POCKET CONVEYANCER, Or, ATTORNEY's Complete Pocket-Book: Comprising a choice Selection, and great Variety of the moft Valuable and Approved PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING. IN WHICH The MODERN FORMS introduced by Conveyancers of the highest Eminence now in Practice are particularly attended to; and the Efficacy of them explained. TO WHICH ARE ALSO ADDED PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS relative to the Nature and Ufe of each particular Species of DEED, An INTRODUCTORY DISCOURSE on the Subject of DEEDS IN GENERAL, AND Conclusive Remarks on the ENUREMENT and CONSTRUC TION OF DEEDS. BY JAMES BARRY BIRD, IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR W. CLARKE AND SON, PORTUGAL-STREET, LINCOLN'S-INN. 1796. |