| 1856 - 532 lehte
...performance of the duty, and such person shall be entitled to stand in the place of the creditor, and to use all the remedies, and, if need be, and upon...shall have so paid such debt or performed such duty, and such payment or performance so made by such surety shall not be pleadable in bar of any such action... | |
 | New Brunswick - 1855 - 1084 lehte
...the Mayor or Councillor paying such moneys, which oath any Justice of the Peace may administer. 87. In any action or other proceeding at law or in equity in which the said Corporation shall be a party, or in any manner interested, no citizen or officer of... | |
 | 1856 - 612 lehte
...performance of the duty, and such person shall be entitled to stand in the place of t lie creditor, and to use all the remedies, and, if need be, and upon...shall have so paid such debt or performed such duty, and such payment or performance so made by such surety shall not be pleadable in bar of any such action... | |
 | Great Britain - 1856 - 850 lehte
...such Person shall be entitled to stand in the Place of the Creditor, and to use all the liemedies, and, if need be, and upon a proper Indemnity, to use...shall have so paid such Debt or performed such Duty, and such Payment or Performance so made by such Surety shall not be plendable in bar of any such Action... | |
 | 1856 - 532 lehte
...and such person shall be entitled to stand in the place of the creditor, and to use all the remedies, and upon a proper indemnity, to use the name of the creditor, in any action or other proceedJ ing, in order to obtain from the principal debtor or any co-surety or co-contractor, indemnification... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1856 - 688 lehte
...Performance of the Duty, and such Person shall be entitled to stand in the Place of the Creditor, and to use all the Remedies, and, if need be, and upon a proper Indemnity, 10 to use the Name of the Creditor, in any Action or other Proceeding, at Law or in Equity, in order... | |
 | 1856 - 604 lehte
...performance of the duty, and such person shall be entitled to stand in the placo of the creditor, and to use all the remedies, and, if need be, and upon a proper indemnity, tu u.so the name of the creditor, in any action or other proceeding, at law or in equity, in order... | |
 | 1857 - 818 lehte
...performance of the duty; and such person shall be entitled to stand in the place of the creditor, and to use all the remedies, and if need be, and upon...order to obtain from the principal debtor, or any co- surety, co -contractor, or co-debtor, as the case may be, indemnification for the advances made... | |
 | 1857 - 820 lehte
...or in equity, in order to obtain from the principal debtor, or any со- surety, со -contractor, or co-debtor, as the case may be, indemnification...person who shall have so paid such debt, or performed sueh doty ; and such payment or performance so made by such surety shall not be pleadable in bar of... | |
 | Sir John Peter De Gex, Henry Cadman Jones - 1858 - 722 lehte
...the Act But of the duty, and such person shall be entitled to stand in the place of the creditor, and to use all the remedies, and, if need be, and upon...shall have so paid such debt or performed such duty, and such payment or performance so made by such surety shall not be pleadable in bar of any such action... | |
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