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606 Here begins the power of the popes, by the conceffions of Phocas, emperor of the east. 622 Mahomet, the falfe prophet, flies from Mecca to Medina, in Arabia, in the 44th year of his age, and 10th of his miniftry, when he laid the foundation of the Saracen empire, and from whom the Mahometan princes to this day claim their defcent. His followers compute their time from this æra, which in Arabic is called Hegira, i. e. the Flight.

637 Jerufalem is taken by the Saracens, or followers of Mahomet.

640 Alexandria in Egypt is taken by ditto, and the grand library there burnt by order of Omar their caliph or prince.

653 The Saracens now extend their conquefts on every side, and retaliate the barbarities of the Goths and Vandals upon their pofterity.

664 Glafs invented in England by Benalt, a monk.

685 The Britons, after a brave itruggle of near 150 years, are totally expelled by the Saxons, and driven into Wales and Cornwall.

713 The Saracens conquer Spain.

726 The controversy about images begins, and occafions many infurrections in the eaftern empire.

748 The computing of years from the birth of Chrift began to be used in hiflory. 749 The race of Abbas became caliphs of the Saracens, and encourage learning. 762 The city of Bagdad upon the Tigris is made the capital for the caliphs of the houfe of Abbas.

800 Charlemagne, king of France, begins the empire of Germany, afterwards called the western empire; gives the prefent names to the winds and months; endeavours to reflore learning in Europe; but mankind are not yet disposed for it, being folely ergroffed in military enterprizes.

826 Harold, king of Denmark, dethroned by his fubjects, for being a Christian. 828 Egbert, king of Weffex, unites the Heptarchy, by the name of England. 836 The Flemings trade to Scotland for fifh.

838 The Scots and Picts have a decifive battle, in which the former prevail, and both kingdoms are united by Kenneth, which begins the fecond period of the Scottish history.

867 The Danes begin their ravages in England.

896 Alfred the Great, after fubduing the Danish invaders (against whom he fought 56 battles by fea and land), compofes his body of laws; divides England into Counties, hundreds, and tythings; ereals county courts, and founds the univer fity of Oxford about this time.

915 The univerfity of Cambridge founded.

936 The Saracen empire is divided by ufurpation into feven kingdoms.

975 Pope Boniface VII. is depofed and banithed for his crimes.

979 Coronation oaths faid to be firft used in England.

991 The figures in arithmetic are brought into Europe by the Saracens from Arabia. Letters of the alphabet were hitherto used.

996 Otho III. makes the empire of Germany elective.

999 Boleflaus, the firft king of Poland.

1000 Paper made of cotton rags was in ufe; that of linen rags in 1170: the manufac

tory introduced into England at Dartford, 1588.

1005 All the old churches are rebuilt about this time in a new manner of architecture. 1015 Children forbidden by law to be fold by their parents in England.

1017 Canute, king of Denmark, gets poffeffion of England.

1040 The Danes, after feveral engagements with various fuccefs, are about this time driven out of Scotland, and never again return in a hoftile manner.

1041 The Saxon line restored under Edward the Confeffor.

1043 The Turks (a nation of adventurers from Tartary, ferving hitherto in the armies of contending princes) become formidable, and take poffeffion of Perfia.

1054 Leo IX. the firft pope that kept up an army.

1057 Malcolm III. king of Scotland, kills the tyrant Macbeth at Dunfinane, and marries the princess Margaret, fifter to Edgar Atheling.

1065 The Turks take Jerufalem from the Saracens.

1066 The

1066 The battle of Haftings fought between Harold and William (furnamed the baftard) duke of Normandy, in which Harold is conquered and flain, after which William becomes king of England.

1070 William introduces the feudal law.

Musical notes invented.

1075 Henry IV. emperor of Germany and the pope quarrel about the nomination of the German bishops. Henry in penance walks barefooted to the pope, towards the end of January.

1076 Justices of peace first appointed in England.

1080 Doomsday-book began to be compiled by order of William, from a furvey of all the eftites in England, and finished in 1086.

The Tower of London built by ditto, to curb his English fubjects, numbers of whom fly to Scotland, where they introduce the Saxon or English language, are protected by Malcolm, and nave lands given them.

1091 The Saracens in Spain, being hard preffed by the Spaniards, call to their affiftance Jofeph, king of Morocco; by which the Moors get poffeffion of all the Saracen dominions in Spain.

1095 The first crufade to the Holy Land is begun under feveral Chriftian princes, to drive the infidels from Jerufalem.

1110 Edgar Atheling, the laft of the Saxon princes, dies in England, where he had been permitted to refide as a subject.

1118 The order of the Knights Templars inftituted, to defend the Sepulchre at Jerufalem, and to protect Chriftian ftrangers.

= 1151 The canon law collected by Gratian, a monk of Bologna.

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1163 London bridge, confifting of 19 fmall arches, first built of stone.

1164 The Teutonic order of religious knights begins in Germany.

1172 Henry II. king of England (and first of the Plantagenets) takes poffeffion of Ireland; which, from that period, has been governed by an English viceroy,


1176 England is divided by Henry into fix circuits, and juftice is difpenfed by itinerant judges.

1180 Glafs windows began to be used in private houfes in England.

1181 The laws of England are digefted about this time by Glanville.

1182 Pope Alexander lil. compelled the kings of England and France to hold the flirrups of his faddle when he mounted his horfe.

1186 The great conjunction of the fun and moon, and all the planets in Libra, happened in September.

1192. The battle of Afcalon, in Judæa, in which Pichard, king of England, defeats Saladine's army, confifling of 300.000 combatants.

1194 Dieu et mon Droit firft uted as a motto by Richard, on a victory over the French. 1200 Chimnies were not known in England.

Surnames now began to be used; firii among the nobility.

1208 London incorporated, and obtained their first charter, for electing their Lord Mayor and other magiftrates, from king John.

1215 Magna Charta is figned by King John and the barons of England.

Court of Common Pleas eftablished.

1227 The Tartars, a new race of heroes, under Gingis-Kan, emerge from the northern parts of Afia, over-run all the Saracen empire, and, in imitation of former conquerors, carry death and defolation wherever they march.

1233 The Inquifition, begun in 1204, is now trufted to the Dominicans.

The houfes of London, and other cities in England, France, and Germany, ftill thatched with fstraw.

1253 The famous aftronomical tables are compofed by Alonzo, king of Caftile. 1258 The Tartars take Bagdad, which finishes the empire of the Saracens. 1263 Acho, king of Norway, invades Scotland with 160 fail, and lands 20,000 men at the mouth of the Clyde, who are cut to pieces by Alexander III. who recovers the western ifles.

1264 According to fome writers, the commons of England were not fummoned to par4 B

liament till this period.

1269 The

1269 The Hamburgh company incorporated in England.

1273 The empire of the prefent Auftrian family begins in Germany.

1282 Llewellyn, prince of Wales, defeated and killed by Edward I. who unites that principality to England.

1284 Edward II. born at Caernarvon, is the first prince of Wales.

1285 Alexander III. king of Scotland, dies, and that kingdom is difputed by twelve candidates, who fubmit their claims to the arbitration of Edward, king of Eng.

land; which lays the foundation of a long and defolating war between both


1293 There is a regular fucceffion of English parliaments from this year, being the 22d of Edward I.

1298 The prefent Turkish empire begins in Bythynia under Ottoman.

Silver-hafted knives, fpoons, and cups, a great luxury.

Tallow candles fo great a luxury, that fplinters of wood were used for lights.
Wine fold by apothecaries as a cordial.

1302 The mariner's compafs invented, or improved, by Givia, of Naples.

1307 The beginning of the Swifs cantons.

1308 The popes remove to Avignon, in France, for 70 years.

1310 Lincoln's Inn fociety established.

1314 The battle of Bannockburn, between Edward II. and Robert Bruce, which eftablishes the latter on the throne of Scotland.

The cardinals fet fire to the conclave, and feparate. A vacancy in the papal chair for two years.

1320 Gold firft coined in Christendom; 1344, ditto in England.

1336 Two Brabant weavers fettle at York, which, fays Edward III. may prove of great benefit to us and our fubjects.

1337 The first comet whofe courfe is described with an aftronomical exactness. 1340 Gunpowder and guns firft invented by Swartz, a monk of Cologn; 1346, Edward III. had four pieces of cannon, which contributed to gain him the battle of Creffy; 1346, bombs and mortars were invented.

Oil-painting firft made ufe of by John Vaneck.

Heralds college inftituted in England.

1344 The first creation to titles by patents ufed by Edward III.

1346 The battle of Durham, in which David, king of Scots, is taken prifoner. 1349 The order of the Garter inftituted in England by Edward III. altered in 1557, and confifts of 26 knights.

1352 The Turks first enter Europe.

1354 The money in Scotland till now the fame as in England.

1356 The battle of Poitiers, in which king John of France, and his fon, are taken prifoners by Edward the Black Prince.

1357 Coals first brought to London.

1358 Arms of England and France first quartered by Edward III.

1362 The law pleadings in England changed from French to English, as a favour of Edward Ill. to his people.

John Wickliffe, an Englishman, begins about this time to oppofe the errors of the church of Rome with great acutenefs and fpirit. His followers are called


1386 A company of linen-weavers, from the Netherlands, established in London. Windfor Castle built by Edward III.

1388 The battle of Otterburn, between Hotspur and the earl of Douglas.

1391 Cards invented in France for the king's amufement.

1399 Weftminster abbey built and enlarged-Westminster hall ditto.

Order of the Bath inftituted at the coronation of Henry IV; renewed in 1725, confifting of 38 knights.

1410 Guildhall, London, built.

1411 The university of St. Andrew's in Scotland founded.

1415 The battle of Agincourt gained over the French by Henry V. of England. 1428 The fiege of Orleans, the first blow to the English power in France.

1430 About this time Laurentius of Harleim invented the art of printing, which he


practifed with feparate wooden types. Guttemburgh afterwards invented cut metal types: but the art was carried to perfection by Peter Schoeffer, who invented the mode of casting the types in matrices. Frederick Corfellis began to print at Oxford, in 1468, with wooden types; but it was William Caxton who introduced into England the art of printing with fufile types, in 1474. 1446 The Vatican library founded at Rome.

The fea breaks in at Dort, in Holland, and drowns 100.000 people.

1453 Conftantinople taken by the Turks, which ends the eastern empire, 1123 years from its dedication by Conftantine the Great, and 2206 years from the foun

dation of Rome.

1454 The univerfity of Glafgow, in Scotland, founded.

1460 Engraving and etching in copper invented.

1477 The univerfity of Aberdeen in Scotland, founded.

11483 Richard III. king of England, and laft of the Plantagenets, is defeated and killed at the battle of Bofworth, by Henry (Tudor) VII. which puts an end to the civil wars between the houfes of York and Lancaster, after a conteft of 30 years, and the lofs of 100,000 men.

1486 Henry establishes fifty yeoman of the guards, the first standing army. 1489 Maps and fea-charts firft brought to England by Barth. Columbus. 1491 William Grocyn publicly teaches the Greek language at Oxford.

The Moors, hitherto a formidable enemy to the native Spaniards, are entirely fubdued by Ferdinand, and become fubjects to that prince on certain conditions, which are ill obferved by the Spaniards, whofe clergy employ the powers of the Inquifition, with all its tortures; and in 1609, near one million of the Moors are driven from Spain to the oppofite coast of Africa, from whence they originally came.

1492 America firft difcovered by Columbus, a Genoefe, in the service of Spain. 1494 Algebra firft known in Europe.

1497 The Portuguese first fail to the Eaft Indies, by the Cape of Good Hope. South America discovered by Americus Vefpufius, from whom it has its name. 1499 North America ditto, for Henry VII. by Cabot.

1500 Maximilian divides the empire of Germany into fix circles, and adds four more in 1512.

1505 Shillings first coined in England.

1509 Gardening introduced into England from the Netherlands, from whence vege. tables were imported hitherto.

1513 The battle of Flowden, in which James IV. of Scotland is killed, with the flower of his nobility.

1517 Martin Luther began the Reformation.

Egypt is conquered by the Turks.

1518 Magellan, in the fervice of Spain, firft difcovers the ftraits of that name in South America.

1520 Henry VIII. for his writings in favour of popery, receives the title of Defender of the Faith from his Holiness.

1529 The name of Proteftant takes its rife from the Reformed protesting against the church of Rome, at the diet of Spires in Germany.

1534 The Reformation takes place in England under Henry VIII.

1537 Religious houfes diffolved by ditto."

1536 The first English edition of the Bible authorized; the prefent tranflation finished 1611.

About this time cannon began to be ufed in fhips.

1543 Silk stockings first worn by the French king; first worn in England by queen Elizabeth, 1561; the fteel frame for weaving invented by the Rev. Mr. Lee,

of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1589.

Pins first used in England, before which time the ladies used skewers.

1544 Good lands let in England at one fhilling per acre.

1545 The famous council of Trent begins, and continues 18 years.

1546 Firft law in England, establishing the intereft of money at ten per cent. 1549 Lord Lieutenants of counties inftituted in England.

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1550 Horfe

1550 Horfe guards inftituted in England.

1555 The Ruffian company established in England.

1558 Queen Elizabeth begins her reign.

1560 The Reformation in Scotland completed by John Knox.

1563 Knives f:ft made in England.

1569 Royal Exchange firft built.

1572 The great mailacre of Proteftants at Paris.

1579 The Dutch fake off the Spanish yoke, and the republic of Holland begins. English East India company incorporated-eftablished 1600

Turkey company incorporated.

1580 Sir Francis Drake returns from his voyage round the world, being the firft Englifh circumnavigator.

Parochial regier first appointed in England.

1582 Pope Gregory introduces the New Style in Italy; the 5th of October being counted 15.

1583 Tobacco fult brought from Virginia into England.

1587 Mary queen of Scots is beheaded by order of Elizabeth, after 18 years imprison


1588 The Spanish armada deftroyed by Drake and other English admirals.

Henry IV. paffes the edit of Nantes, tolerating the Protestants.

1589 Coaches fit introduced into England; hackney act 1693; increased to 1000, in


1590 Band of penfioners infituted in England.

1591 Trinity College, Dublin, founded.

1597 Watches fit brought into England from Germany.

1602 Decimal arithmetic invented at Bruges.

1603 Queen Elizabeth (the last of the Tudors) dies, and nominates James VI. of Scotland (and fit of the Stuarts) as her fucceffor; which unites both kingdoms under the name of Great Britain.

1605 The gunpowder plot difcovered at Weftminster; being a project of the Roman catholics to blow up the king and both houfes of parliament.

1606 Oaths of allegiance firit adminiftered in England.

1608 Galileo, of Florence, fift difcovers the fatellites about the planet Saturn, by the telefcope, then just invented in Holland.

1610 Henry IV. is murdered at Paris, by Ravaillac, a priest.

1611 Baronets firft created in England by James 1.

1614 Napier, of Marchefton, in Scotland, invents the logarithms.

Sir Hugh Middleton brings the New River to London from Ware.

1616 The firit permanent feticment in Virginia.

1619 Dr. W. Harvey, an Englishman, di.covers the doctrine of the circulation of the blood.

1620 The broad filk manuf.&cry from raw filk introduced into England.

1621 New England planted by the Puritans.

1625 King James dies, and is fucceeded by his fon, Charles I.

The ifland of Barbadoes, the firft English fettlement in the Weft Indies, is planted.

1632 The battle of Lutzen, in which Guftavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, and head of the Proteftants in Germany, is killed.

1635 Province of Maryland planted by lord Baltimore.

Regular pofts eftablished from London to Scotland, Ireland, &c.

1640 King Charles difobliges his Scottish fubjects, on which their army, under general Lefley, enters England, and takes Newcathie, being encouraged by the malecontents in England.

The maffacre in Ireland, when 40,000 English Proteftants were killed.

1642 King Charles impeaches five members, who had oppofed his arbitrary measures,

which begins the civil war in England.

1643 Excife on beer, ale, &c. fit impofed by parliament.

1649 Charles I. beheaded at Whitehall, January 30, aged 49.

1654 Cromwell affumes the protectorship.

15 The English, under adhiral Pean, take Jamaica from the Spaniards.

1658 Cromwell

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