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kindness, threatened punishment, she assured them, on her liberation, that she cherished no resentment, but freely and fully forgave them. She sought divine mercy on their behalf, earnestly admonished them, affectionately prayed with them, sought to lead them to repentance, and endeavoured to direct them to the Saviour. Her exemplary Christian spirit towards her accusers, besides forming a further proof of the reality and the elevation of her piety, has also left satisfactory evidence that her holy labours were not in vain.

It was near her residence that the prohibited books-the Scriptures, with other publications issued from the missionary press-were found; and in consequence, her entire property was given up to plunder, her person secured, and her hands and feet loaded with heavy iron rings. She was menaced in vain during a period of from eight to ten days, to induce her to impeach her companions. She remained firm and perfectly composed; and was put to death by spearing on the 14th of August, 1837. She had said repeatedly by letter to her friend, Mrs. Johns, Do not fear on my account. I am ready and prepared to die for Jesus, if such be the will of God.' She was most wonderfully supported to the last moment of her life. age at the time of her death, was thirty-eight years. Many, even of the old people, remarked they had never seen any one so 'stubborn' as Rafaravavy, for although the Queen forbade her to pray, she did pray even when in irons, and continued to preach Christ to the officers and

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to the crowd, that followed her for nearly three quarters of a mile, from the place of public condemnation to the place of common execution. Here she continued to pray and to exhort all around her to believe in Jesus Christ, even till the executioner's spear, thrust through her body, deprived her of the power of utterance.'

Never in the annals of the Church did a Christian martyr suffer from motive more pure, simple, and unmixed with earthly alloy. She had never heard of any after-glory of martyrdom on earth. No external splendour had been cast around the subject in her mind, by reading any lives of martyrs. All was to her obloquy and contempt. Her own father and relatives to the very last, accused her of stubbornness. The people generally regarded her as stubborn, and worthy of punishment even on that account. She had no earthly friends to support and cheer her. She was not poor in outward circumstances, and by recantation and by humbling herself to beg pardon of the Queen, she might very probably have saved her life. But her whole heart, as her letters testify, was filled with the love of Jesus. She endured as seeing him who is invisible. Her letters are composed principally of passages from the gospels and epistles, and these, doubtless, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, were the entire support of her mind in the last hour of trial. If the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church,' we may trust that Rafaravavy will not have died in vain. She died directly and exclusively in defence of the Gospel.

Register of Events.

THE attention of both Houses of Parliament has recently been called to the state of the Negroes in our West Indian colonies. Notwithstanding the large and liberal compensation made in 1834, for the emancipation of the slaves, grievous acts of oppression and injustice are still perpetrated, and the apprentices are in too many instances grossly maltreated. The leading members on all sides express their desires to put an end to these unjust proceedings, and we hope their efforts will be accompanied with the desired success. Numerous petitions have been presented to Parliament, that the Negro apprenticeship may terminate on the first of August next, instead of being protracted, as the law now is, to August, 1840, but the House of Lords have decided against this request.

A Bill has been brought into Parliament to facilitate the borrowing of money for the erection of parsonage houses. By the existing law, an in

cumbent may with the consent of the patron and diocesan, borrow two years income of his living for the erection of a parsonage, which loan must be repaid in twenty years if resident, and in ten years if non-resident. By the proposed act the incumbent is to be enabled to borrow three years income, and to repay the loan by thirty annual instalments. We approve the alteration, but wish still stronger provisions were adopted. There should be a power to compel under certain restrictions, the raising of money for the erection of parsonages, and the consent of patrons should no longer be necessary. The powers of the diocesan or the archdeacon, should in this, and some other particulars be increased, subject only to an appeal to the archbishop of the province.

An important petition has lately been presented to the House of Lords by the Archbishop of Canterbury, signed by 5900 Protestant inhabitants of Upper Canada, who state that they are loyalists, or the children of loyalists who took refuge in Upper Canada after the American revolution, under a solemn pledge that they should receive the same constitution as the mother country—a constitution which provided for the establishment of a Protestant Church; or emigrants who had settled in the colony, because they felt secure that they should enjoy the inestimable blessing of joining in the worship of God and their Saviour as their fathers had done before them; and who therefore pray that the House would make a permanent provision for public worship, according to the doctrines of the Church of England. It appears that 2,000,000 acres of land are reserved for the support of the clergy in Canada, and that therefore ample funds are secured to defray every necessary expence; though it is much to be feared that if vigorous measures are not used, these lands may be alienated to other purposes. We cannot but regret that so important a petition should have remained four yeurs in his Grace's possession before it was presented to the House.

Some members of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge are again attempting to prevent any person from furnishing reports of the proceedings of the Society for the newspapers. We do not see how any resolution to this effect can be enforced, and are sure that its adoption will prove prejudicial to the Society's interests. If however, the chairman at each meeting would more rigorously enforce and maintain order, confine the discussions strictly to the business in hand and determinately censure every deviation from Christian courteousness, the proceedings of the Society might with great propriety and advantage be published to all the world. There ought not to be any thing in the Society, or at any of its meetings, of which any persons need to be ashamed.

Notices and Acknowledgments,

We have received a very judicious and sensible letter on a subject already noticed in the present number, of which we shall possibly make use on another occasion. We shall be happy to hear from our correspondent, on the second point referred to in his communication. We had no objection to open the question for discussion in our own pages, knowing that it has occasioned many private cavils.

S. T. T. has correctly appreciated our views. We shall be happy to receive, and may very probably insert his List. We pause as to the propriety of inserting that which he asks of us; but very possibly he may receive the required information indirectly.

We approve of many of the ideas of An unworthy member of our Establishment, and shall endeavour in some shape or other to make use of them.



Church of England Magazine.

MAY 1838.



AMID Mr. Burkitt's other occupations, the duty of parochial visitation was assiduously discharged. Two afternoons in a week were assigned to this laborious employment, of which he used to say,' the success and comfort he had in it, made amends for his pains. He went into every house that would receive him, and thus secured the affections of his people; and succeeded in keeping them free from divisions, and firm to the service of the church, a blessing which cannot be too highly valued. The number of communicants was large, and such as, generally speaking, he could meet at the Lord's table with satisfaction; many of whom were first induced to attend by personal application to them in private. For such of his dissenting brethren, as were sound in the faith, and holy and exemplary in their lives, he had (as a member of the church universal) a great respect and esteem, and used to converse with them freely, whenever they met.

His habits of personal and ministerial religion, are illustrated by the following passages in his diary.

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January 1, 1695. I rose early in the morning, and reflected with joy and sorrow upon the year past; with sorrow for my miscarriages,

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with joy for the goodness of God received from him, and some service done for him.'

'As Christmas, 1696, was a severe time for the poor, through the severity of the weather, and want of work, by reason of the great scarcity of money. I exhorted my people, to turn their feasting of the rich, into feeding of the poor, assuring them, that less at the table, and more at the door, would be better accepted. And accordingly, feasting was universally laid aside, and the poor plentifully relieved.'

Few ministers, perhaps, have been permitted to witness such an effect produced by their exhortations. But as if to withdraw pride from his heart, he was suffered at the same time to experience a poignant trial, though it was overruled for good.*

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At this time I met with a very unjust and unexpected accusation from whom I had faithfully served, and sought to oblige. The consciousness of my own innocency supported me, and I hope God will do me good by all. Some persons

It may here be remarked, that blessings are often counterbalanced by trials, to keep the heart steady, and when we meet with the one, we should be prepared for the other.

had never had a particular share in my prayers, but for the injuries they have done me.*

God honoured me sometimes in suffering his own enemies to declare themselves mine; however, he oft convinced them, and always restrained them, that they could not considerably hurt me. Blessed be my defence, and the God of my mercy.'

In accordance with the foregoing extracts, his biographer remarks, that some treated him unkindly, and this provokes human nature to passion and revenge, but the grace of God in him prevailed against the inclination of corrupt nature in a good measure, so that I cannot recollect that ever I heard him speak bitterly or contemptibly of any of his adversaries. And if they needed him, and would use him, he was ready to serve them, "heaping coals of fire upon their heads.'† Nor was his love of confined peace to his own personal feelings; on the contrary, he was a zealous peace-maker among his neighbours, sparing neither exertions or expense to reconcile their differences. If he saw them obstinate and unwil ling to yield, he would sometimes pay the sum contended for out of his own pocket, and for that purpose he kept a special fund, which he called the peace-maker's box. His biographer justly observes, that he was a peacemaker, "knowing the mischief of animosities, and the advantages accruing to the kingdom of darkness, by the allowances of hatred and malice. The words of our Sa

* This passage is worthy of particular attention on the part of the reader.

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This expression (Rom. xii. 20.) has been sadly perverted. Mr. Hodge, in his Commentary, explains it thus: Treat your enemy kindly, for in so doing, you take the most effectual method to subdue him. To heap coals of fire on the head, is to inflict the severest punishment, one to which the sufferer must yield. Kindness is no less effectual; the most malignant enemy cannot always withstand it.

If Christians would consider this,

viour, Matt. v. 44, bore with much weight upon his spirit:-"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you." And he would speak of Christ, as praying for his murderers, and offering up his blood to God for them that shed it.

It should be mentioned, that as he readily forgave his enemies, so he was a warm friend to his friends, and whenever he was able to serve them, he did it faithfully and earnestly. He was also careful not to do others any wrong. He would forego his just dues, if he had to do with contentious and litigious persons, rather than ruffle his own mind, and raise any reproach against the gospel he preached, saying, he could not pay too dear for his peace.

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His house is described as being a house of God." In his conversation he was habitually cheerful, (except in seasons of affliction) yet never deviated so far into mirth, but that he could give the subject a serious turn. His discourse was marked with sobriety, justice, humility, and affability. His feasts were without a spot, and his office was never stained by uncomely behaviour. Besides the stated family prayer, which was twice a day, he prayed specially with his wife, as well as in secret by himself. In family worship, he used to accompany the reading of Scripture with expository notes of his own, after offering a short prayer for the blessing of God upon the word he was going to read and expound. This practice was supposed to have suggested the commentary, he published, which he particularly designed, not for students, but for families, to bring them to a knowledge and relish of the Scriptures. The first volume,

both as it concerns churches and individuals, the kingdom of darkness would be confined within much narrower bounds.



which contained the gospels, was well received, and many letters were sent him, requesting him to proceed with the epistles, which encouraged him to go on. extraordinary diligence he ceeded in bringing out the second volume, in the spring of 1703, the year of his death. In addition to the habit of daily exposition, he spent the evening with his family, hearing them read the Scriptures, questioning them about the sermons they had heard, catechising them, and praising God, and praying with them and for them. He also drew up a little book, entitled Family Instruction,' in the form of a Catechism, to explain the great doctrines of faith and holiness. This he designed as a sequel to the Church Catechism, for laying a good foundation of knowledge among the rising generation.*

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He beheld with sorrow and pity the increase of pauperism and profaneness in Dedham, and the more so, because he saw reasons to forebode the decline of the gospel, as the voluntary lecture seemed likely to be discontinued. On this account he exerted himself to procure a stipend for a lecturer, who was to be chosen by some of the inhabitants. The settlement, though not completed, was far advanced at his death, and by his last will, he gave a house and land toward the endowment.

It was his desire that he might leave the world upon a Lord's day, and Providence so ordered it, that both his sickness and death occurred upon the Sabbath.


It is entitled, Family Instruction, or the principles of religion necessary to be known by Family-governors, and needful to be taught their children and servants, for preparing both themselves and theirs, to receive the holy communion with benefit and comfort.' It is divided into six sections, viz. 1. The Creation, 2. The Fall. 3. Man's recovery. 4. The renovating change. 5. Obedience to the Moral Law, the Ten Commandments. 6. The Sacraments.

the seventeenth of October, 1703, while attending in the congregation (the assistant then officiating) he was taken so ill as to be obliged to leave the church. When he got home, the disorder, which was a malignant fever, increased, but with intermissions, which happily gave him space for frequent expressions of prayer, thanksgiving, and submission.

While he lay upon his death bed, there was a beautiful calmness and serenity upon his spirit, with declarations of glorious hope. He received the friends who came to see him, and when they bewailed their great loss, which they feared was coming upon them by his departure, he bade them not be too much concerned for him, saying, that to him to live would be Christ, and to die would be gain, and adding, that God would provide for them. Several persons present declared, that under God he had been the instrument of their conversion, which produced in him an extasy of joy. He counselled those who were about him to remember what he said to them, both in the pulpit, and in private, and to order their lives accordingly.

He blessed God, that he had finished his Commentary, and that the way of it was prepared with very many prayers on his part. And he hoped, that through God's blessing, it would prove beneficial to many, especially to his own people.

His patience under disease was exemplary. exemplary. He declared that God made his sick bed easy to him, and said he had preached patience, and written about patience, and therefore he was bound to practice patience. His sense of adopting love was so strong, that one of his friends remarked, he went full sail to heaven. To the same person, who was speaking of the great delight of the Lord's Supper, in which they had often joined, and calling

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