The glories of Mary, mother of God |
From inside the book
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Page vi
... Mary conducts her servants to Heaven 172 CHAPTER IX . O Most Clement , O Most Pious . SEC . 1. The greatness of Mary's clemency and goodness CHAPTER X. O sweet Virgin Mary . 1. The sweetness of the holy name of Mary in life and death ...
... Mary conducts her servants to Heaven 172 CHAPTER IX . O Most Clement , O Most Pious . SEC . 1. The greatness of Mary's clemency and goodness CHAPTER X. O sweet Virgin Mary . 1. The sweetness of the holy name of Mary in life and death ...
Page 11
... the cause of this blessed man for canonization , so that we may hope to see his name at no distant day , solemnly inscribed in the catalogue of the saints . THE GLORIES OF MARY , IN A PARAPHRASE ON THE Alphonsus Liguori . 11.
... the cause of this blessed man for canonization , so that we may hope to see his name at no distant day , solemnly inscribed in the catalogue of the saints . THE GLORIES OF MARY , IN A PARAPHRASE ON THE Alphonsus Liguori . 11.
Page 25
... Mary's thirst for our salvation , he was pleased that she might co - operate with Him by the gene- rous sacrifice of His life . This is what the ... name of Disciples . Mary then is our Mother , and what a Mother The Glories of Mary . 25.
... Mary's thirst for our salvation , he was pleased that she might co - operate with Him by the gene- rous sacrifice of His life . This is what the ... name of Disciples . Mary then is our Mother , and what a Mother The Glories of Mary . 25.
Page 27
... Mother , who calls us , in this passage of the Book of Wisdom : Si quis est parvulus veniat ad me , Let little ones come to Me . Children have ever on their lips the name of their mother ; the least danger that appears , causes them to ...
... Mother , who calls us , in this passage of the Book of Wisdom : Si quis est parvulus veniat ad me , Let little ones come to Me . Children have ever on their lips the name of their mother ; the least danger that appears , causes them to ...
Page 37
... Mary , than a human being . Love her as much as the blessed Her- man Joseph , whom she honoured with the name of her Spouse , as much as a St. Philip of Neri , who styled her his delight ; as a St. Bernard , who denominated her ...
... Mary , than a human being . Love her as much as the blessed Her- man Joseph , whom she honoured with the name of her Spouse , as much as a St. Philip of Neri , who styled her his delight ; as a St. Bernard , who denominated her ...
Common terms and phrases
advocate afflicted Albertus Magnus amiable Angels Anselm behold Bernard blessed Mother blessed Virgin Blosius Bonaventure Bridget Canticles cause cease Christians Church clemency confidence consolation Council of Trent Crasset creatures death desire devils devotion to Mary divine grace divine mercy earth enemies eternal eyes faithful Father favour fear Germanus glory grace grant happy heart hell hence holy name holy Vir holy Virgin honour hope invoke Mary Jesus Christ John Damascene King Laurence Lord Mary's intercession mediator mediatrix ment miserable Mistress Mother of God Mother of mercy name of Mary never obtain pardon penance perseverance person Peter Damian pious pray prayers protection purgatory Queen of heaven received recourse recur Redeemer refuge refuse render Richard of St saints salvation Saviour says St SECTION servants of Mary Sienna sins soul succour sweet temptations thee ther thou throne vation victory virtue wish womb words
Popular passages
Page 51 - For love, in my opinion, is as much the life of the soul, as the soul is the life of the body.
Page viii - And they sung a new song, saying, "Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof; for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation...
Page viii - When thou didst pray with tears, and didst bury the dead, and didst leave thy dinner, and hide the dead by day in thy house, and bury them by night, I offered thy prayer to the Lord.
Page 164 - I have trodden under my feet the hearts of all the high and low: and in all these I sought rest, and I shall abide in the inheritance of the Lord. Then the creator of all things commanded, and said to me: and He that made me, rested in my tabernacle, And he said to me: Let thy dwelling be in Jacob, and thy inheritance in Israel, and take root in my elect...
Page 15 - O God, give thy judgment to the king, and thy justice to the king's son. . And, if any shall offer wrong to the Lord's Anointed, in his person, in his seed, the work of that injustice shall be war ; yea, Bellum Domini, The Lord's War; 1 Sam.
Page viii - And another angel came, and stood before the altar, having a golden censer ; and there was given to him much incense, that he should offer of the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne of God. 4. And the smoke of the incense of the prayers of the saints ascended up before God, from the hand of the angel.
Page 165 - We read in the Chronicles of St. Francis, that brother Leo once saw in a vision two ladders, one red, at the summit of which was Jesus Christ, and the other white, at the top of which presided his blessed Mother. He observed that many, who endeavoured to ascend the first ladder, after mounting a few steps fell down ; and on trying again were equally unsuccessful, so that they never...
Page 140 - Mary, says St. Chrysostom, has been elected from all eternity as Mother of God, that she may save by HER mercy those to whom her Son in justice cannot grant pardon.
Page 14 - Mary is then Queen of the universe, since Jesus is its King : thus,' as St. Bernardine again observes, ' as many creatures as obey God, so many obey the glorious Virgin. Everything in heaven and on earth, which is subject to God, is also under the empire of His most holy Mother.
Page 22 - Queen of heaven and of earth! Mother of God! my sovereign mistress ! I present myself before you, as a poor mendicant before a mighty queen. From the height of your throne, deign to cast your eyes upon a miserable sinner, and lose not sight of him till you render him truly holy.