Queen of heaven and of earth! Mother of God! my sovereign mistress ! I present myself before you, as a poor mendicant before a mighty queen. From the height of your throne, deign to cast your eyes upon a miserable sinner, and lose not sight of him till... The glories of Mary, mother of God - Page 22by Alfonso Maria de' Liguori (st.) - 1833Full view - About this book
 | William Patrick Palmer - 1842 - 500 lehte
...of Mercy" — I am " the joy of the just, and the gate through which sinners go to God." (p. 22.) " Queen of heaven and earth ! Mother of God ! my Sovereign...before you as a poor mendicant before a mighty Queen, (p. 29.) No grace, no pardon, emanates from the throne of the King of kings without passing through... | |
 | John Cumming - 1843 - 230 lehte
...Catholic devotees,) I take the following extracts from this volume : — Page 35. " Queen of heaven and of earth! Mother of God! my sovereign mistress ! I present...the height of your throne, deign to cast your eyes upon a miserable sinner, and lose not sight of him till you render him truly holy. O illustrious virgin... | |
 | James Endell Tyler - 1844 - 434 lehte
...heaven and Mother of mercy. I am the joy of the just, and the gate through which sinners go to God.' Queen of heaven and earth, Mother of God, my Sovereign...before you, as a poor .mendicant before a mighty queen. No grace, no pardon, emanates from the throne of the King of kings without passing through the hands... | |
 | James Endell Tyler - 1844 - 438 lehte
...heaven and Mother of mercy. I am the joy of the just, and the gate through which sinners go to God.' Queen of heaven and earth, Mother of God, my Sovereign...before you, as a poor mendicant before a mighty queen. No grace, no pardon, emanates from the throne of the King of 'kings without passing through the hands... | |
 | 1848 - 672 lehte
...altogether without scriptural sanction or support. Here is a specimen : — " Queen of heaven and earth ! my sovereign Mistress ! I present myself before you as a poor mendicant before a mighty Queen. O illustrious Virgin ! you are Queen of the universe, and consequently mine. I desire then to consecrate... | |
 | Henry Tudor - 1848 - 468 lehte
...themselves to her prayers, may be saved by her intercession and form her crown in heaven, (p. 35.) " ' Queen of heaven and earth ! Mother of God ! My Sovereign...miserable sinner, and lose not sight of him till, by your prayers, you render him truly holy. " ' O illustrious Virgin ! You are Queen of the universe,... | |
 | William Garrett Lewis - 1851 - 184 lehte
...yet this work contains the following awfully impious sentences:— Page 35 " Queen of Heaven and of earth, Mother of God, my Sovereign Mistress, I present...mighty Queen. From the height of your throne deign to rest your eyes upon a miserable sinner, and loose not sight of him till you render him truly holy.... | |
 | Charles Hastings Collette - 1851 - 340 lehte
...177.) I will now draw to a close my quotations, with two examples from his numerous prayers : — " Queen of heaven and earth! Mother of God! my sovereign...you as a poor mendicant before a mighty Queen. From t/ie height of your throne, deign to cast your eyes on a miserable sinner, and lose not sight of him... | |
 | Jesuit priest - 1852 - 334 lehte
...of a woman — I take the following from Saint Liguori's " Glories of Mary." "Queen of Heaven and of Earth ! Mother of God ! My Sovereign Mistress ! I...the height of your throne, deign to cast your eyes upon a miserable sinner, and lose not sight of him till you render him truly holy. Save me, O powerful... | |
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