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180 Notices of New Books: Tidd's Practical Forms.-Examination of Articled Clerks.

had been prepared with unnecessary haste, |ings on the Interpleader Act, &c.-Forms for the mere purpose of making costs, the relating to Evidence and Witnesses.— Procommission-day not being till the 6th of ceedings for the recovery and taxation of March. F. V. Lee moved that the Master Costs. might be directed to review his taxation. From two or three of these heads we Tindal, C. J.-It seems to me that this is might be disposed to make some extracts, very much a matter for the Master's dis- but the book either already is, or soon will cretion; and I cannot under the circum-be, in the possession of all our readers stances say that he has done wrong in al-whose professional avocations it immediately concerns. The Preface and Index remain to be published, and we wish the venerable author health to complete the latter with his accustomed precision.

lowing only half the the briefs. The rest ring.-Rule refused. 7 Scott, 171.

charge for preparing of the Court concurBucknell v. Boydell,


Practical Forms and Entries of Proceedings in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas. By Wm. Tidd, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. London, 1840: Saunders & Benning, and H. Butterworth.



THE Hilary Term Examination will probably commence on Wednesday the 22d instant, being the first of the ten days within which, according to the general rule of Court, the Examination must take place. We have again to remind those whom it may concern THE Common Law Practitioner will wel- that they should not wait for the circular come the appearance of this new Edition, which is sent as a matter of courtesy (not being the Eighth, of Mr. Tidd's Forms. We prescribed by the rule of Court), informing are glad to observe that the venerable the candidates of the day of examination, oracle of Common Law Practice has evi- and as a matter of precaution subjoining dently accomplished this part of his work the questions as to due service. The canwith unabated care and unwearied dili- didates should prepare their testimonials, to gence. The contents of the previous Edi-be left early in the Term, before the expitions have been revised and corrected with ration of the first seven days, in order that Mr. Tidd's well-known accuracy, and many any defects may be supplied in due time. new and valuable Forms have been incor- We briefly noticed last week the result porated in their fitting places. The Sta- of the meeting of the examiners on the aptutes and Rules of Court which have been plication of one of the candidates for an promulgated since the former Edition; vary-immediate re-examination, the Judges having in any respect the form of Legal Pro-ing authorized the examiners to proceed in ceedings, have been duly attended to both the particular case during the vacation, if they in the Forms and the explanatory Notes in their discretion deemed it proper to do so. and References. The whole work has been The candidate, by applying to the Court arranged with admirable method, and the to dispense with the term's notice, may be Notes are, as might be expected, par-examined next term at the usual time.— ticularly valuable. We think this determination of the ExaThe following, amongst other parts of miners was a prudent one, considered as a the work, have either undergone consider-precedent, and we have no doubt it was a able alterations since the previous Edition, just one as regards the applicant. It does or are entirely new, and will be found of great service to the Practitioner:

not appear that he made out a case of failure from actual illness on the day of examination; Forms of Articles of Clerkship, Service and if a slight degree of ill health or "nerand Examination of Clerks, and Forms re- vous timidity," would be sufficient to entitle lating to the Admission and Re-admission a party to a second trial the same term, we of Attorneys, &c.-Forms relating to the have no doubt several of the other unsucService of the Writ of Summons, and the cessful candidates would lay claim to the Execution of the Writ of Distringas, &c.-like indulgence, and that it would be diffiAffidavits to hold to Bail, and Warrant to cult for the examiners at any future time to Arrest, &c.; Proceedings by and against resist the importunities of the friends and Attorneys, and for the delivery and taxa- relations of those who did not obtain their tion of their Bills of Costs, &c.-Notices of certificates. Motion, Affidavits, and Rules of Court, &c. We hear from several quarters, that it for setting aside Proceedings, and Proceed-had become a subject of remark amongst

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Law as to Marriages abroad between English Subjects within the prohibited Degrees. 181


of the young men preparing for examination, that there was nothing to apprehend regarding the result, and therefore, small pains were sufficient to pass the ordeal. Now, whatever difference of opinion may remain, if any, on the utility of the examination, it is unquestionable, that so long as it continues, it should be effective. We have no notion that it will be made too severe, and it will be generally admitted that it ought not to be too lenient. It is very probable that the recent appeal, terminating as it has, will produce much good.

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THE present article has been written at the request of several country readers, in the hope of directing the attention of the profession to the necessity existing for some further legislative provisions on the subject.

WHATEVER may be the opinion entertained of Lord Brougham's attainments as a lawyer, and his qualifications as a judge, it is impossible to

withhold our admiration of the mode with which he has from time to time dealt with some of those mingled questions of law and jurisprudence to which he has always evidently had so much satisfaction in addressing himself. In our estimation, indeed, it is upon questions of this sort that both be and Lord Lyndhurst have most distinguished themselves; and certainly the two ex-chancellors are those in particular anong the eminent lawyers of the House of Peers, that the profession looks to in cases of conflict between the laws of different countries or of different parts of our own country, especially between England and Scotland, and from whom it expects the initiation of measures to reconcile the great difficulties arising from this source. In no branch is this conflict so remarkable as in the law relating to marriage and on no other subject do we recollect any legal prelections of the two learned Lords we have just named, more interesting than those they have given in two recent cases on the marriage law, to which we shall presently have to advert. Of the intricacies of this subject, and of the perplexities and misfortunes to which it gives rise, it must be acknowledged, too, that the essay and speech named at the foot of this article contain a most interesting,

a Birtwhistle v. Vardill, and Warrender v. Warrender, both in 9 Bligh's Rep.

Discourse on the law of Marriage, Divorce, and Legitimacy; and Speech on a proposed Scotch Marriage and Divorce Bill. By Lord Brougham. Lord Brougham's Speeches, vol. 3, p. 431, &c. 1838.

vigorous, and luminous exposition; and also that the measure of remedy proposed, if not altogether sufficient, is one deserving of great respect and consideration.

In the present article it is not our intention to follow his Lordship through the three branches into which he has naturally divided his subject-marriage, legitimacy, and divorce, but almost entirely to confine ourselves to the first, and even to a part of the first of these branches; and to discuss the law as affected void marriages which were before only voidby Lord Lyndhurst's Act of 1835, rendering able-to state some of the mischiefs arising from this part of the law, and the evasions of it still practised; and to point out some legislative remedies which it seems to us the evils growing up under the new state of the law require. Before leaving Lord Brougham's proposed measure, we may as well mention, however, that it would, we think, have been better divided into three measures, one addressed to each branch of the subject; and also that, as at present framed, it would be almost inopemutual bearings of the English and Scotch rative from being altogether confined to the Marriage Laws on each other, and not embracing the cases, now so common, of marriages solemnized on the continent to evade the operation of our own very peculiar matrimoniale regulations.

It is pretty well understood, and we believe accurately, that Lord Lyndhurst's Statute of 1835 was directed to the cases of a nobleman of high rank, an attack on whose marriage with the sister of a deceased wife was feared, and of some few other individuals whose names are well known, and who were similarly circumstanced. Though of course nothing could be inore natural, or less objectionable, than that parties feeling, in their own persons, the mischievous effects of the then existing law as to voidable marriages, should be the moving par ties to a change; yet it is certainly to be lamented that measures professedly enacted on public grounds should so often have, in their origin, a personal reference to some individual case. The law in such a case, necessarily is more imperfect in its future bearings and operations. If a law be really started for some personal and individual purposes; to quiet, for instance, the title of the son of the Earl of A., or the conscience of the Duchess of B., it is impossible that its workings on society and ou international rules can be so fully considered

their Conflict, by William Burge, Esq., Q. C. Vol. 1, Chaps. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8. 1838; and of the Act 5 & 6 W. 4, c. 54, to render certain Marriages valid, and to alter the Law with respect to certain voidable Marriages.

Seeing, as his Lordship has so clearly, the weight and extent of the evils to which his measure was addressed, why has he been content merely to carry in and print a bill in 1835, and to do nothing more? Can the mere delivery of a speech in 1835, and the printing it The present article may be considered as a with a little prefatory matter in 1838, be enough review of this Discourse, and also of the Com-to satisfy Lord Brougham's mind that he has mentaries on Colonial and Foreign Laws, and done his duty to such a subject ?

182 Law as to Marriages abroad between English Subjects within the prohibited Degrees'.

as they should. The marriage law, of all branches of law, has been peculiarly unfortunate in this respect; for almost all the acts on this subject in the statute book, if their secret history could be traced, would from the earliest of them, be found to have had much of personal reference in their origin. There being but little consideration how far laws of this sort are adapted to the state of the public mind, as a consequence, when passed, they are looked upon like the revenue laws, as having been made to be evaded. Indeed here evasion is actually allowed by act of parliament and all the wholesome provisions for the protection of minors and their fortunes, and for the prevention of clandestine marriages, may, by express authority of the law itself, be broken through by taking a post carriage over the Tweed, or a steamer across the straits of Dover. Now any law on any subject systematically disregarded by the public, has beyond doubt a very bad moral tendency on the public mind,¶ The mere dead-letter-law brings a mischievous ridicule on law in general; but enactments, though good perhaps in the abstract, on subjects so connected with the moral and religious feelings of men, as that under consideration, if so far against the public sentiment as to be constantly broken, have an effect on the national character and tone of public principle, deeply and widely detrimental. No such law should be enacted without full consideration; nor should any bias from personal events be allowed to bear upon it and when enacted, (and it is to this point the present article will, so far as it may trench on the province of jurisprudence, be principally addressed) it should be a strong law, and not one nugatory, and by common consent to be broken without the slightest penalty. But if this be the desideratum, the law of marriage will appear to be everything


but what it should be.

On religious and moral grounds the marriage law enacts that which the religious and moral feeling of the country does not countenance, which its every day practice disregards, and of which the most easy evasion is, as we shall proceed to shew, allowed: and besides the case of evasion, the only legal penalty attached to the clearest infringement, is one which a simple testamentary disposition will remove. It expects to rest for its sanction on a moral penalty; and this, as we have said, the feeling of the

d In our view, perhaps the greatest, though least appreciated good to arise from the contemplated change in the Post Office regulations, will be the removing the cause of a breach of law so systematic as to be practised even by the most religious and scrupulous, as well as by all the rest of the country. It would seem strange to call the illegal conveyance of letters thieving. But if the law makes it a crime, why is it not? It is evident these disregarded rules break down the wall in men's ninds between right and wrong; and this remark is much more applicable to the subject we are on, than to the illegal carrying of


community will not, after all, impose. Marriages within the prohibited degrees of affinity, and between connections by affinity of the nearest kind, are of every day occurrence. The marriage of a sister of a deceased wife has not been stopped by the late act, and we believe cannot be stopped even among the higher classes; among the middle they are daily taking place; among the lower they have long been the commonest marriage which a widower with children makes, and the late act has made no kind of difference to the custom. Marriages between parties connected by affinity, but in remoter degrees, are less common, though by no means uncommon, and certainly unobjectionable, at any rate, except in point of taste. The case for which the Registrar General was taken to task last session, was a curious instance of such a marriage. It was that of a man marrying his own grand. mother, as she was called. An illegitimate son married the young widow of his grandfather, a woman of his own age, the marriage being, we have been assured, entered into at the particular dying request of the deceased husband. The registrar, by some mistake, considered the marriage was not prohibited. Had the wife been a great aunt by consanguinity, the husband's grandmother's own sister (perhaps not a very probable case) or had it been the case of a man marrying his great niece, though here there would have been a very objectionable connection by blood,—the marriage would have been good. Indeed, with respect to the marriages between persons nearly related by blood, did the feeling of the community allow,-and such marriages are greatly less frequent than those which we are more particularly treating of in this article,-it might well deserve consideration if some legislative obstacle should not be interposed. At present, if two brothers marry two sisters, their issue may intermarry, though certainly there are strong physicale reasons why it should not be so, and we should say stronger moral reasons than in the cases of affinity-certainly than in those remoter than a deceased wife's sister. A widower and widow, each with young children, intermarry. The children are brought up together as brothers and sisters; yet with all the same moral reason prevailing as in the case of actual relationship, they are not under the slightest legal restriction from marrying. A man, too, may marry his wife's sister-in-law, (i.e. her brother's widow) though this is almost as near a connection as the prohibited one.

We shall not, however, discuss the much debated question, whether these marriages are wisely discountenanced or not, further than to say that marriages which violate no physical laws, which are rather marriages of quiet calculation as to the future welfare of children, than marriages of passion—which

e We have heard from eminent medical authority, that the prevalence of albinos amongst the lowest classes, so remarkable in some densely crowded populations, is attributable to such connections as this, and indeed, we are sorry, to say to more objectionable ones

Law us to Marriage abroad between English Subjects within the prohibited Degrees. 183

itself, but infringement on the liberty of conscience of all without its pale. On the continent, not only are these marriages generally allowed, but even very near connections of blood; uncle and niece, for instance, constantly intermarry, and from the great advisability of assimilating the marriage laws of civilized nations, the legislature ought certainly to have paused when bringing in a quia timet act for the benefit of past marriages, lest it widened more the breach between our own laws and those of the continent. Most professional readers of experience will probably be well

have been so widely contracted, and that ne- | are regulations well enough for the Church cessarily by persons (widowers) past the average age at which matrimony is contracted, require at least very clear reasons on which to ground their prohibition. The circumstance that Henry the 8th enacted the law soon after getting rid of his wife, on the ground that she had been his brother's widow, says but little for it; and now that marriage has become, in the eye of the law, to all intents a civil rite only, a misconstruction of Leviticus, or a reference to the later canons of the Romish Church, mere inventions to make a market for indulgencies, will not be enough to shield it from scrutiny. On this latter ground, in-aware that since the last act, very many of deed, we should much lament to see it supported. Such arguments would only raise up an outcry from the Dissenters, always of course glad of an opportunity to attack the canons of the Church; and it would be said as of church rates, and really with a shew of justice, that they

f See Hume, ch. 30, and his observations on the lawfulness of these marriages. See, too, Shakespeare's account of the matter:


these marriages have taken place, and are taking place, abroad. Many, like ourselves, may probably have been more than once consulted on the subject, and our wish and object is that the law should be made clear for the future, and that if these marriages are to be prohibited, it should be put beyond question that between British subjects, they are bad wherever they take place.

We will now come to the question which we have proposed to discuss, and proceed to

It seems the marriage with his brother's wife, consider the points on which the validity or inHas crept too near his conscience.


No; his conscience Has crept too near another lady.



validity of these marriages turn. Before the late act, (the 5 & 6 W. 4, c. 54,) marriages, as it is well known, against the common law, were voidable only the late act declares that King Hen. VIII. Act 2, sc. 2. for the future they shall be void. Shortly after The objects of this periodical, and our own this act, some ecclesiastical lawyers of great time and space, prevent our going into the eminence doubted whether this provision might history of these opinions and laws, otherwise not prohibit marriages of British subjects within the transition from the moral views of the the prohibited degrees of affinity, though taking Athenian, who took in marriage sororem place in a foreign country, where such marsuam germanain, non magis amore quàm more riages were good. We had before us an opiductus" [Corn. Nep. vit. Cimon], to those nion of this sort very soon after the act passed. more modern, we suppose more enlightened However, since that time we believe it has been ones, which consider a marriage with a brother-pretty generally considered that a good marriage in-law's grandaughter right, but with his abroad will be held good here for all purposes. daughter incest, would be a curious story of We say for all purposes, because it has been inodd speculation. An account of the recent correctly imagined from the case of Birtwhistle writings on this subject, such as those in Hen. and Vardill (5 B. & C. 438, and 9 Bligh. N. R. VIII's day, and those again of the celebrated 44) that a marriage may be here good for the author C. Blount, who shot himself in 1693, because the Archbishop of Canterbury per- i Such marriages are far from uncommon suaded his deceased wife's sister it was cri- in Poland and in France, amongst the highest minal to marry him, [See Biograp. Brit. & classes of the nobility. In France, the Crown Bayle, art. Appollonius of Tyana, n. I.] and of may dispense with the law against marrying a other subsequent writings down to the present niece. Art. 163 & 164. One of Goethe's time, both here and in America, not over-plays turns on an attachment between an uncle looking the parliamentary speeches of 1835, would be valuable, though for purposes other than ours.

and niece, the mutual position of the parties being chosen for convenience to his plot, and certainly not at all as an uncommon relation for such parties.

The prohibition in Leviticus, c. 18, v. 14, is only of a marriage of a wife's sister during J We have been much surprised to find how the wife's life. Judge Story's Conflict of Laws, little the parties have been affected by the inp. 106, note. Polygamy was then allowed. The timation that their marriage would be quesJewish law required a brother to marry his bro- tionable. About ten or twelve cases have ther's widow. See the story of Ruth in the Old come to our personal knowledge since the Testament, and the parable of the woman mar-last act; and in every one we believe the marrying seven brothers one after another in the New.

riage has been solemnized. In none, as far as we have known, has it been any thing but a h" Certe, canonibus antiquissimis qui Apos- quiet and deliberate engagement between the tolici dicuntur, qui duas sorores alteram post parties. In most, there has been a young faalteram duxisset aut adeλpion id est fratris aut mily to be taken care of. Most of the parties sororis filiam, tantum a clero arcetur." Gro-have been in the upper ranks of the middle tius de Jure, lib. 2, c. 5, s. 14.


194 Law as to Marriages abroad between English Subjects within the prohibited Degrees.

purpose of title to personalty, but not for that of title to land. This, however, is evidently a mistake. The very interesting case referred to never pretended to assert the validity of a Scotch marriage, but only the application to English real estate of its legal effect in legitimatizing previously-born issue of Scotch parents, domiciled there. This case is now under re-consideration of the Judges, after a re-argument before the House of Lords, ordered at Lord Brougham's instance. The reports of Lord Lyndhurst's and Lord Brougham's speeches in moving the re-argument will be found in Bligh, and will amply repay the perusal. The case was re-argued last June. We are not aware what transpired on this re-argument, but look with great interest to its decision. This case is so closely connected with the subject we are about to examine that a few remarks upon it will be proper.

convenience and propriety, lay down rules militating against the regulations of other nations, with reference to any contracts, especially those of marriage and divorce; and that such other nations ought to recognize these rules, as in force in that country. The laws respecting the freedom of slaves when in England, are an instance. Before the late Emancipation Act, nothing was more common than litigation in our Courts about the personal property in slaves in the Colonies, who, if they had once touched our shores, would have been held free. We adjudicated upon rights existing elsewhere, which we yet declared to be abhorent to our law to allow the existence of here. We recognized the law as existing abroad, and applied it to the adjudication of property abroad, on the narrow ground that it was the law there, and without setting up any principle which could militate against our own rules.

The decision proceeds on the well-known rule of law, that hores est quem nuptiæ de- But if we once adopt a general principle monstrant. It seems to be approved of by applicable to international law, and apply it Judge Story in his masterly work on the Con-under one set of circumstances, we must flict of Laws. We had ourselves been formerly satisfied with the ground on which it proceeded. On reconsidering the sub. ject, however, with reference to the precent article, we have been led to entertain great doubts; and if the principle of the Scotch appeal decision we are about to state is to be upheld, we are at a loss to see how the doctrine of the Common Law Judges can stand. We quite admit with Judge Story that every country may in its own ideas of

One story connected with this re-argument, perhaps rather characteristic of the learned and eloquent Lord last named, has reached us. The case at law had decided that the legitima ted Scotch heir could not inherit in England. Lord Brougham we hear, in opening the case, stated that he had been counsel in the first argument of the case for the English heir, and had, against his own private conviction, succeeded for him; the Scotch heir's counsel not knowing the real points of his case. That now he belonged to their Lordships, he was bound to speak his real views, and to try to get the cause set right. Lord Brougham was counsel on the first argument, but (and see Bligh. 34 for this) he was counsel for the Scotch heir, not the English.

We are no great admirers of the general productions of American literature. But, among legal writers, some of their text-books deserve a very high rank. At the very head of them should be placed the very able and learned author we have just quoted. His other works are of the highest order. We have heard one of the most eminent of our equity draftsmen mention that he considered his Treatise on Equity Pleading, &c. as the best for even English students, and that he always placed it in his pupils' hands. We are happy to have, in the views taken in this article, the support, as we believe we have throughout, of one so judicious, acute, and profound as Dr. Story.

apply it under the converse set of circum stances. The same principle must be carried throughout. This has in part been done in the present case. It has been decided by the House of Lords on appeal in a Scotch case (Ross's case, 4 Wilson & Shaw), that the illegi timate son of a Scotchman, domiciled in England at the birth, could not be legitimatized for Scotch inheritance by a subsequent marriage in Scotland; thus laying down a rule that, even with reference to a country where legitimation per subsequens matrimonium was allowed, the status of bastardy attached to a man by the circumstance of his domicile of birth being in a country where the legitimation per subsequens matrimonium was not allowed. This principle has been also acted upon by the Lords in the Strathmore peerage case, and in another Scotch case. But if this principle be true, so also should the converse; and in Birtwhistle and Vardill the status of bastardy being, by the domicile of origin, removable by the prevalence of the law as to subsequent marriage, in the country of birth;-it should be held removed with reference to a country where that law does not prevail. The House of Lords might in these Scotch cases have taken up the narrow ground if they had pleased. They might, even if they had been sitting not as Scotch lawyers, could such a case have arisen, have set up the comitas gentium, and declared that they should follow the rule of Scotch law, which plainly was to treat all issue, wherever born, as rendered inheritable to Scotch property by a subsequent marriage; but they chose to proceed on a broader principle, and to lay down a rule of status of birth applicable equally to all countries. Sitting even as Scotch lawyers they said, Having been born in England his bastardy is IR-revocable." When they had laid down this broad rule, to be consistent, they should go through with it, and say, sitting as English lawyers, "Having been born in Scotland his bastardy is Re-vocable." We do not say this


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