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that the Bible which he uses in his translation as we supposed, shewed that he is not careless in this great work that he has taken in hand: the Hymn-Books and School-Books also shewed that they were in constant use. After supper, we called our people to Evening Prayer; when those of Mr. Caulker readily joined us, and plainly shewed that they were by no means strangers to this duty.

Feb. 28,1823-We started, this morning, at half-past two o'clock for the Camaranca, about 18 miles; and arrived at the entrance, at four o'clock in the afternoon. The settlement of Mr. Thomas Caulker is full ten miles up this river, or rather creek: we did not reach it till near eight o'clock. We rather surprised our host, as he had not the least notice of our coming: he made us, however, very comfortable, in a manner which we did not expect. A country supper was served up in European style: we had Evening Prayer, in which, with several of his Headmen, he joined us ; and then we were conducted to our several apartments to take our rest.

March 1-When we rose, we found Mr. Caulker dressed exactly like a European, and with very much the appearance of a Gentleman. I could not but admire in him, that he preserved the cool negligent air of superiority, so peculiar to an African Chief. He breakfasted with us, and conversed freely on the subject of instructing the Africans in the truths of Christianity. He expressed great satisfaction with the conduct of William Tamba; and wished very much for him to come again. At our departure, he conducted us to our boat, and thanked us for having visited him; and said that he should be glad, at any time, to see us again: and we, in return, invited him to come and pay us a visit, whenever he should come into the Colony, which he promised to do.

It strikes me-notwithstanding what has been reported to the contrary, and which is more from supposition than from fact that there is a field open in this part; and I doubt not but that a judicious and persevering Missionary, with a Native Teacher, would be an instrument of great usefulness.

We left Mr. Caulker, at a quarter past ten o'clock, for Kent. In coming down the river, we were as much astonished as we were in going up, at the myriads of birds of all kinds and sizes,

but chiefly of the vulture and duck kind; and at the number of alligators, from three to eighteen feet long, lying on the mud banks, and, as we supposed, watching for the birds which live upon fish.

March 2, Sunday-We arrived again at Kent, at a quarter past eight in the morning; where we kept Divine Service. I read the prayers; and Brother Johnson preached, from Job xxii. 5; after which we administered the Lord's Supper to 18 Communicants. I preached, in the evening, from 1 Sam, xvi. 7.

March 3-Went over, after Morning Service, to the Bananas; where we were kindly received by the Superintendent, Mr. Campbell. Here Brother Johnson married five couples, by license; which is the first Christian Rite ever performed on this island.

Having been longer out than we intended, our several duties in our respective Settlements called us home. We accordingly left the Island, between six and seven o'clock in the evening, and reached home on Tuesday the 4th, where we were heartily welcomed by our respective flocks.

March 9, Sunday-Preached, in the morning, from Rom. v. 1, on Justification through the righteousness of Christ only, and not as some men think by a mixture made up of man's goodness and that of the Lord Jesus. Administered the Lord's Supper to 96 Communicants. Preached, in the evening, from Romans v. 1-5, and dwelt chiefly upon the effects of our Justification. I have spoken twice on this subject to-day; 1st, To guard my people against unscriptural notions; and, 2dly, to make them more attentive to the doctrines contained in the xxxix Articles, which I verily believe to be in such perfect unison with both the Old and New Testaments, that I have purposed to take, at present, one or two of the Articles for my subject every Lord's Day.

This day will, I trust, be remembered by many. What a stupendous mercy is conveyed to ruined men, in our Justification before God without our works or deservings! It is this, and this only, which makes God's faithful people mount up with wings as eagles; to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint.

March 11-Attended our Monthly Prayer Meeting: and, afterward, the Anniversary at Regent.

March 13-Went to Freetown; and,

after I had done there, accompanied Br. Nyländer to Kissey, where I spoke, in the evening, from Acts x. 43, &c. There was a very decent congregation (the new Church being fit for use) who were remarkably attentive. How easy it is to speak, when the audience seems eager to hear the Word!


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March 14-Expounded, in the evening, at Gloucester, Acts xiii. 15-37. After Service, I was called to visit some sick Communicants. In the first house, I found both husband and wife sick. "I am sorry," said I, to see you both in such a state."- Ah, Massa! what for you feel sorrow? I no feel sorrow. I am glad; and nothing troubles me no more. My body feel pain allover; but that's good for me: yes, I know by that, that my Father loves me, and that makes me so glad! This now makes three nights no sleep come in my eyes: one time my heart want to grumble; but, directly, one thought strike me-Remember Job! he have plenty sores, and he no stand Then I feel so ashamed of myself: first, that thought trouble me much; and, by and bye, my sin come before me: I was so troubled, no more fear live in my heart. Then I begin to think of my awful state. I say, in my heart,' What a miserable sinner I am! if the Lord cut me off just now, I must go to hell for true.' Then something tell me, Suppose you was true Christian, you can't stand so it is of no more use for you to pray: the Lord can't hear your prayer no more, because your sins are too great.' But, Massa, that same time when all that trouble live upon me, I remember what you say, long time ago, when you preach from them words, But Zion said, The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me (Is. xlix. 14, 15): You say Some time our unbelieving heart will say, the Lord hath now left me: He will no more have mercy: He hath forgotten to be gracious any more-and at another time, or perhaps at the same, the Devil will whisper, There is no help for you: your sins are so great, that God cannot pardon them, &c. but remember that your heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, and that the Devil is a liar from the beginning.' That same time I could say, That is true! It is nothing what my heart say or what the Devil say the Lord Jesus say, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; and again, I am come to

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seek and to save that which was lost." This word, Massa, take all at one time my trouble from me : my heart began to be so glad: no more-water run from my eyes. And then I think again on what you say last Sunday, particularly in the evening."-Here he repeated the heads of my Discourse.-"When I think about that, and what a poor blind sinner I was, and that the Lord save me from that blindness, I can say no more than this,' For true God love me with everlasting love.' I can't say what I feel in my heart"-He burst into a flood of tears, and I with him. After some time, he said, "Before time, I fear to die, when sickness catch me; but now I can say, 'Jesus has died for me;' and that same thing which the Lord Jesus has appointed for me, is good for me, even if I must die tonight." His wife was much in the same state of mind; with this exception, that she was more solicitous for her two little boys, whom she most earnestly recommended to me to take care of, in case she should die. I spoke to them, and to as many as were in the house, for some time; for, on such occasions, there are always plenty of people present, especially if they hear that I am sent for.

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I then went to another, a single man, who also was very ill. When I entered his house, he exclaimed, as soon as he saw me, O Massa, I am glad to see you. I hope you have some good word for me, for I am poor: I don't know how my heart stand this time, no more trouble live upon me. I fear I only belong to them people, who build them house upon the sand."—" Are you sensible,” said I, “that you are a sinner, that must perish without Christ for ever?" "Oh yes, if the Lord Jesus don't save me, I shall perish; because when I look upon all things in this world, all that can't save my soul!-my sin too great. Massa, I am very glad that you have come: but suppose you can see my heart in what fashion it stand now, you can't come to me, because my heart is too wicked. Yes, that word in the Eighth Chapter of Acts belongs to me: since that time you talk about that man Simon, no morefear come upon me*: for true since that

The form of expression here used-" no morefear come upon me"-is common among the people. Thus they often say, when they are filled with joy and consolation, No more-joy come upon me;" or "No more my heart feel glad too (very) much:


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I sick, I always think on that-Thou I see every thing look gay: then I hast neither part nor lot in this matter, think, What use now this fine house because thy heart is not right in the sight to that man? He dead now, and other of God." "But," said 1, "how can people live here; and, by and bye, they you compare yourself with that Simon ? die too, and must leave it again, and so -for if that man had felt that he was a every thing in this world stand.' When sinner, he could not have offered money I think about all this, I remember what to the Apostle for the gift of the Holy you preach same year Mr. Johnson go Ghost. Could you act in the same way to England-Arise ye, and depart; for as that man did?" "No, Massa, I this is not your rest. Yes, it is no use have nothing to give." Yes," said I, for man to put his heart upon things of you have something to give; for the this world. I ask myself, that same Lord says, in His word, My son, give me time, What thing is there you like thy heart; and blessed be the Name of best past the Lord Jesus Christ?' the Lord, He does not say,' First make When I think about all them things that thy heart good:' no, He says, Give me live here, I stand like stranger -no thy heart, which yet is deceitful above more-the Lord Jesus Christ can do me all things and desperately wicked; and good; and suppose that I know that I then, Let us reason together; and though belong to Him, that is best, past every thy sins be as scarlet they shall be as while thing!" He said much more, but it is impossible to remember all, for what I have stated is merely the outline.

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as snow." Yes, me glad to do this,
but my wicked heart won't let me.
Plenty time, my heart stand like peo-
ple when they quarrel. And, since last
rainy reason, that fashion my country
people stand in trouble me very much.
Same time you go to England last year,
plenty sore live on my foot: by and bye,
I want to go to the hospital; but, one
day, my country people from Rubees,"
a small native town between Welling-
ton and Hastings,
66 come to see me:
they tell me, Witch give me that sick-
ness, and suppose me pay them they
want to make country fashion"-that
is, a superstitious ceremony. "When
I hear them talk of witch palaver
and them country fashion, my heart
feel so sorry for them: no more-water
run out of my eyes: I don't know
what to do. Then I tell them, I n
want your medicine: that fashion you
talk no good: I want to trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ-He can make me
well, if He please, to day. No, me no
want your fashion, and me no want
your medicine'. Then they go away;
and, two days after that, I go to the
hospital. By and bye, my foot get well,
and the chicken pox catch me: then
the doctor send me to Fourah Bay, and
they put me in the house of one white
man that shot himself two years ago.
That same time me live in that house

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I could wish to put down on the spot what they say on such occasions; but were I to attempt it, they would be afraid, and would not be able to speak another word.

March 16, 1823, Sunday-Preached, in the forenoon, from James ii. 26; and, endeavoured to set forth the doctrine contained in the xiith Article; and, in the evening, from Matt. xv. 13. Found my duty hard to-day, notwithstanding the abundant cause for thankfulness that my labours have not been in vain.

March 23, Sunday-Preached, in the forenoon, from Rom. viii. 29, 30; and on the xviith Article; and, in the evening, from the same text.

March 25-Had our Quarterly Meeting here.

March 28,Good Friday-Read prayers in the forenoon, and preached from Matt. xxvii. 51.

March 30, Easter-Sunday-Was very much confused, on account of both my children being dangerously sick. My poor little Boy, who had been taken with the fever on Friday, was seized with violent spasms this morning. I read the Prayers, and preached from Matt. xxviii. 11-15. This was the day appointed for baptizing the candidates: 25 Adults, having given, in their several examinations, full proof of their sincerity so far as man can judge, were baptized, and afterward admitted to the Lord's Supper, which I administered to 127 Communicants. The occasion was truly solemn; and, for the time, I lost all my sorrows. Five infants also were baptized.

April 3, 1825.-Was called upon to undergo the final separation with my poor little Boy. Inflammation in the bowels was the means whereby the Lord put a stop to his short career of two years and three months.

April 7-Set out, this morning, for Kent; in order to attend the MonthlyPrayer Meeting there, and to introduce Mr. Beckauer to his Station at York.

April 8-Held a Prayer Meeting at Kent, in the forenoon; and, in the afternoon, we established an Association in aid of our Society.

April 9-Returned home, after hav ing visited York.

April 10-Examined, and admitted on trial, 14 Candidates for Baptism; and put off several for a future period of admission, not being able to give a satisfactory account of themselves as to their state of mind.

Sympathy of the People with their suf

fering Minister.

We have already spoken of Mr. Düring's illness. His Letter to the Secretaries, of the 11th of June, quoted before, contains an affecting picture, both of his suffering and of the affectionate sympathy of the people with him. He writes

Never have I experienced more excruciating pain, but never felt more peace and comfort! Oh the blessedness of true religion, when its genuine efficacy is experienced! It is indeed an easy yoke and a light burden, when Christ, the Head, speaks peace to the suffering members.

But while I have hinted at my personal affliction, I must not forget the conduct of our people; as it will throw further light on their progress. During the whole time of my sickness, which all knew was of a serious nature, the whole under my care were particularly distressed about it; and all the Communicants of Regent's both sympa thized with those here and felt for me; and their joint prayers and supplications for me were almost incessant.

When my disease had come to a crisis, which was on the 2d of June toward evening, I was seized with agonizing pain in the bowels, and a strong palpitation of the heart, which made me breathe with extreme difficulty. This was very soon known; and, in a little time, the bed room and piazza were filled chiefly with the Communicants, all


viewing me as certainly dying. No distressful howling noise, as practised by their brethren in their natural state, was heard; but silent tears were seen running down their cheeks in great abundance, while the more hardy vented their grief in sighs and groans. The sight was too much for me: I desired them to remove at least so far that I could not see them; and said to those near me, I take it very kind of you that you feel for me in my distress, but you only increase my pain when I see you so for which reason I wish you would stand in the piazza, where I cannot see you." But, as some went out, others came in: I was, therefore, obliged to give way to them. One man, who seemed to have been thinking of what I had said, came close to the bed, and said, very feelingly, “Massa, don't drive us away. We come to see what we can do for you: suppose you tell us to fetch Doctor from town, we can go and carry him up quick, suppose he no have horse to ride."- "Ah," said I, "no earthly Doctor can help me, if the Lord Jesus Christ does not. The only thing that is left for me and you, is to fly to Him in our trouble. I should be obliged to you, if you would pray with me!" No sooner had I uttered these words than all were instantly on their knees; like soldiers well exercised in the use of their arms! Many times have I felt the power of prayer; but to a season like this I had been a stranger until now; and I believe all the people, too, were very deeply impressed as well as myself.

Another event brought also great comfort and satisfaction to my mind, during my illness; this was, the remarkably good behaviour of the people, both here and at Regent's. Never, I am fully authorized to say, did practical religion shine more brightly among our people, than in the last two months: nor did they sympathize with me only, but equally with other suffering servants of the Society: nor did they stop here; but every respectable European, who fell a victim to the Yellow Fever, was lamented by them, and I have heard them pray for those whom they knew to be ill with equal simplicity and earnestness. These, my Dear Sirs, are evidences of the power of grace which need no comment: they speak volumes to every Christian Mind.

Farewell; and remember us in your

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continual prayers: we never fail to remember you.



State of the Settlement.

JOHN SANDY, one of the Regent'sTown Communicants, was placed at Wellington, which is near Kissey. He addresses to his late Minister, under date of Aug. 9, 1823, the following brief statement :

I have taken this opportunity of writing to you about my Station, in which I am placed. I am very sorry to see the Lord's labourers taken from us; but I know that it is the will of God that it should be so.

I send you a statement of my School. In the Day-School, I have 36 Boys; and, in the Evening, 89. The place which we have is a large house; and, on Sundays, we have it always full at church-time. And when I look back, and see what the Lord has done for us, I think it is wonderful; especially the way in which he brought us under the sound of the Gospel: by this I can say the Lord has done great things for us poor Africans.

I pray that the Lord may spare you to us. I am sorry for your being absent from us; and I hope to see you again, by the help of God.



THE appointment of the Rev. W. Goodell and the Rev. Isaac Bird to this Mission, and their arrival at Malta, have been before stated: see pp. 23, 158, and 198. From the Instructions delivered to them by the Board, we shall extract a few passages which have reference to the scene of their labours.

Jerusalem a Missionary Station of
peculiar interest.

Your ultimate destination, with the blessing of the Lord of Missions, is the Land of Judea; and the particular place of your residence the ancient city of David. You will endeavour to fix yourselves in this interesting spot, as soon as you can do it with the requisite preparations, and with the prospect of making a judicious application of your Sept. 1823.

powers and faculties to the spiritual wants of the people. After three months' residence at Jerusalem, your beloved brother Parsons considered it a place of unrivalled importance, as the centre of Missionary Operations; and one that is to be occupied, if possible: it comforted him on his dying pillow, that God had enabled him to act as a pioneer to sueceeding labourers.

If ever there was a Missionary Station, in which the persons engaged would be continually prompted to fidelity, that, Station. Every time you cast your to which you are assigned, is the very eyes on Gethsemane and Calvary, you will be reminded of the sufferings which your Saviour bore for your sins, and for the sins of your brethren of the human Olivet, you will think how frequently family. When you walk over Mount the same glorious Personage, in the days of His humiliation, passed that

way, on His visits of kindness to the friends whom He loved. As you look back upon the devoted city, in which

the abomination that maketh desolate has so long been set up, you will remember with what compassion and tenderness the Blessed Jesus wept over it. As you cast your eyes to the south, you will see the village of Bethlehem, where the wise men worshipped the infant Saviour: will gaze upon Mount Zion, so long the : as you turn to the north, you

emblem of the Church on earth and the Church in heaven. By all these external objects, be excited to unremitting diligence, to laborious industry, to a close and humble walk with God, to The very stones of the pavement would ardent aspirations after eminent holiness. seem to cry out against unfaithfulness in this consecrated region; as the very hills and valleys would lift up the voice of joy and gratulation, at the revival of genuine religion in a place, which formerly enjoyed the peculiar presence of Jehovah, but has now lain, for so many dark and dismal ages, under the distinct and visible expression of His anger.

Journeys of Investigation..

In considering Western Asia and the neighbouring parts of Africa as fields of Missionary Labour, it is obvious that a large portion of present exertions must be applied to exploring the state of these countries, and opening channels in which the waters of life may hereafter flow to refresh many nations. It is pro

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