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April 22, 1850.

The names only of the

parties are to be set out,

not the sub

stance or

If there is no

ferred to, the

6. By a Legal or Equitable Mortgagee or Person entitled to a Lien as Security for a Debt, seeking Foreclosure or Sale, or otherwise to enforce his Security.

In Chancery.

[Lord Chancellor],

[Vice-Chancellor of England, or Vice-Chancellor, naming him],


[Master of the Rolls].

Between A. B., Plaintiff.

C. D., Defendant.

the above-named

The claim of A. B. of plaintiff. The said A. B. states, that under or by virtue of an indenture [or "other document"], dated the — day of, and made between [parties], [and a transfer thereof made by indenture dated the day of, and made between [parties], ] the said A. B. is a mortgagee [or "an equitable morteffect of the gagee"] of [or "is entitled to a lien upon"] certain document. freehold property [or "copyhold," or "leasehold" or written secu- other property, as the case made be,] therein comrity to be re- prised, for securing the sum of pounds and property is to interest, and that the time for payment thereof be described has elapsed; and that the above-named C. D. is entitled to the equity of redemption of the said mortgaged premises [or "the premises subject to such lien"], and the said A. B. therefore claims to be paid the sum of pounds and interest, and the costs of this suit, and in default thereof he claims to foreclose the equity of redemption of the said mortgaged premises [or "to have the said mortgaged premises sold," or "to have the premises subject to such lien sold," as the case may be], and the produce thereof applied in or towards payment of his said debt and costs, and for that purpose to have all proper directions given and accounts taken.


7. By a Person entitled to the redemption of any Legal or Equitable Mortgage, or any Lien, seeking to redeem the same.

In Chancery.

[Lord Chancellor],

[Vice-Chancellor of England, or Vice-Chan-
cellor, naming him],

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plaintiff. The said A. B. states, that under or by virtue of an indenture [or "other document"], dated the day of, and made between [parties], [and the assurances herein-after mentioned, that is to say, an indenture dated the

the will

day of of, dated the day of -], the said A. B. is entitled to the equity of redemption of certain freehold property [or "copyhold," or "leasehold" or other property, as the case may be,] therein comprised, which was originally mortgaged [or "pledged"] for securing the sum of pounds and interest; and that the above-named defendant C. D. is now, by virtue of the said indenture, dated the

-day of [and of subsequent assurances], the mortgagee of the said property [or "holder of the said lien"], and entitled to the principal money and interest remaining due upon the said mortgage [or "lien"]; and he believes that the amount of principal money and interest now due upon the said mortgage [or "lien"] is the sum of pounds, or thereabouts; and that the said A. B. hath made or caused to be made an application to the said C. D. to receive the said sum of pounds, and any

costs justly payable to him, and to reconvey to the said A. B. the said mortgaged property [or "property subject to the said lien"], upon payment thereof, and of any costs due to him in respect of the said security, but that the said C. D. has not so

April 22, 1850.

April 22, 1850.

done; and therefore the said A. B. claims to be entitled to redeem the said mortgaged property [or "property subject to the said lien"], and to have the same reconveyed [or "delivered up"] to him, upon payment of the principal money and interest and costs due and owing upon the said mortgage [or "lien"], and for that purpose to have all proper directions given and accounts taken.

8. By a Person entitled to the specific performance of un Agreement for the sale or purchase of any Property, seeking such specific performance.

In Chancery.

[Lord Chancellor],

[Vice-Chancellor of England, or Vice-Chancellor, naming him],

[blocks in formation]

plaintiff. The said A. B. states, that by an agreement dated the day of -, and signed by the above-named defendant C. D., he the said C. D., contracted to buy of him [or " to sell to him"] certain freehold property [or "copyhold," "leasehold," or other property, as the case may be], therein described or referred to, for the sum of pounds; and that he has made or caused to be made an application to the said C. D. specifically to perform the said agreement on his part, but that he has not done so, and the said A. B. therefore claims to be entitled to a specific performance of the said agreement, and to have his costs of this suit; and for that purpose to have all proper directions given. And he hereby offers specifically to perform the same on his part.


9. By a Person entitled to an Account of the Dealings April 22, and Transactions af a Partnership dissolved or expired, seeking such Account.

In Chancery.

[Lord Chancellor],

Vice-Chancellor of England, or Vice-Chan-
cellor, naming him],


[Master of the Rolls].

Between A. B., Plaintiff.

The claim of A. B. of

C. D.,


the above-named

plaintiff. The said A. B. states, that from the

day of down to the day of -, he and

the above-named C. D. carried on the business of

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and made

in copartnership, under certain articles of copartnership, dated the day of between [parties] [or "without articles," as the case may be]; and he saith that the said partnership was dissolved [or "expired," as the case may be,] on the

day of and he claims an account of the partnership dealings and transactions between him and the said C. D., and to have the affairs and business of the said partnership wound up and settled under the direction of this Court, and for that purpose that all proper directions may be given and accounts taken.

10. By a Person entitled to an equitable Estate or Interest, and claiming to use the name of his Trustee in prosecuting an Action for his own sole benefit.

In Chancery.

[Lord Chancellor],

[Vice-Chancellor of England, or Vice-Chan-
cellor, naming him],


[Master of the Rolls].

Between A. B., Plaintiff.
C. D., Defendant.

The claim of A. B. of

the above-named


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April 22, plaintiff. The said A. B. states, that under an indenture dated the day of and made between [parties], he is entitled to an equitable estate or interest in certain property therein described or referred to, and that the above-named defendant is a trustee for him of such property, and that being desirous to prosecute an action at law against in respect of such property, he has made or caused to be made an application to the said defendant to allow him to bring such action in his name, and has offered to indemnify him against the costs of such action, but that the said defendant hath refused or neglected to allow his name to be used for that purpose; and the said A. B. therefore claims to be allowed to prosecute the said action in the name of the said defendant, and hereby offers to indemnify him against the costs of such action.

11. By a Person entitled to have a new Trustee appointed in a Case where there is no power in the Instrument creating the Trust to appoint new Trustees, or when the power cannot be exercised, and seeking to appoint a new Trustee.

In Chancery.

[Lord Chancellor],

[Vice-Chancellor of England, or Vice-Chancellor, naming him],


[Master of the Rolls].


A. B., Plaintiff.

C. D.,

The claim of A. B. of plaintiff. The said A. B. states, denture dated the day of tween [parties] [or "will of


the above-named that under an in

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or other docusaid A. B. is

ment, as the case may be], he the
interested in certain trust property therein men-
tioned or referred to, and that the above-named
defendant C. D. is the present trustee of such pro-
perty [or "is the real or personal representative of

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