Miscellany Poems. Containing Variety of New TRANSLATIONS. OF THE ANCIENT POETS: Together with Several ORIGINAL POEMS. By the Moft Eminent Hands. -Non deficit alter Aureus;& fimili frondefcit virga metallo. The FOURTH EDITION. LONDON: Virg. ' Printed for JACOB TONSON at Shakespear's CONTENTS. P. 38 Tranflation of the latter Part of the Third Book of Lucretius; against the Fear P. 50 of Death. By Mr. Dryden. Lucretius, the Fourth Book. Concerning Horace Lib. 1. Ode 9. By Mr. Dryden. Horat. Ode 29. Book 3. Paraphras'd - in Pindarique Verses and infcrib'd to the Right Honourable Lawrence Earl P. 74 of Rochefter. By Mr. Dryden. |