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Church of England Magazine.

MARCH 1838.


THIS eminent indvidual was born in the neighbourhood of Leeds, Jan. 11, 1751. The misfortunes and early death of his father seemed to preclude all idea of the young Milners ever rising above the humble condition of cloth manufacturers. The diligence, industry, and good conduct of these youths, as has been before noticed, procured for them friends. Joseph was sent to school, and Isaac secured for himself at night the lessons which his brother had learned during the day. When, however, Joseph went to College, Isaac lost the opportunity of learning from his brother, and as it was necessary that some means of subsistence should be obtained, he was bound apprentice to a weaver. Yet while labouring with diligence in his new situation, he carefully improved every moment of time, and made such further progress in his literary pursuits, that when his brother Joseph was appointed Master of the Grammar School at Hull, Isaac was found competent to act as his assistant.

The heart of Joseph, says Dean Milner, yearned over his brother Isaac; but before he ventured to remove him from Leeds, he was anxious to proceed on sure grounds. He therefore wrote to the Rev.

MARCH 1838.

Miles Atkinson to call and examine his brother, and, if he found his attainments considerable, or his genius at all promising, to send him down to Hull. In conformity to this request, Mr. Atkinson waited on Isaac, who was then about nineteen years of age, and found him at his loom with a Tacitus by his side. After undergoing an examination for some time, in the course of which he displayed great accuracy of idea, much general knowledge, and an astonishing command of language, he was thought perfectly qualified to be sent to Hull; and accordingly in a few days after, he bade adieu for ever to the humble occupation of weaving.

It was about this time that the change took place in Mr. Joseph Milner's religious views, which we have attempted to describe in his life.

With such an example before him, it was natural that his brother Isaac should be deeply impressed; though he does not appear to have entirely embraced his brother's sentiments till a somewhat later period. He was now, however, diligently employed in classical and mathematical pursuits. Mr. Milner's predecessor in the Grammar school was Mr. John Clarke, who published a number


of paraphrastic translations school authors, which were usually printed in parallel columns, to the no small injury of the boys by whom they were used. Mr. Milner immediately banished these translations, and compelled his pupils to adopt the more laborious, but surer way of learning their lessons with the aid of a grammar and dictionary.

His prospects were now turned toward the church, and after having assisted his brother for some time in the capacity of usher, in 1770 he removed to Queen's College, Cambridge, where he was entered as a sizar.

Few persons ever went better prepared to the University, or with talents more likely to make a conspicuous figure. Besides his natural assiduity and abilities, he had the advantage of being educated by a person who had gone through the University before him, and that person also a brother: who must have been therefore, a more sedulous instructor than any other.

While a tutor at Hull, Isaac Milner had made himself a competent classic. His knowledge of mathematics must have been also very considerable,-since, on the Occurrence of any difficulty in algebra, it was usual with his brother Joseph to send to him for an explanation; which though the elder brother might have been able to make out himself, the readiness of Isaac always saved him that trouble. He thus acquired considerable knowledge before he went to the University: and another great cause of his success was the circumstance of his spending the long vacation at his brother's school in his original employments; while he not only retained what he had learnt, but was yearly enabled to add considerably to his Cambridge acquirements. All the time of his being an under-graduate was spent in indefatigable study. Confident in his abilities,

he had fixed his eye upon the first honours of the place, and possessed perseverance and ability sufficient to ensure their attainment. In the year 1774, therefore, he became senior wrangler with the honourable distinction of incomparabilis, and gained also the first mathematical prize.

In the following year he was elected Fellow of Queen's, and employed in various offices in the College and the University. In 1779 he was presented by his college to the Rectory of St. Botolph's in Cambridge, which was then usually held by a Fellow, and which he retained until his appointment to a Lucasian Professorship in 1798; though owing to the infirm state of his health during the greater part of the time, he seldom officiated. He was nominated as Proctor in 1782, and Moderator in the years 1780, 1783, and 1785. In 1783, he was elected Jacksonian professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, prior to which he had published a Syllabus, and given lectures on Chemistry. While engaged in these studies he appears to have laid the foundation of some of those serious complaints with which he was subsequently afflicted by incautiously inhaling some noxious gas, which produced a very injurious effect on his lungs. Mr. Milner ranked very high among the chemists of his day, and the French are said to have availed themselves of his discoveries concerning the composition of nitre to improve their gunpowder.

In the early part of 1788, Professor Milner accompanied his friends Mr. Pitt and Mr. Wilberforce to the Continent, and soon after his return was chosen President of the college, to which as a student he had done so much credit. Before his election, this venerable asylum of Erasmus had greatly decreased in reputation; but began from that time to assume

something of its ancient consequence, by the rapid increase and respectability of its students. It was always the wish of the worthy president, that Queen's should not be behind any college in the means of instruction: with this end in view, he introduced men of the best abilities from other colleges among the fellows of Queen's, who found in him a steady friend and patron. The interior management of the college was also much improved by the correction of many abuses which had been sanctioned by long prescription. Ad deterius is the tendency of every institution, unless this salutary interference of authority sometimes occurs. Few, however, have fortitude enough like the late Dean Milner, to brave the obloquy which innovation, however laudable, is apt to produce. At the time when he was undergraduate, it was the custom for sizars to wait on the fellows, to dine after they had done, to ring the chapel bell, and to be subject to other degrading circumstances. These servile distinctions, Mr. Milner also abolished, recollecting how injurious they were to his former feelings.

Soon after Professor Milner's appointment to the Presidency of Queen's College he proceeded Dr. of Divinity and was elected ViceChancellor in 1792. While discharging the duties of this office he was very unexpectedly called to an undertaking of considerable difficulty, and of an invidious character. There had been for some years a party of Socinians in the University endeavouring to propagate their pernicious and destructive doctrines. Though professing themselves clergymen of the Church of England, and, as such, subscribing her articles, and enjoying in consequence of such subscription, certain emoluments, they did not hesitate to adopt the dishonest part of endeavouring to subvert that faith which they were solemnly pledged to

maintain. One of the party, the Rev. W. Frend, then Fellow of Jesus College, proceeded so far as, in a sermon before the University, publicly to oppose the faith once delivered to the saints, and to publish some pamphlets of a very obnoxious character. The Vice-Chancellor was therefore called upon to exert the powers entrusted to him for the suppression of this audacious proceeding. This led to a solemn trial in the Senate House, and after every artifice had been resorted to by Mr. Frend and his supporters, he was at length banished the University. The proceedings were protracted by the defendant during three months; but the decree of banishment from the University, pronounced by the Vice-Chancellor, was confirmed by the Court of Delegates; the Rev. W. Frend was compelled to leave Cambridge, and eventually relinquishing his clerical habit and title, he settled in London, and became projector of, and actuary to the Rock Assurance Company. Dr. Milner was of course violently assailed with obloquy for the manly and decided part which he acted; but his conduct on this occasion deserved and obtained the undivided approbation of the friends of religion; though it excited very considerable enmity, and exposed him in after-life to many assaults from the advocates of those principles which he had so effectually contributed to repress. A full narrarative of the proceedings has never yet appeared from any impartial hand. The only printed accounts were prepared and published by the defendant and his friends, and they evince that same want of principle, and that same spirit of misrepresentation which might naturally be expected from one who was desirous of retaining the emoluments resulting from an office, while he abjured the principles which he had solemnly professed on entering into that office.

It was a most providential circumstance that the office of ViceChancellor was at this period sustained by Dr. Milner. Few of the other heads of colleges in that day possessed either the knowledge or the firmness equal to the arduous situation. It was just at the time when the French revolution was at its height, when Jacobinical principles had spread very widely in this country, when some very decided and unscrupulous advocates for these principles were resident in Cambridge, and when in consequence of the insidious policy and unwearied efforts of Socinians and republicans, a formidable body of the junior members of the University were prepared to go all lengths with Mr. Frend. But Dr. Milner came well armed to the field. His attention had early been called to the subject; while yet an undergraduate, and at a time when most of the leading members of his college were supposed to be far from orthodox in the faith, he was the only student in the college who at the great hazard of every prospect of advantage he had at that time in the world, refused to join in a petition against subscription to the Articles of our Church.* fusal was founded on principle, and* his conviction of the truth and importance of these principles increased to his dying day. He was therefore fully prepared for the conflict; was unmoved by ridicule or sarcasm; patiently endured the reproach with which he was assailed, and referred, many years, after with lively feelings of gratitude to Almighty God to the part which he was on this occasion enabled to sustain.

His re

There are some circumstances connected with this case which should not be lost sight of. Dr. Milner, though of Herculean frame, and not very far advanced in life,

* See Strictures on Marsh, 361.

was yet in that state of health as to be almost necessarily confined during the greater part of the winter within the walls of his lodge. A report drawn up by four or five eminent medical men, and laid before the heads of colleges on his first election to the office of ViceChancellor, induced the Heads to divide amongst themselves almost all that part of the Vice-Chancellor's duty which required him to leave his chamber; and especially to dispense with his attendance at the University church. Yet notwithstanding this his feeble state of health, he was enabled without interruption to persevere in all the arduous and embarrassing exertions which this lengthened trial required.

And now, at the distance of almost half a century, we may well look back and contemplate the inestimable services resulting from his exertions, and the exertions of those who animated and assisted him in this arduous service. Of the twenty-seven who met at Queen's Lodge, and drew up the resolutions which led to these proceedings, only two or three now remain but if he or they had shrunk from the invidious and arduous task, it is impossible to foresee the evils which would have ensued. But from that moment, Socinians, infidels, and republicans found that they could no longer proceed with impunity. Men of corrupt principles very rarely possess any portion of the martyr's spirit; and as might consequently be anticipated, they in the present instance gradually relinquished the field. The advocates of pure and undefiled religion were animated to increased exertion; and though Cambridge and its neighbourhood was at one time very much under Socinian influence, few professors of that baneful system are now to be found either in the town or the University.

Dr. Milner was in the year 1798

elected Lucasian Professor of Mathematics,--an office which he retained to his death. During his residence in Cambridge, where he chiefly remained from October to July; he was necessarily very much confined to his lodge; but came out on all great and important occasions, and applied his mind with considerable diligence to the concerns of his college, and of the university, as well as to his private studies. A great part of his time was employed in the continuation of the History of the Church commenced by his brother; of which the Dean had published two volumes, and had collected materials for two or three more, when his labours were interrupted by death. The volumes published by the Dean are highly interesting. The character of Luther especially is displayed in a new and instructive light; while the Dean's observations continually display a master mind, and compel us to regret the loss of those parts for which he is stated to have left materials, however ably that loss may have been supplied by the valuable continuation of the late Rev. John Scott.

In 1809 Dean Milner was again elected Vice-Chancellor, a year earlier than his regular turn. This was in consequence of some circumstances which induced the University to pass by Dr. Browne, the then Master of Christ's College, who in ordinary circumstances would have been appointed. Dr. Browne was indeed elected Vice-Chancellor two years after in consequence of the strenuous exertions of his personal friends; but the correctness of the unfavourable views which a large part of the University entertained concerning him, was very unexpectedly confirmed by his being expelled from the office of Master on an appeal to the visitor of his college.

The circumstances under which Dr. Milner was thus a second time elected to the office of Vice-Chan

cellor gave rise to some difficulties. Dr. Browne was so ill-advised as to proceed in one of the courts at Westminster against a gentleman who had mentioned in the SenateHouse his reasons for voting against him. The Vice-Chancellor was therefore called upon to interfere, and claimed the privilege of the University to decide in all such cases between its own members. The claim was of course allowed; but on a day being fixed by the Vice-Chancellor to receive Dr. Browne's accusation, he declined appearing, though he subsequently published a pamphlet in his own vindication. On this pamphlet Dean Milner printed some very concise remarks, to which Dr. Browne, made no reply.

In the latter part of 1811 an auxiliary Bible Society was formed in Cambridge under very peculiar circumstances. TWO HUNDRED YOUNG MEN among the students were most anxious to unite in aid of this valuable Institution; and in order to carry their design into effect solicited the advice and assistance of their seniors. Their zealous efforts were ably supported by the late Professor Farish, Mr. Simeon, Dr. Jowett, &c. and a public meeting was in consequence convened at the Town Hall, Dec. 12, 1811. The announcement of this meeting immediately excited opposition. Dr. Herbert Marsh, Margaret Professor of Divinity, and subsequently Bishop of Peterbro', published an address to the Members of the Senate of the University of Cambridge, occasioned by the proposal to introduce an auxiliary Bible Society; in which he drew an ingenious but very fallacious parallel between the British and Foreign Bible Society, and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. This address produced little effect; but called forth some severe though deserved animadversions from the different speakers at the Town

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