ARGUMENT. A BELARD and Eloifa flourished in the twelfth Century; they were two of the most distinguished perfons of their age in learning and beauty, but for nothing more famous than for their unfortunate paffion. After a long courfe of calamities, they retired each to a feveral Convent, and confecrated the remainder of their days to religion. It was many years after this feparation, that a letter of Abelard's to a Friend, which contained the hiftory of his misfortune, fell into the hands of Eloifa. This awakening all her tenderness, occafioned those celebrated letters (out of which the following is partly extracted) which give fo lively a picture of the ftruggles of grace and nature, virtue and paffion. P. Plate IV. Vol. II. facing p.29. S.Wale inv: et del: J.S.Müller Sci Ah Wretch believ'd the Spouse of God in vain, Confess'd within the Slave of Love and Man... El: to ab: ELOISA ΤΟ ABELARD. I N these deep folitudes and awful cells, Where heav'nly-penfive contemplation dwells, And ever-mufing melancholy reigns; What means this tumult in a Vestal's veins ? And Eloïfa yet must kiss the name. Dear fatal name! reft ever unreveal'd, O write it not my hand 141 the name appears wash it out, my tears! 5 10 |