceforth be exported from one country to the other without duty or bounty on fuch export: that all articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country, (not herein-after enume rated as fubject to specific duties,) fhall from thenceforth be imported into each country from the other, free from duty, other than fuch countervailing duties on the feveral articles enumerated in the schedule, No. 1. A. and B. hereunto annexed, as therein (pecified, or to fuch other countervailing duties as fuall hereafter be impofed by the parliament of the united kingdom in the manner hereinafter provided; and that, for the period of twenty years from the union, the articles enumerated in the schedule, No. 2, hereunto annexed, shall be subject, on impot

tation into each country from the other, to the duties Specified in the faid schedule, No. 2. And the woollen manufactures, known by the names of old and new drapery, fhall pay, on importation into each country from the other, the duties now payable on importation into Ireland; falt and hops, on importation into Ireland from Great Britain, duties not exceeding thofe which are now paid on importation into Ireland; and coals, on importation into Ireland from Great Britain, thall be fubject to burthens not exceeding thofe to which they are now fubject: that calicoes and muflins fhall, on their importation into either country from the other, be fubject and liable to the duties now payable on the fame, on the importation thereof from Great Britain into Ireland, until the 5th day of January, 1808; and from and after the laid day, the faid duties hall be annually reduced by equal proportions, as near as may be, in each year; fo as that the faid duties fhall ftand at ten per cent. from and after the 5th day of January, 1816, until the 5th day of January, 1821: and that cotton yarn and cotton twift fhall, on their importation into either country from the other, be subject and liable to the duties now payable upon the fame, on the importation thereof from Great Britain into Ireland, until the 5th of January, 1808; and from and after the faid day, the faid duties fhall be annually reduced by equal proportions, as near as may be, in each year; fo that all duties fhall ceafe on the faid articles from and after the 5th day of January, 1816: that any articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country, which are or may be fubject to in

ternal duty, or to duty on the ma terials of which they are compofed, may be made fubject, on their importation into each country refpec tively from the other, to fuch coun tervailing duty as fhall appear to be juft and reafonable in refpect of fuck internal duty or duties on the materials; and that, for the faid pur pofes, the articles fpecified in the faid schedule, No. 1. A. and B. fhall be fubject to the duties fet forth therein, liable to be taken off, diminifhed, or increated in the manner herein specified; and that, upon the export of the faid articles from each country to the other refpectively, a drawback fhall be given, equal in amount to the countervailing duty payable on fuch articles on the import thereof into the fame country from the other; and that, in like manner, in future it fhall be competent to the united parliament to impofe any new or additional countervailing duties, or to take off or diminifh fuch exifting countervailing duties as may appear, on like principles, to be juft and reafonable in refpect of any future or additional internal duty on any article of the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country, or of any new or additional duty on any materials of which fuch article may be compofed, or of any abatement of duty on the fame; and that when any fuch new or additional countervailing duty fhall be to impoted on the import of any article into either country from the other, a drawback, equal in amount to fach countervailing duty, fhall be given in like manner on the export of every fuch article refpectively from the tame country to the other: that all articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country, when


exported through the other, fhall, in all cafes, be exported fubject to the fame charges as if they had been exported directly from the country of which they were the growth, produce, or manufacture: that all duty charged on the import of foreign or colonial goods into either country, fhall, on their export to the other, be either drawn back, or the amount, (if any be retained), fhall be placed to the credit of the country to which they fhall be fo exported, fo long as the expenditure of the united kingdom fhall be defrayed by proportional contributions; provided always, that nothing herein fhall extend to take away any duty, bounty, or prohibition which exifts with refpect to corn, meal, malt, flour, or biscuit;

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Starch and hair-powder.
Sugar, refined.
Verjuice and vinegar.


Great Britain.

but that all duties, bounties, or On Importation into Ireland from prohibitions on the faid articles may be regulated, varied, or repealed from time to time as the united parliament fhall deem expedient.


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Paper, ftained.

Silk manufactures, filk and cotton mixed manufactures, and filk and worsted mixed manufactures.

Sugar, refined.


Of the Articles charged with the Duties Specified upon Importation into Great Britain and Ireland refpectively, according to the fixth Article of the Union.

Apparel; brafs, wrought; cabinet ware; coaches and other carriages; copper, wrought; cottons, other

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