Esher in Surrey, belonging to the Honourable Mr. Pelham, Brother of the Duke of Newcastle. The author could not have given a more amiable idea of his Character than in comparing him to Mr. Craggs.”—Pope, 71. Secker. Bishop of Bristol (1735), then of Oxford (1737), and elevated to the Primacy in 1758. 71. Rundel. Made Bishop of Derry in 1735. 72. Benson. Made Bishop of Gloucester in 1733. 73. Berk'ley. The celebrated philosopher, Bishop of Cloyne, of whom Atterbury said that "So much understanding, so much knowledge, so much innocence, and such humility, I did not think had been the portion of any but angels, till I saw this gentleman." 77. Halifax. "A peer, no less distinguished by his love of letters than his abilities in Parliament. He was disgraced in 1710, on the change of Queen Anne's ministry."-Pope. 79. Shrewsbury. "Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, had been Secretary of state, Embassador in France, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord Chamberlain, and Lord Treasurer. He several times quitted his employments, and was often recalled. He died in 1718."-Pope. 80. Carleton. "Hon. Boyle, Lord Carleton, (nephew of the famous Robert Boyle) who was Secretary of state under William III. and President of the council under Queen Anne.” -Pope. 80. Stanhope. "James Earl Stanhope. A nobleman of equal courage, spirit, and learning. General in Spain, and Secretary of state."-Pope. 88. Wyndham. "Sir William Wyndham, Chancellor of the Exchequer under Queen Anne, made early a considerable figure; but since a much greater both by his ability and eloquence, joined with the utmost judgment and temper."-Pope. 92. "He was at this time honoured with the esteem and favour of his Royal Highness the Prince."-Warburton. 99. my Lord May'r. “Sir John Barnard, Lord Mayor in the year of the Poem, 1738. A Citizen eminent for his virtue, public Spirit, and great talents in Parliament. An excellent Man, Magistrate, and Senator. In the year 1747, the City of London, in memory of his many and signal services to his Country, erected a Statue to him. But his image had been placed long before in the heart of every good Man." -Warburton. 129. Arnall. A political writer in the service of Walpole. Pope placed him in the Dunciad, Book ii, line 315, with a note saying that for his "scurrilities" he received 11,000 pounds in four years. 130. Polwarth. "Lord Polwarth was, after Barnard, the speaker whom Walpole considered the most formidable in debate of all the Opposition, on account of his fairness and independence."-Elwin and Courthope. 158. According to Horace Walpole, the allusion both here and in line 61 is to Lord Selkirk. 159. See Imitations of Horace, Book ii, Satire i, line 82. 161. A line taken from a poem addressed to Walpole by Bubb Doddington. 164. Pope added a note: "Spoken not of any particular priest, but of many priests." Commentators insist, however, on applying it particularly to Dr. Alured Clarke, who wrote a panegyric on Queen Caroline. 166. the florid Youth. Lord Hervey, who painted himself to conceal his sickly paleness. 167. "This seems to allude to a complaint made in verse 71 of the preceding Dialogue.”—Pope. 185-186. Japhet, Chartres. "See the Epistle to Lord Bathurst."-Pope. 204. "From Terence: 'Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto.'"-Pope. 222. Cobwebs. "Weak and slight sophistry against virtue and honour. Thin colours over vice, as unable to hide the light of Truth, as cobwebs to shade the) sun.”—Pope. 228. When black Ambition, etc. "The case of Cromwell in the civil war of England; and (verse 229) of Louis XIV. in his conquest of the Low Countries."-Pope. 231. Nor Boileau turn the Feather to a Star. "See his Ode on Namur; where (to use his own words) 'il a fait un Astre de la Plume blanche que le Roy porte ordinairement à son Chapeau, et qui est en effet une espèce de Comète, fatale à nos ennemis." "-Pope. 237. Anstis. "The chief Herald at Arms. It is the custom, at the funeral of great peers, to cast into the grave the broken staves and ensigns of honour."-Pope. 239. Stair. “John Dalrymple Earl of Stair, Knight of the Thistle; served in all the wars under the Duke of Marlborough; and afterwards as Embassador in France."-Pope. 240, 241. Hough and Digby. "Dr. John Hough, Bishop of Worcester, and the Lord Digby. The one an assertor of the Church of England in opposition to the false measures of King James II. The other as firmly attached to the cause of the King. Both acting out of principle, and equally men of honour and virtue."-Pope. 255. "This was the last poem of the kind printed by our author, with a resolution to publish no more; but to enter thus, in the most plain and solemn manner he could, a sort of PROTEST against that insuperable corruption and depravity of manners, which he had been so unhappy as to live to see. Could he have hoped to have amended any, he had continued those attacks; but bad men were grown so shameless and so powerful, that Ridicule was become as unsafe as it was ineffectual. The Poem raised him, as he knew it would, some enemies; but he had reason to be satisfied with the approbation of good men, and the testimony of his own conscience."-Pope. APPENDIX A CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY There is no extensive bibliography of the literature about Pope. The present list may be supplemented by consulting the Cambridge History of English Literature, volume ix, Allibone's Dictionary of Authors, the Dictionary of National Biography, and the various indexes to periodical literature. All publications since 1920 are listed in the annual Bibliography of English Literature, prepared by the Modern Humanities Research Association, a series indispensable to any serious student of English literature. A definitive bibliography of Pope's own writings from 1709 to 1734 was published by R. H. Griffith in 1922, and future installments to complete the work are in preparation. The list given here is designed primarily to assist the undergraduate student to some knowledge of the history of Pope's reputation, and thus to an intelligent evaluation of the more important essays on Pope as poet and artist. 1751. Works of Alexander Pope. Edited by Warburton. 9 volumes. An exact printing of the text as Pope finally left it. But the commentary is often more Warburton than Pope. 1755. Lessing, G. E. Pope ein Metaphysiker! A vigorous attack on Pope as a thinker, by the greatest German writer of that time. 1756. Warton, Joseph. An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. Volume I. The second volume appeared in 1782. An attempt to deflate Pope's reputation, by one of the important early Romanticists. 1779-1781. Johnson, Samuel. to works of the English Poets. well as in Pope criticism. Life of Pope, in his Prefaces 1796. Wakefield, Gilbert. Observations on Pope. A valuable collection of minutiae, with a preface defending Pope as a poet. 1806. Bowles, William Lisle. Edition and Memoir of Pope. 10 volumes. Unsympathetic treatment throughout, by a Romanticist. 1818. Hazlitt, William. Dryden and Pope, in Lectures on the English Poets. Brilliant appreciation, even though Hazlitt was in general out of sympathy with the Eighteenth century. 1819. Campbell, Thomas. Specimens of the British Poets. 7 volumes. In volume i, pages 260-270, Campbell defended Pope against Bowles, and thus precipitated the Bowles-Byron controversy. 1820. Spence, Joseph. Anecdotes. Edited by S. W. Singer. Valuable notes, published from manuscript, of the conversation of Pope and his circle. 1821. Hazlitt, William. Pope, Lord Byron, and Mr. Bowles, in London Magazine. Reprinted in Hazlitt's Works, Ed. Waller and Glover, volume xi, pages 486–508. A bibliography of the Bowles-Byron controversy is found in the Cambridge History of English Literature, volume ix, page 500. See also an article on Bowles by T. E. Casson, in Eighteenth Century Literature, an Oxford Miscellany, Oxford, 1909. 1848. DeQuincey, Thomas. The Poetry of Pope. Reprinted in DeQuincey's Works, ed. Masson, volume xi, pages 51-97. 1851. DeQuincey, Thomas. Lord Carlisle on Pope. Reprinted in his Works, volume xi, pages 98-155. DeQuincey delivered a slashing attack on Pope. 1853. Thackeray, W. M. English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century. 1854. Hannay, James. Satire and Satirists. 1858. Conington, John. The Poetry of Pope, in Oxford Essays. Reprinted in his Miscellaneous Works, Volume i, 1872. An examination of Pope's poetry by an eminent student and translator of Augustan Latin literature. Helped to restore moderation after DeQuincey's violence. 1862. Anon. English Poetry from Dryden to Cowper, in Quarterly Review, July, 1862. 1863. Taine, H. Histoire de la littérature anglaise. Taine butchered Pope to provide a French holiday and to illustrate Taine's theory. 1864. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Review of Taine, reprinted in Nouveaux Lundis, volume viii. Rebuke of Taine, and defence of Pope, by the master of French critics. 1869. Essay on Man, edited by Mark Pattison. 1869. Poetical Works, edited by A. W. Ward. Globe edition. A handy volume, with accurate text, and elaborate notes. 1871-1889. Pope's Works, edited by Elwin and Courthope. 10 volumes. There are four volumes of poetry, and five of letters, and a life. Elwin, who edited the first two volumes of poetry and the first three of correspondence, became more and more hostile towards the poet to whom he had devoted the leisure of a lifetime. Upon his death, Courthope continued the edition with much more sympathy and understanding. The volume of biography is by Courthope. 1871. Lowell, J. R. Pope. Reprinted in Literary Essays, volume iv. Some hesitancy as to whether Pope should be called a poet. 1872. Satires and Epistles, edited by Mark Pattison. 1872. Pattison, Mark. Pope and his Editors, in British Quarterly Review. Reprinted in his Essays, volume ii. Scholarly and valuable. 1873. Stephen, Sir Leslie. Pope as a Moralist, in Cornhill Magazine. Reprinted in Hours in a Library, volume i. 1875. Dilke, Charles Wentworth. The Papers of a Critic, volume i. Contains important study of Pope's methods in the publication of his letters. 1875. Abbott, Edwin. A Concordance to the Works of Alexander Pope. 1880, Stephen, Sir Leslie. Alexander Pope. English Men |