A heart refign'd the conqueft of your eyes: Well might, alas! that threatned veffel fail, Which winds and lightning both at once affail. We were too bleft with these inchanting lays, 5 Which must be heav'nly when an Angel plays: But killing charms your lover's death contrive, Left heav'nly mufic should be heard alive. Orpheus could charm the trees, but thus a tree, Taught by your hand, can charm no less than he: A poet made the filent wood pursue, This vocal wood had drawn the Poet too. On a FAN of the Author's defign, in which was painted the story of CEPHALUS and PROCRIS, with the Motto, AURA VENI. COME JOME, gentle Air! th' Æolian shepherd faid, Nor could that fabled dart more furely wound: Yet guiltless too this bright deftroyer lives, At random wounds, nor knows the wounds the gives: She views the ftory with attentive eyes, And pities Procris, while her lover dies. IV. COWLE Y. The GARDEN. AIN would my Mufe the flow'ry Treasures fing, FAI And humble glories of the youthful Spring; Surveys its beauties, whence its beauties grow; 10 There the green Infants in their beds are laid, 15 20 Exceed their promife in the ripen'd ftore, Still turns her beauties from th' invading beam, 25 W WEEPING. WHILE Celia's Tears make forrow bright, Proud grief fits fwelling in her eyes; The Sun, next thofe the faireft light, Thus from the Ocean firft did rife: These filver drops, like morning dew, So from one cloud foft show'rs we view, The Baby in that funny Sphere So like a Phaeton appears, 35 40 That Heav'n, the threaten'd World to spare, 45 Elfe might th' ambitious Nymph aspire, |