THE EDINBURGH ENTERTAINER: CONTAINING HISTORICAL and POETICAL COLLECTIONS. For the USE of SCHOOL S. Taken from the beft AUTHORS. EDINBURGH: Printed for G. HAMILTON & J. BALFOUR, J. TRAILL J. BROWN, J. YAIR, and L. HUNTER MDCCL. HE hiftory and character of David I. King of Scotland. From Buchanan History of a bloody combat fought by two Highland Clans in the month of September 1396, in the reign of Robert III. King of Scotland, on the North Inch of Perth, in prefence of the King and court, and a Hiftory of the fiege of Tyre, by Alexander A defcription of the city of Jerufalem, its The history of Jofeph, his being fold into Egypt, his imprisonment there, and of Of the fiege of Babylon, by Cyrus The history of the Siege of Troy 12 13 17 19 26 48 Page. An account of the famous retreat of ten. thousand Greeks, under the conduct of the great Xenophon, commonly styled Xeno- A fuccinct account of the dreadful perfe- cution the Jews underwent at Alexan- dria, and Philo's embassy to the Emperor A fuccinct hiftory of James I. K. of Scotland A Lady's laft farewell to her bufband. Wrote a few days before her death A memorable fong on the unhappy bunting of Chevy-chace, between Earl Douglas of Scotland and Earl Piercy of England A COLLECTION OF PROSE and VERSE. For the Ufe of SCHOOLS. The History and Character of DAVIDI. King of Scotland. From the Scottish history, D AVID fucceeded his brother Alexander in the kingdom, in the year of Chrift 124. As his brothers reigned fucceffively, one after another, in Scotland, he ftaid with his fifter Maud in England. There he married his coufin Maud, a woman of great beauty, wealth, and nobility; for Voldiofus Earl of Northumberland was her father; and her mother was Judith, niece to William the Norman. He had a fon by her, named Henry, in whom both his father's and mother's difpofition did prefently appear. Upon this marriage, his revenues were much increased, by the acceffion of Northumberlandand Huntingtonshire to the lands he enjoyed A before |