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THE object of the Author of these Memoirs has been, to present a correct draught of the amiable character of the late lamented PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. Whatever defects the Reader discovers, he will not, it is hoped, find any attempt to impose the absurd idea, that the Princess was entirely exempt from human weakness; although the noble and benevolent disposition which Her Royal Highness manifested, the numerous and interesting anecdotes, and, above all, the excellence of her moral and religious example, especially during the uninterrupted felicity of her married life, will not only be found worthy of perusal, but of imitation. From the specimens of her more retired life, and of her benevolence, which have been suffered to transpire, the Reader will join the Author in regretting that the wide chasms of so interesting a history could only be closed

The Plates, and execution of this Work, are now before the Public; and, as the sale sufficiently testifies that they have recommended themselves, it is needless to say any thing in their favour. The Author may also be at least permitted to add, that as this Book constitutes a literary monument to the memory of the Princess Charlotte, beside being calculated to promote the diffusion of loyal sentiments, and moral and religious truth, without regard to sect or party; it forms a very suitable present for those young Ladies and Gentlemen upon whose opening minds their friends desire to impress those important principles, which equally conduce to individual prosperity and to the security of the State.


CHAP. I. History of the House of Brunswick, to the time of their Connexion with the Stuart Family; with a brief Account of that Family, brought down to the Death of Queen Anne.... ..P. 9. CHAP. II.-History of the House of Brunswick resumed, from the Accession of King George I. to the Birth of Her Royal Highness the late Princess Charlotte; with Anecdotes of His present Majesty.-Marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales, &c... .P.38. CHAP. III.-Separation of the Prince and Princess of Wales.-Education of the Princess Charlotte.-Juvenile Anecdotes.-Result of the Delicate Investigation.Education, Habits, Anecdotes, &c. of the Princess Charlotte continued..... .....P. 70. CHAP. IV.-Remarks on Constitutional Government.Eulogium on His present Majesty.-Regency Administration.-Party at Carlton House.-Anecdotes.-Letter of the Princess of Wales to the Prince Regent.Princess Charlotte's Residence at Windsor.-Musical Anecdotes.-Birth-day observed on her coming of Age. -Fête at Carlton House.-Resides at Warwick House. -Further Anecdotes.-Removes to Cranbourn Lodge. -Rejects the Prince of Orange.-Sudden Departure of the Princess of Wales from England.-First Meeting of the Princess Charlotte with Prince Leopold.-His hasty Return to the Continent.-History of the House of Saxe-Cobourg-Saalfeld.-Memoir of Prince Leopold, &c..... .P. 118. CHAP. V.-Indisposition of the Princess Charlotte.-Resides at Weymouth.-Judicious Benevolence.-Visits the Isle of Portland, and Abbotsbury Castle.-Marine Excursions. Anecdote.-Returns to Cranbourn Lodge.Appears at the Queen's Drawing-room.-Visits her Royal Father at Brighton.-Anecdote of the Prince Regent.-Prince Leopold recalled.-Anecdote.-Parliamentary Provision.-Marriage Articles.-Account of Claremont.-Preparation for the Nuptials.-The Wedding Dresses.-Marriage Ceremony.-Addresses of Congratulation.-Residence at Claremont.-The Nuptial Drawing-room.-Visits the Places of Public Amusement.-Princess of Wales's Visit to Tunis.-The Prin

cess Charlotte's Indisposition.-Marriage of the Princess
Mary and the Duke of Gloucester.-Miscarriage of the
Princess Charlotte.-Further Account of Claremont.-
Religious Deportment and Domestic Felicity of the
Royal Pair.-Dame Bewley's Cottage.-Anedotes, &c.


List of the Establishment at Claremont.-Celebration of the Princess Charlotte's Birth-day.-Festivities at Claremont.-Queen's Birth-day.-Notices of the Princess of Wales.-Princess Charlotte's Pregnancy, and Anniversary of her Marriage.-Flitch of Bacon Anecdote.Queen's Entertainment at Frogmore.-Anecdote of the Princess Charlotte and Lady Albemarle.-Mrs. Griffiths, the Nurse's, first Visit to Claremont.-Anecdote.--Her Majesty leaves Town for Bath.-The Poem called the "Quarrel of the Months.". ......P. 191. CHAP. VI.-Accouchement of the Princess Charlotte.-The Royal Infant still-born.-Attempts to restore it to Animation.-Authentic Account of what passed before. -Patient Resignation of the Princess.-Her Sudden Illness and unexpected Death.-Indescribable Distress of Prince Leopold, and of the Prince Regent.—Universal Public Alarm and Mourning.-The Embalmment. -The Prince Regent's Visit of Condolence to Prince Leopold, and Letter to Sir Richard Croft.-Real Cause of the Princess Charlotte's Death-Country Accounts of the deep Sorrow manifested on account of that Calamity.-Preparations for the Funeral.-The Royal Sepulchre.-The Coffins, Urn, &c.-Funeral Procession.-Account of the Manner in which the Day of the Funeral was observed throughout the Kingdom.-Application and Improvement of the awful Event.-Fortitude and Munificence of Prince Leopold.-Description of the Interior of Claremont House.-Benevolence of the Prince Regent.-The Princess of Wales receives the Intelligence of her Daughter's Death.-Addresses of Condolence.-Intended Monument to the Memory of the Princess Charlotte.-Conclusion.-Present State of the Succession to the Throne..... ...P. 378. APPENDIX.-Medical Reports.-Memoir of the late Sir Richard Croft, with an Account of his Death.-Account of the King's first Illness in 1788.-Of the Jubilee in 1809, &c.-Letter of Queen Charlotte to the late King of Prussia.-Poetical Effusions. .P. 535.

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