Are giv'n in vain, but what they seek they find) 350 Self-love thus push'd to social, to divine, Is this too little for the boundless heart? 355 Extend it, let thy enemies have part: In one close system of Benevolence: Happier as kinder, in whate'er degree, And height of Bliss but heights of Charity. 360 God loves from Whole to Parts: But human soul Must rise from Individual to the Whole. Self-love but serves the virtuous mind to wake, 365 Friend, parent, neighbour, first it will embrace; Take ev'ry creature in, of ev'ry kind; 370 Earth smiles around, with boundless bounty blest, Come, then, my Friend! my Genius! come along; Oh master of the poet, and the song! And while the Muse now stoops, or now ascends, To Man's low passions, or their glorious ends, Teach me, like thee, in various nature wise, To fall with dignity, with temper rise; Form'd by thy converse, happily to steer From grave to gay, from lively to severe; Correct with spirit, eloquent with ease, 375 380 Intent to reason, or polite to please. 385 Pursue the triumph, and partake the gale? 390 395 And all our Knowledge is, OURSELVES TO KNOW. [1734] THE UNIVERSAL PRAYER DEO OPT. МАХ. FATHER of All! in ev'ry Age, In ev'ry Clime ador'd, Thou Great First Cause, least understood: Who all my Sense confin'd Yet gave me, in this dark Estate, To see the Good from Ill; 5 10 And, binding Nature fast in Fate, What Conscience dictates to be done, This, teach me more than Hell to shun, What Blessings Thy free Bounty gives, Yet not to Earth's contracted Span Let not this weak, unknowing hand If I am right, thy grace impart, If I am wrong, oh teach my heart Save me alike from foolish Pride, Teach me to feel another's Woe, 15 20 25 30 35 That Mercy I to others show Mean tho' I am, not wholly so This day, be Bread and Peace my Lot: To Thee, whose Temple is all Space, 40 45 50 [1738] MORAL ESSAYS IN FOUR EPISTLES TO SEVERAL PERSONS Est brevitate opus, ut currat sententia, neu se [Close be your language; let your sense be clear, Discreetly hide your strength, your vigour spare; And cut the knot when graver reasons fail. FRANCIS.] EPISTLEΙ To Sir Richard Temple, Lord Cobham ARGUMENT OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND CHARACTERS OF MEN I. That it is not sufficient for this knowledge to consider Man in the Abstract: Books will not serve the purpose, nor yet your own Experience singly, ver. I. General maxims, unless they be formed upon both, will be but notional, ver. 10. Some Peculiarity in every man, characteristic to himself, yet varying from himself, ver. 15. Difficulties arising from our own Passions, Fancies, Faculties, etc., ver. 31. The shortness of Life to observe in, and the uncertainty of the Principles of action in men to observe by, ver. 37, etc. Our own Principle of action often hid from ourselves, ver. 41. Some few Characters plain, but in general confounded, dissembled, or inconsistent, ver. 51. Unimaginable weakness in the greatest, ver. 69, etc. The same man utterly different in different places and seasons, ver. 71. Nothing constant and certain but God and Nature, ver. 95. No judging of the Motives from the actions; the same actions proceeding from contrary Motives, and the same Motives influencing contrary actions, ver. 100. II. Yet to form Characters we can only take the strongest actions of a man's life and try to make them agree: the utter uncertainty of this, from Nature itself and from policy, ver. 120. Characters given according to the rank of men of the world, ver. 135. And some reason for it, ver. 140. Education alters the Nature, or at least Character, of many, ver. 149. Actions, Passions, Opinions, Manners, Humours, or Principles, all subject to change. No judging by Nature, from ver. 158 to ver. 178. III. It only remains to find (if we can) his Ruling Passion: that will certainly influence all the rest, and can reconcile the seeming or real inconsistency of all his actions, |