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Raamatud Books
" Before the rule can be applied in any case of a statute prohibiting or enjoining things to be done, with a prohibition and a penalty, or a penalty only for doing a thing which it forbids... "
Benjamin's Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property: With References ... - Page 713
by Judah Philip Benjamin - 1884 - 1314 lehte
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The Law of Contracts: A Course of Lectures

John William Smith - 1853 - 488 lehte
...and brought in; and the Court, in holding the contract itself not vitiated by this statute, said, " We have concluded, before the rule can be applied...a penalty only for doing a thing which it forbids, principle that, though a man cannot defend himself from liability upon his contract made by deed by...
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A Treatise on the Rules which Govern the Interpretation and Application of ...

Theodore Sedgwick - 1857 - 770 lehte
...contravention of it are void, in the sense that they are not to be enforced in a court of justice ; that the statute must be examined as a whole, to find out whether or not the makers meant that a contract in contravention of it was to be void, so as not to be enforced in a court of...
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Cases Decided in the United States Court of Claims ... with ..., 147. köide

United States. Court of Claims, Audrey Bernhardt - 1962 - 712 lehte
...Rwvnels, this courtj after noticing some fluctuations in the course of decision, and observing "that we have concluded, before the rule can be applied...penalty, or a penalty only for doing a thing which it foroids, that the statute must be examined as a whole, to find out whether or not the makers of it...
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A Treatise on the Rules which Govern the Interpretation and Construction of ...

Theodore Sedgwick - 1874 - 750 lehte
...contravention of it are void, in the sense that they are not to be enforced in a court of justice; that the statute must be examined as a whole, to find out whether or not the makers meant that a contract in contravention of it was to be void, so as not to be enforced in a court of...
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Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 98. köide

United States. Supreme Court - 1879 - 696 lehte
...forfeiture is prescribed and explicitly defined. In Harris v. Runnels (12 How. 79), this court said that " the statute must be examined as a whole, to find out whether or not the makers meant that a contract in contravention of it was to be void, so as not to be enforced in a court of...
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National Bank Cases: Containing All Decisions of Both the Federal ..., 2. köide

Irving Browne - 1880 - 638 lehte
...forfeiture is prescribed and explicitly defined. In Harris v. Runnels, 12 How. 79, this court said that "the statute must be examined as a whole to find out whether or not the makers meant that a contract in contravention of it was to be void, 8O as not to be enforced in a court of...
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The Doctrine of Ultra Vires: Illustrated and Explained by Selected Cases ...

George Washington Field - 1881 - 620 lehte
...forfeiture is prescribed and explicitly defined. In Harris v. Runnells (12 How., 79), this court said, that "the statute must be examined as a whole, to find out whether or not the maker meant that a contract in contravention of it was to be void, so as not to be enforced in a court...
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Federal Decisions: Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme ..., 3. köide

1884 - 1126 lehte
...forfeiture is prescribed and explicitly defined. In Harris v. Runnels, 12 How., 79, this court said that " the statute must be examined as a whole, to find out whether or not the makers meant that a contract in contravention of it was to be void, so as not to be enforced in a court of...
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The Pacific Reporter, 169. köide

1918 - 1214 lehte
...reluctant to enforce a forfeiture. In Harris v. Runnels, 12 How, (US) 79, 13 L. Ed. 901, It Is snid the statute must be examined as a whole, to find out whether or not the makers meant that a contract in contravention of it was to be void or not to be enforced In a court of justice....
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The Southwestern Reporter, 43. köide

1898 - 1204 lehte
...prohlbita. and mala In se; but as said by Mr. Justice Swayne in the case of Harris v. Runnels, 12 How. 79: 'Before the rule can be applied in any 'case of a...whole, to find out whether or not the makers of It intended that a contract made In contravention of it should be void. It does not follow that the unlawfulness...
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