"Pray not for us, the nimble Dictys cry'd; "Said I; and stood to hinder their intent: } w "When Bacchus (for 'twas he) began to move, "Fear not, faid Proteus, child, but tell us where "To each of you, a joyful home to me. 66 By every God, that rules the sea or sky, "The perjur'd villains promife to comply, "And bid me haften to unmoor the fhip. "With eager joy I launch into the deep; "And, heedlefs of the fraud, for Naxos ftand: They whisper oft, and beckon with the hand. } "And "And give me figns, all anxious for their prey, "Said I, I'm guiltlefs of fo foul a deed. "What, fays Ethalion, muft the ship's whole crew "Follow your humour, and depend on you? "And ftraight himself he feated at the prore, "And tack'd about, and fought another fhore. "The beauteous youth now found himself betray'd, "And from the deck the rifing waves furvey'd "And feem'd to weep, and as he wept he faid; "And do you thus my eafy faith beguile ? "Thus do you bear me to my native ifle? "Will fuch a multitude of men employ "Their strength against a weak defenceless boy? "In vain did I the Godlike youth deplore, "The more I begg'd, they thwarted me the more. "And now, by all the Gods in heaven that hear "This folemn oath, by Bacchus' felf, I fwear, "The mighty miracle that did enfue, "Although it feems beyond belief, is true. "The veffel, fix'd and rooted in the flood, "Unmov'd by all the beating billows ftood. "In vain the mariners would plough the main "With fails unfurl'd, and strike their oars in vain ; Around their oars a twining ivy cleaves, "And climbs the maft, and hides the cords in leaves : "The fails are cover'd with a chearful green, "And berries in the fruitful canvas feen. "Amidft the waves a fudden foreft rears "The "The god we now behold with open eyes; "A herd of spotted panthers round him lies "In glaring forms; the grapy clusters fpread "On his fair brows, and dangle on his head. "And whilft he frowns, and brandishes his fpear, "My mates, furpriz'd with madness or with fear, Leap'd over-board; firft perjur'd Madon found "Rough fcales and fins his stiffening fides surround : "Ah what, cries one, has thus transform'd thy look? Straight his own month grew wider as he spoke : "And now himfelf he views with like furprize. "Still at his oar th' induftrious Libys plies; "But, as he plies, each bufy arm shrinks in, "And by degrees is fashion'd to a fin. "Another, as he catches at a cord, "Miffes his arms, and, tumbling over-board, "With his broad fins and forky tail he laves "The rifing furge, and flounces in the waves. "Thus all my crew transform'd, around the ship, "Or dive below, or on the furface leap, 66 "And spout the waves, and wanton in the deep. Speechlefs with wonder, and half dead with fear, "Till Bacchus kindly bid me fear no more. "With him I landed on the Chian fhore, "And him fhall ever gratefully adore.” } "This forging flave, fays Pentheus, would prevail "O'er our just fury by a far-fetch'd tale; "Go, "Go, let him feel the whips, the fwords, the fire, And the poor captive in a dungeon lay. But, whilft the whips and tortures are prepar'd, And flings the loosen'd fhackles from his hands. THE DEATH OF PENTHEUS. But Pentheus, grown more furious than before, A fpacious circuit on the hill there ftood, Level and wide, and skirted round with wood; And cries, "The boar that lays our country waste! Pentheus aftonifh'd heard the difmal found, And fees the yelling matrons gathering round; Не 割 He fees, and weeps at his approaching fate, By fo diftinguishing a judgment aw'd, } THE |