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Barrett, J., his opposition to the
exemption of American ships from
tolls, 308, 313.


Biplane, invention of, 234.
Blok, A., his Lyrics,' 38-'The
Stranger,' ib.

Blomfield, R., A History of French
Architecture,' 136 et seq.
Browning, R., 'The Ring and the
Book,' 68 et seq.

Browning, Robert, 437-centenary

of his birth, ib.-circumstances of
his life, 438-originality, 439-
influenced by the invisible pressure
of the moral atmosphere, 440, 443—
a spiritual adventurer born out of
due time, 441-lightning power of
assimilation, 443-character of his
plays, 444-448-his dramatic mono-
logue, 448-'The Ring and the
Book,' 451-character of his lyrics,
452-freedom from sentimentality
and hysteria, 455-unique style, ib.
-language, 456.

Brusof, V., "The Axle of the Earth,'

Bullant, J., character of his build-
ings, 152-treatises, 153.

Burghclere, Lady, 'The Life of James,
First Duke of Ormonde,' 459.


Calderon, George, The Russian
Stage,' 21.

Cambray, P., 'Irish Affairs and the
Home Rule Question,' 266.
Canada, influence of the Panama
Canal on railway transportation,
318, 320-the Adamson Bill, 318—
Reciprocity Act, 554.

Carson, Sir E., his opinion of the
Parliament Act, 574.

Cayley, Sir G., his articles on flight,

Cecil, Algernon, 'Two Seventeenth-

Century Men of Action,' 458.
Cecil, Lord Hugh, his view on Home
Rule for Ireland, 574, 580.
Churchill, Rt Hon. W., M.P., on the
opposition of Ulster to the Home
Rule Bill, 562-his letter to Sir G.
Ritchie, 563-speech at Dundee,

Church of England and its relation

to the marriage law, 182, 196-the
use of excommunication, 184, 188
-result of the absence of disci-
pline, 190.

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, terms of the,

Conrad, Joseph, and Sea Fiction,
159-his characteristics, 159, 166–
seamanship, 160-'The Nigger of
the "Narcissus," '160, 165, 178-
individual and isolated genius, 162
-seafaring novels, ib.-his know-
ledge of the sea, 165-qualities
needed for a good seaman, 167—
literary expressiveness, 168—'Lord
Jim,' 169-'The Outcast of the
Islands,' 170-The Secret Agent,'
171-'Under Western Eyes,' 172-
his faults of construction, 173-
realistic touches, 174- intrinsic
interest of each paragraph, 175-
humour, ib.-irony, 176-Tales of
Unrest,' 177-his character Single-
ton, 178.

Couchoud, P. L., 'Benoît de Spinoza,'
407, 409.

Cricket, Recent, 499-failure as a
commercial concern, ib.-play of
Australians, 500-502-South Afri-
cans, 502-'googlie' bowling,' 503
-result of the triangular tourna-
ment, 504-county championship,
505-proposal to divide the counties
into two divisions, 506-standard
excellence in first-class, 507-finan-
cial aspect, 508-causes of the un-
popularity, 509-school matches,

Criminals, number of, 52, 59.

[blocks in formation]

decline in mortality from preven-
tive medicine, ib.-statistics on
increase of sickness, 46-decline of
infant mortality, 47-deaths from
'immaturity,' ib.-result of medi-
cal inspection of school children,
48 increase of insanity, ib.
number of the feeble-minded, 49,
58-report on pauperism, 50-52,
58-crime, 52, 59-influence of
heredity, 54, 58-environment, 55
-decline of parental responsibility,
56-development of State super-
vision, ib.-improvement of econo-
mic conditions, 57-decline of the
birth-rate, 59-61-result of the
process of natural selection, 62-
' restrictive' method, 63-con-
structive,' 64-reasons for dimin-
ished propagation, ib.
Excommunication, 181-increasing
divergence between Church and
State, 182-Church of England and
its relation to the marriage law, ib.
-the use of excommunication, 184,
188-three ways of exclusion from
Holy Communion, 185-192
civil disabilities, 188-result of the
abeyance of discipline, 190-defini-
tion of the term 'open and notorious
evil liver,' 191, 199-result of the
Deceased Wife's Sister's Act, 192-
the case of Mr Banister, 193, 198
-Mr Puller's denunciation, 194,
200-practice of the Roman Church,
195-changes in the marriage law
after the Reformation, 196-the
Canons of 1603, 197 - result of
Canon Thompson's suit against
the Banisters, 198-200.




Fawkes, Rev. A., 'The Ideas of Mrs
Humphry Ward,' 1.

Ferrero, G., 'Grandezza e Decadenza
di Roma,' 330, 333.

Fisher, Prof. I., The Purchasing
Power of Money,' 491 et seq.
Fisher, J. R., The End of the Irish
Parliament,' 266.
Fouché, Joseph, 512—his birth and
ecclesiastical training, 513 - an
Oratorian, ib.-president of the
club of Friends of the Consti-
tution,' 514-his marriage, ib.-
characteristics, 515, 520, 527-poli-
tical life, 515-his vote for the
execution of Louis XVI, 515, 521-
programme of an integral revo-
lution,' 516- profanations, ib.-
cruelties at Lyons, 517-519-re-
called to Paris, 519-influence on
the overthrow of Robespierre, 520

-denunciations against him, 522
-arrest decreed by the Conven-
tion, ib.-plots with Barras, 523—
amasses a fortune, ib.-ambassador
to the Cisalpine Republic, and his
mission to Holland, 524-Minister
of the General Police, 524, 529-
dissolves the club of the Rue du
Bac, 525-relations with Napoleon,
525-528-created Duke of Otranto,
527-dismissed from his post of
Police Minister, 528-Governor-
General of the Illyrian Provinces
and Imperial Commissary-General
in Italy, ib.-retires to Ferrières,
529-influence on the restoration
of Louis XVIII, 529-531-policy of
moderation, 531-second marriage,
532-character of his career, ib.—
ambassador at Dresden, 533-exile
and death, 534-his ruling passion
the lust of power, ib.

[ocr errors]

Fowler, W. W., 'Social Life at Rome
in the Age of Cicero,' 326.
Fraser, Maior-General Sir T., The
Military Danger of Home Rule for
Ireland,' 266.

French Renaissance Architec-
ture, 136. See Architecture.


Galton, F., 'Enquiries into Human
Faculty,' 65.

Germany, result of the war with
France, 206-industrial expansion,

Goethe, Spinoza, and the
Moderns, 390-his respect for
Spinoza, 402-use of the 'Ethic,'
ib.-'a pious pantheist,' 403-an
evolutionist, ib.-belief in immor-
tality, 404-views on government,
405-on Art and Nature, 408.
Gold, estimated annual production,

Gordon, Home, 'Recent Cricket, 499.
Gorky, M., his play Petits Bour-
geois,' 25-Vassa Zheleznova,' 26
-and other plays, 28.

Grane, Rev. W. L., 'The Passing of
War,' 218.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


[merged small][ocr errors]

Höffding, H., The Philosophy of
Religion,' 352, 367.

[ocr errors]

Holmes, R., Caesar's Conquest of
Gaul,' 326, 331.

Home Rule Bill for Ireland, debate
on, 562-result of passing, 569
et seq.

Home Rule Bill, The, I. Political,
265-works on, 266-provisions of
the Bill, 267-270-character, 267-
financial proposals, 268, 278, 281-
claim of the right to tax Ireland,
269-272-result of levying taxes,
272-condition under the Bill, 273
-‘safeguard' for the loyalist or
Protestant minority, 274
Senate, 275-institution of the
joint Exchequer Board, 276-278,
283-result of a diminished Irish
representation, 278-collection of
taxes, 280, 288. II. Financial,


281 revenue of the Irish Ex-
chequer, ib.-the Transferred Sum,
282-cost of the Reserved Services,
282, 287-financial powers con-
ferred, 283-control of various
Acts, 284-cost of education, 285
-cost of public Services, 287-
dangers from the separation of the
raising of revenue from the ex-
penditure, 288-291-contribution
to Imperial Services, 291-in the
case of war, 293-number of repre-
sentatives in the Imperial Parlia-
ment, 294-character of the Scottish
Home Rule Bill, ib.-prosperity of
Ireland under the constructive
policy of the Unionists, 296-trade
returns, ib.-banking and railway
returns, 297.

Hussey-Walsh, V., 'A Projected
Jacobite Invasion,' 370.


India, the gold-exchange standard,
Ireland, result of the Home Rule
Bill, 267 et seq.-trade returns, 296
-income tax, ib. - banking and
railway returns, 297-Home Rule
Bill, 562. See Ulster.

Isaacs, Sir R., on the opposition of
Ulster to the Home Rule Bill, 564
note, 587.

Isolation of Theology, The, 346.
See Theology.

Italy, result of the war with Turkey,
250-256-position, 256-inaction,

259, 261-cost of the war, 260-
seizure of Rhodes, 263.


Jacobite Invasion, A Projected,
370 works on, ib. -history of
Prince Charles Edward's expedi-
tion, 371-loyalty of the Walsh
family, ib.-preparations for the
expedition, 373, 379- Duc de
Richelieu chosen to take com-
mand, 374-his career, ib.-result
of his delay in reaching Boulogne,
375-377, 380-capture of transports,
379-the Boulogne force, 381-
Richelieu's instructions to officers,
ib.-divided opinions on the possi-
bility of invasion, 383-abandon-
ment of the plan of crossing, 384—
proposed withdrawal of the troops,
385-Richelieu's plans, 386-in-
crease of obstacles, 387-departure
of men-of-war, 388 - defeat of
Prince Charles Edward, 389.
James, Henry, The Novel in "The
Ring and the Book," 68.
James, Prof. W., 'Memories and
Studies,' extract from, 208, 219.
Japan, cause of the war with Russia,


Kant, his 'Critique of Pure Reason,'
390, 400.

Kaufmann, M., 'Spinoza, Goethe,
and the Moderns,' 390.
Kenyon, F. G., 'The Works of Robert
Browning,' 438.

Kettle, Prof., on the increasing ex-
penditure of Ireland, 285-cost of
the Insurance Act, 287.

Kromayer, J., Roms Kampf um die
Weltherrschaft,' 329, 344.


Landells, Walter, 'The London Stock
Exchange,' 88.

[ocr errors]


Lang, A., his views on cricket, 509.
Laughlin, J. L., Principles
Money,' 490.
Law, Rt Hon. B., M.P., on the oppo-
sition of Ulster to the Home Rule
Bill, 563-the unscrupulous tactics
of the Government, 575.
Lawson, W. R., 'Modern Wars and
War Taxes,' 216–218.

Lecky, 'History of England,' extracts
from, 278-280.

Leech, Dr H. B., 'The Continuity of
the Irish Revolutionary Movement,'

Lilly, W. S., Fouché,' 512.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Madelin, L., Fouché,' 512 et seq.
Mahan, Capt., 'Influence of Sea-
power on History,' extract from,
474 note.

Maitland, Prof. F. W., 'Roman
Canon Law in the Church of
England,' 417, 419 et seq.
Marriage law, its relation to the
Church of England, 182-changes
after the Reformation, 196.
Mathuisieulx, H.-M. de, À travers
la Tripolitaine,' 249.

[ocr errors]

Meyerhold, his play 'Vanka the
Seneschal,' 36.

Mill, J. S., on the result of increase
in the quantity of money, 485.
Minsky, N. M., his essays 'By the
Light of Conscience,' 32 - play
'Alma,' 33.

Mommsen, T., Roman History

since, 323-his influence on his-
tory, 323, 327-power of work, 324
-double personality, ib.
Money, The Quantity Theory of,
482. See Prices, Rise in.
Morgan, Prof. J. H., 'Home Rule
Problems,' extract from, 275.


Nicholson, J. S., 'The Rise in Prices,'

Novikow, J., War and its Alleged
Benefits,' 213-216-his hatred of
war, 214-references to England,


[ocr errors]

Ogle, A., 'The Canon Law in
Medieval England,' 413 et seq.
See Roman Canon Law.
O'Gorman, Mervyn, Airships and
Aeroplanes,' 220.
Orme, P. De l', 149-his buildings,
151-erects the Château d'Anet,
ib.-literary works, and his plan
of the Tuileries, 152-his character,
Ormonde, James Butler, First Duke

of, 460-his character and appear-
ance, 461-succeeds to the peerage,
462-his friendship with Went-
worth, ib.-in command of the
Irish army, 463-attack on Catho-

lics, ib.-victory at Kilrush, 464-
installed Lord Lieutenant, ib.-his
attitude towards the coming of
O'Neill, 465-Glamorgan, 465-467
-the Nuncio, 467-Cromwell, 469
-passes into exile, ib.-his loyalty,
470-honours conferred, 477-Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, 477, 480-
administration, 478-attempt on
his life, ib.-death, 481.


Pacificism, The New, 202-theories
of Mr Angell, ib.-three phases,
204-economic aspect of war, 205-
result of the Franco-German war,
206-208-of other wars, 209-211-
the struggle of labour with capital,
211-condemnation of the vision of
internationalism, 212-the views of
M. Novikow, 213-216-Mr Lawson,
216-218-Mr Grane, 218-Prof. W.
James, 219.

[ocr errors]

Palustre, M., extract from his work,
'L'Architecture,' 142.
Panama Canal, The, 299 — its
origin, ib.-negotiations between
the United States and Colombia,
300-the Hay-Herran Treaty, ib.
-result of the Hay-Pauncefote
Treaty, 301, 305-Panama Canal
Bill, 301-305-criticisms of the
Press, 303 Clayton Bulwer
Treaty, 305-Hay-Bunau-Varilla
Treaty, 306-attitude of Mr Taft
to the Panama Canal Bill, 306,
311-views on the exemption of
American ships from tolls, 308-
312-necessity for a toll, 312-
estimated amount to be levied on
foreign shipping, ib.-conditions
of British coasting-trade in South
America, 314-result of the open-
ing, ib.-competitive service of the
Suez Canal, 315-317-the Tehuan-
tepec Railway, 317-influence on
Canadian railway transportation,
-on the trade of the
North-West, 320-competition in
Latin-American waters, 321-ac-
tion of the German marine service,

Parliament Act, character of the,
573-failure to carry out the pre-
amble, 577.

Pauperism, report on, 50-52, 58.
Pelham, H. F., Essays,' 326, 343.
Poincaré, H., 'La Valeur de la
Science,' 358, 368.

Poor-Law Commissioners report, ex-
tract from, 50-52, 57.

Presidential Election, The, 535.
See United States.

Press, the, relations with the Stock

Exchange, 104.

Prices, The Rise in, and the
Quantity Theory of Money, 482
-difficulty of the equitable rela-
tion of wages to prices, 483-rise
in the rate of interest, ib.-causes
of the fall in Consols, 484-general
extension of securities, ib.-the
'quantity theory' of money, 485-
number of qualifications, 486-an-
nual production of gold, ib.-the
'volume of trade' or 'exchanges,'
487-rapidity of circulation, 488—
transactions by credit, 489-works
on, 490-492-proportion of cheques
to gold, 493-foreign, internal and
industrial drains, 494-interaction
of international price-levels, ib.—
substitution of an artificial gold-
exchange standard, 495-based on
index-numbers, ib. system in
India, 496-proposed International
Commission, 498.

'Public Health and Social Conditions,'

Puller, Rev. F. W., his views on the
Deceased Wife's Sister's Act, 194,


[ocr errors]

Rathery, E. J. B., 'Memoirs of the
Marquis d'Argenson,' 371.
Reynolds, Stephen, Joseph Conrad
and Sea Fiction,' 159.
Richelieu, Duc de, in command of
the forces at Boulogne, 374-his
career, ib. See Jacobite.
'Ring and the Book,' The Novel

in the, 68-composition, 69-ac-
count of the marriage and trial of
Count Guido of Arezzo, 71-73-the
fate of Pompilia, 72-77-method of
expression, 77-element of action
and picture, 78-influence of Italy,
79-83-Caponsacchi's relation with
Pompilia, 84-87.

[ocr errors]

Roman Canon Law in England,
413-Mr Ogle's book, 'The Canon
Law in Mediæval England,' ib.—
proclamation abolishing the power
of the Pope, 414-the work of the
Ecclesiastical Courts, ib. pre-
amble of the Peter-pence Act, 415
-non-binding character, 416-re-
port of the Ecclesiastical Courts
Commission, ib. - views of Dr
Stubbs and Prof. Maitland, 417,
424-W. Lyndwood's text-book of
mediæval English Canon Law,
418-420-distinction between a
Decretal and a modern Statute,
421-recognition of the force of

local customs, ib.-gradual growth
of the Pope's legislative power,
422-views of Mr Ogle, 423-432-
alterations in Dr Stubbs's editions
compared, 424-426- suggestions
for a second edition of Mr Ogle's
book, 433-growth of Church law
in England, 434 development
after the Conquest, 435.

Roman History since Mommsen,
323-works on, 326 et seq.-ten-
dency to reinterpretation, 327-
examples of reinterpretation, 328-
337-Hannibal, 328-330-Caesar's
campaigns in Gaul, 331-334-the
reign of Augustus, 334-336-
Trajan's column, 337-339-study
of Samian ware, 340-343-of pot-
sherds, 342-styles of dwelling-
houses, 344.

Roosevelt, T., candidate for the Pre-
sidency, 535-his views on the
Progressive movement, 536-pro-
posed measures of reform, 540-544

-on the revision of the tariff, 550
-his bitter attacks on Mr Taft,
554, 556.

Russian Stage, The, 21-the plays
of L. Andreyef, ib.-S. Yushkie-
vitch, 22-Tolstoi, 23-0. Dymof,
ib.-M. Gorky, 25-27, 28-A.
Tchekhof, 27-G. Tchulkof, 29-
V. Brusof, ib.-N. M. Minsky, 32
-T. Sologub, 33-36-Balmont, 36
-L. D. Zinovyeva-Annibal, 37, 39–
41-Kuzmin, 37-A. Blok, 37-39.



Sandwich, Edward Mountagu, First
Earl of, his patriotism, 472-re-
ligious and political views, ib.-
career, 473-dexterous diplomacy
and seamanship, ib. advice to
retain Tangier, 474-his part in
the contest between England and
the Dutch Republic, 475-appro-
priation of prize money, ib.-am-
bassador to Madrid, 476-bis last
engagement, 479-death, 480.
Schuré, E., his poems 'La Vie
mystique,' 406.

Scotland, character of the Home Rule
Bill, 294.

Sea Fiction and Joseph Conrad,
159. See Conrad.

Men of

Action, Two, 458-works on, 458-
460. See Ormonde and Sandwich.
Simpson, F. M., A History of Archi-
tectural Development,' 136.

Sologub, T., character of his plays,

Spinoza, Goethe, and the

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