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JUN 28 1937



An Act to confirm the Election of Judge of Probate for the District of New Hartford.

Whereas, At a special electors' meeting, duly warned and holden in New Hartford, in accordance with the warrant of the governor, and in all respects legal, on the first Monday of April, A. D. 1866, for the election of judge of probate for the district of New Hartford, to fill a vacancy in said office, Fitch W. Burwell was legally elected as such judge, for the unexpired term, and to fill such vacancy; and whereas, the presiding officer of said special electors' meeting by mistake and accident, failed to make return of said election according to law; now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened:

bate judge in

SEC. 1. That the election of judge of probate to Election of profill said vacancy shall not for such cause be adjudged New Hartford void, but that the same is hereby ratified and confirm-confirmed. ed; and the said Fitch W. Burwell is hereby declared to be duly elected judge of probate for the said probate district of New Hartford, to fill said vacancy as aforesaid, the same as though the return of his election



had been made by the presiding officer of said special electors' meeting, as by law required.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from and after the date of its passage.

Approved, May 11th, 1866.

Omission to take

the oath by clerk

his records.


An Act in addition to and in alteration of an Act entitled "An Act concerning Education."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened:

SEC. 1. That in all cases where the clerk of any not to invalidate school district, shall have neglected to take the oath of office prescribed by law before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, or making up his record, the acts and doings of such district shall not for such reason be invalid, but the same shall be and hereby are ratified and confirmed.

SEC. 2. This act shall not affect any suit now pending.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect on and after the day of its passage.

Approved, May 23d, 1866.

Probate of will to


An Act in addition to " An Act for the Settlement of
Estates, Testate, Intestate, and Insolvent."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened:

SEC. 1. That in all cases where a testator at the were sworn be- time of making his will, or at any time thereafter in

which witnesses

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probate, the tes


his life time, has had the witnesses thereto examined fore judge of and sworn before a judge of probate, and said will tator living, conhas been admitted to probate withont further proof, the probate of such will is hereby ratified and confirmed.

SEC. 2. This act shall not affect any suit now pending.

Approved, May 23d, 1866.


An Act in addition to and alteration of an Act entitled "An Act relating to Courts."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened:

superior court

SEC. 1. That the superior court for New London Time of holding county shall be held at Norwich, in said county, on at Norwich the last Tuesday in March in each year, instead of the changed. first Tuesday in April, as is now by law required.

SEC. 2. So much of the statute law of this state, Repeal. entitled "An Act relating to Courts," as is inconsistent herewith, is hereby repealed. Approved, May 23d, 1866.


An Act in addition to "An Act concerning Communities and Corporations."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened:

powers by boards

SEC. 1. The board of health, in any town, may ap- Delegation of point such health officers and health committees, as it of health. may deem expedient, and may delegate to them any

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