Plate VI. Vol. II. facing p. 87. C.Mosley Sculp Jam. Wale Delin Old as he was, and void of Eye-sight too, What could alas! a helpless Husband do. Jan: & May. JANUARY AND M A Y. T HERE liv'd in Lombardy,as Authors write, Of gentle manners, as of gen'rous race, Bleft with much fenfe, more riches, and fome grace. He scarce could rule fome idle appetites: For long ago, let Priests say what they cou'd, But in due time, when fixty years were o’er, NOTES. 5 ΙΟ JANUARY AND MAY.] This Tranflation was done at fixteen of feventeen years of Age. P. This was his nightly dream, his daily care, 15 And to the heav'nly pow'rs his constant pray'r, These thoughts he fortify'd with reasons still, (For none want reasons to confirm their will.) 20 Grave authors fay, and witty poets fing, That honeft wedlock is a glorious thing: But depth of judgment moft in him appears, Who wifely weds in his maturer years. Then let him chufe a damfel young and fair, 25 To blefs his age, and bring a worthy heir; 30 To footh his cares, and free from noise and ftrife, 35 And pafs his inoffenfive hours away, 40 In blifs all night, and innocence all day: But what so pure, which envious tongues will fpare? Some wicked wits have libell'd all the fair. A night-invafion, and a mid-day devil. Let not the wife these fland'rous words regard, A wife is the peculiar gift of heav'n. Like empty fhadows, pafs, and glide away; 50 55 This bleffing lafts, (if those who try fay true) And wander'd in the folitary fhade: 60 |