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The following Intire Pamphlets and Works have been published in the late Nos.

A Letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury; on the equalization of Bishopricks and Church Preferment. By Richard, late Lord Bishop of Landaff.

A Reply to the most popular Objections to Public Schools, with particular reference to the Tyrocinium of Cowper.

Thoughts on the Increase of Crimes, the Education of the Poor, and the National Schools; in a letter to Sir James Mackintosh. By the Rev. W. L. Bowles.

Thoughts on the Character and Tendency of the Property Tax, as adapted to a permanent System of Taxation. By the Rev. G. Glover, M. A.

The National Debt in its True Colors, with Plans for its extinction by honest means. By W. Frend, Esq.

Inquiry respecting the Insolvent Debtor's Bill, with the opinions of Dr. Paley, Mr. Burke, and Dr. Johnson, upon Imprisonment for Debt.

Observations on the Game Laws, with proposed Alterations for the Protection and Increase of Game, and the Decrease of Crimes. By J. Chitty, Esq. of the Middle Temple.

Some Inquiries respecting the punishment of Death for Crimes without Violence. By Basil Montagu, Esq.

An Attempt to estimate the Poetical Talent of the Present Age, including a Sketch of the History of Poetry; and Characters of Southey, Crabbe, Scott, Moore, Lord Byron, Campbell, Lamb, Coleridge, aud Wordsworth. By T. N. Talfourd, of the Middle Temple. [Original.]

A Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. By Thomas Taylor.

On the origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, Science, and Art, and their Influence on the present state of Society. A Discourse, delivered on the opening of the Liverpool Royal Institutions, Nov. 1817. By William Roscoe, Esq.

A Letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the Expediency of Revising the Authorized Version of Scripture. By an Essex Rector. [Original.]

A Treatise on Duelling; together with the Aanuals of Chivalry, the Ordeal Trial, and Judicial Combat, from the earliest times. By A. Bosquett, Esq.

A Letter to the Earl of Fingal, on the Claims of the Roman Catholics. By the Right Hon. Lord Grenville.

On the Responsibility of Ministers. By M. Benj. de Constant.

On the Liberty of the Press, or an Inquiry how far Government may safely allow the publication of Political Pamphlets, Essays, aud Periodical Works. By the Same.

A Defence of the Constitution of Great Britain and Ireland, as by law established, against the innovating and levelling attempts of the friends to Annual Parliaments and Universal Suffrage. By the Right Hon. Lord Somers.

An Essay on the Practice of the British Government; distinguished from the abstract theory in which it is supposed to be founded. By Gould Francis Leckie.

Germany and the Revolution, by Professor Goerres, late Editor of the Rhenish Mercury Translated liberally (from the German Pamphlet lately suppressed by the Prussian Government) exclusively for the Pamphleteer.

Reflections on the Liberty of the Press in Great Britain, translated from the German of the celebrated F. Von Gentz, Aulic Counsellor to the Emperor of Austria, and author of " Fragments of the Balance of Power in Europe," &c.

The Defences of the Whigs; a new Edition, with a Preface. By Thomas, Lord Erskine, Of the Impracticability of the Resumption of Cash Payments; of the sufficiency of a Represen tative Currency in this Country, under due regulations; and of the danger of a reduction of the Circulating Medium, in the present state of things. By Sir W. Congreve, Bart.

Elements of a plan for the Liquidation of the public Debt of the United Kingdom; by R. Heathfield.

Memoir concerning the Commercial Relations of the United States with Great Britain. By M. de Talleyrand, Read at the National Institute.

Considerations on the Rate of Interest, and on Redeemable Annuities. By E. B. Sugden,


Defence of Economy, against the late Mr. Burke, By Jeremy Bentham, Esq. [Original.] Further Observations on the State of the Nation-the Means of Employment of Labor-the Sinking Fund and its application--Pauperism-Protection requisite to the Landed and Agri. cultural Interests. By R. Preston, Esq. M. P.

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[Translated exclusively for the Pamphleteer.]







HAVING been sent by Government to England expressly to study there the system and conduct of its juries, I now publish the result of my observations. The institution of the English jury is, as will be seen by a perusal of this work, so intimately connected with all the other political institutions of that country, that it appeared to me impossible to obtain a correct view of it, without previously familiarising myself with the general nature of the English Constitution. My first care, accordingly, was to become acquainted with such persons as were the best versed in the knowledge of the laws of their country; and it was upon this occasion that I became fully sensible of the value of the letters of introduction, which had been given me, to the Marquis of Lansdowne. This illustrious nobleman, whose residence affords a constant assemblage of the most distinguished personages, had the kindness to bring me acquainted with Mr. Scarlett, one of the most celebrated barristers on the northern circuit; at present a member of Parliament, and likely, by his talents, one day to supply the place of his illustrious friend Sir Samuel Romilly, in that assembly. Mr. Scarlett persuaded me to accompany him on his circuit, as the most certain method of obtaining information on those particulars which I was desirous of knowing; promising, at the same time, to assist me with his advice, and to illuminate with his information all the obscure passages which I was certain to meet with, in the study on which I was about to enter. The English government recommended me in the same manner to Judge Wood, and Judge Bailey, who were then going to hold the assizes on the northern circuit, and who not only paid me the greatest attention themselves, but likewise gave orders that

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