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In presenting this volume of documents to the public, the publishers are induced to hope that its execution will give satisfaction to its numerous patrons, and be considered worthy of the important matter it contains. More matter has been compressed into the work, than was promised in the Prospectus, and as the messages have in every case, been copied from the official documents of Congress, their correctness may be coufidently relied on.

The biography of JACKSON is necessarily short, and assumes no higher character, than that of a brief and humble compilation. To abler hands we leave the task of sketching the life and character of Andrew Jackson, and raising still higher the monument of his renown, for which his biographers have laid so broad a foundation.

This volume, such as it is, we submit to a generous community, who have already given an earnest of their liberality-trusting that, while the friends of General Jackson, will carefully peruse it, as a memorial of that distinguished individual-his enemies will feel whatever of excitement may have existed in their minds against him, removed by a candid perusal of its pages.

Concord, Jan. 10, 1837.

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ANDREW JACKSON, the subject of the following sketch, was born in 1767, at a place in South Carolina called the Waxsaw settlement, situated near Camden. His father, who had emigrated from Ireland some two years previous, died during his infancy, leaving him with two elder brothers, to the care of a widowed mother. To the lessons of patriotism which he learned from her lips and the ardent impressions he received from her simple narration of her country's wrongs, may undoubtedly be attributed much of that patriotic zeal which his subsequent career has exhibited.

Having been intended by his mother for the ministry, . Andrew enjoyed all the advantages for education, which the infant settlement could afford. He was at an early period sent to an academy at the Waxsaw meeting house, where he commenced the study of the languages, and here he remained, till the war then raging between this country and Britain, extended its ravages into the immediate vicinity. At that period, though scarcely fourteen years of age, young Jackson was seen taking up arms, and rallying with his fellow citizens, under the flag of his country.

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