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HEREFORD RAILWAY.-Loans on Debentures.The Directors ar open to RECEIVE LOANS on the Company's Debentures to a limited extent, in sums of not less than 1007. for three, five, or seven years. The interest to be paid hal-yearly, in January and Julv. Offers of loan to be addressed to THOMAS PRITCHARD, Secretary. 26. Spring-gardens, Charing-cross, London, Jan. 2, 1857.


Price 9d.

(Published the first of erery month.


The Prospectus of this Company is now ready, and may
be obtained at the Offices of the Company; or by application
to the Secretary. By order,
Hungerford-hall, Strand.


Debentures.-The Directors are prepared to receive TENDERS for LOANS on the remaining Debentures of the Company. bearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum, for three, five, or seven years, at the option of the parties tendering.

Coupons for the half-yearly interest will be attached, payable at the Union Bank of London. By order,

G. GROVE. Secretary.

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(LIMITED). -Capital 2.000,0002.

Approved Mercantile Bills Discounted for parties properly

Money received at Interest on Deposit, repayable at call
or at fixed periods.
By order,

Offices, 25, Birchin-lane, Lombard-street,
London, Jan. 1857.

(Limited). The business of this Company is carried on at 43 und 41, Lime-street, City, when the scrip is ready to be exchanged for the banker's receipt.


By order of the Board of Directors,
W. W. SHAND, Secretary.

informed that CERTIFICATES of SHARES are ready to be
between the hours of ten and four o'c ock.
EXCHANGED for BANKER'S RECEIPTS every lawful day,

By order, A. C. HOWDEN, Manager.

A few unappropriated shares will be allotted to respectable parties.


COMPANY (LIMITED), for the Protection of Life and Capital 100,0007., in 50,000 shares of 21 each. Deposit 10s. per share.

Offices, 25, Poultry.

BRITISH LAND COMPANY Property (under Royal Letters Patent).
(LIMITED).-Any of the REMAINING LOTS on the
ESTATES at Watford, Oxford, and the reserved portion
fronting the Wandsworth-road, or the Clapham Station
Estate, may now be taken, on payment of a deposit of 10
per cent., and the balance with interest, in nine annual

Plans, with conditions of sale, may be had on application
at the Offices, 14, Moorgate-street, City.

W. E. WHITTINGHAM, Secretary.

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QURGLARY PREVENTION and THEMPANY (Hamilton's Patent): Limited.

Liability Act, having for the above objects the working of
50.0007-A Company is being formed under the Limited

certain patents which have received the highest commenda-
tions and approval. Scientific men, and all others who take
an interest in the subject, may see working models of the
rglary and Fire Preventor, applied to rooms, windows,
ors, &c., at the Company's Offices, 25, Poultry, daily, be
tween the hours of 11 and 8.

NARY GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders will be
held on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of JANUARY 1857, at
TWELVE o'clock at noon, at the Offices of the Company,
Globe-wharf, Mile-end-road.

And Notice is Hereby Further Given, that the said Meeting
is intended to be Adjourned to some day to be then fixed,
such day to be within thirty days from the day of adjourn
ment, according to the 7th Rule of the Articles of Association
By Order,

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this Company beg to inform the subscribers and the public,
that they have REMOVED from 77, King William-street, to
their permanent offices, 2, Moorgate-street. City. The
Directors have also the pleasure of informing their sub-
scribers that favourable contracts have been made for the
purchase of raw materials, and orders are being received for
the supply of manures daily. Persons of influence and un-
doubted respectability, desirous of acting as agents for the
Company, are requested to communicate with the Secretary.
By order of the Board,

GEO. G. LAMB, Sec. pro. tem.

Offices, 2, Moorgate-street, City.

ENERAL APOTHECARIES' COMUPANY (LIMITED), 49, Berners-street, Oxford-street. COMPANY (Incorporated 1846).-The Directors of the London, is established to supply the medical profession and Electric and International Telegraph Company are prepared the public with unadulterated drugs, chemicals, and all to RECEIVE LOANS upon the Company's DEBENTURES, medical preparations. Everything purchased is subjected to to a limited extent, at 51 per cent. per annum, for three or careful testing and analysis, and everything is sold under five years, to meet Debentures falling due. Interest paid its proper designation. Professional men are respectfully half-yearly, 31st March and 30th September, at the Com-reminded that the certainty thus secured in the quality of pany's bankers'. Messrs. Glyn and Co., Lombard-street. remedial agents will greatly facilitate the successful treatBy order, J. S. FOURDRINIER, Secretary. ment of diseases, improve the science of medicine, and Lothbury, 4th December 1856. enhance their own reputation. Prescriptions of all kinds are prepared with scientific accuracy.-49, Berners-street, London.

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AMBETH WASHHOUSES COMPANY (LIMITED).-Notice is hereby given, that the HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of this Company will be held at the Offices of the Company, situate in Mount-street, Lambeth, on Thursprecisely, to receive the report of the Directors, to elect two Directors in the room of Henry Maud-lay, Esq., and John Sewell, Esq., who retire by rotation, but who will be proposed for re-election, also to elect two Auditors, and on the general

COMPANIES under LIMITED LIA- day, the 15th day of January 1856, at Twelve o'clock at noon

BILITY. A gentleman of experience in their formation and obtaining capital, can render efficient aid in any such establishment. Bona fide applications from principals only attended to.


Address" ALPHA," City News-rooms, Cheapside. MORTGAGE and INVESTMENT COMPANY, now in formation, under the Limited Liability Act, is open to the CO-OPERATION of TWO GENTLEMEN to be upon the Board of Direction. The investments are calculated to be very profitable. Qualification 2501.

Address "Manager," care of Messrs. Cockshaw and
Yates, printers, 32, Ludgate-hill.


already insured is desirous of meeting with two other gentlemen to comlete the direction. Qualification about 250% For fall particulars address, with real name, to "M. P.,' Mr. Anderson's, Law Stationer, 31, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane.

IMITED LIABILITY.—It is proposed


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Dated the 19th Dec. 1856.


AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED) undertake every
description of legitimate business at home and abroad
requiring the intervention of a responsible agency. Loans
transacted promptly on real and every description of avail-
able securities. Capi alists, solicitors, and land agents seek-
ing investments will find this Company a realy means for
selecting the best securities. Above 1,000,000. sterling
ready for investment. The Company are prepared to nomi-
nate corresponding agents in the leading towns throughout
England on terms of a highly remunerative character, so as
to make it worthy the attention of gentlemen of persevering
business habits. Prospectuses and every information on
application. By order, A. C. HOWDEN, Manager.
3, Lothbury, London, Jan. 20, 1857.

[blocks in formation]

Thomas Brassey, Esq., Lowndes-square, Westminster.

Horatio C. Day, Esq., Isleworth, Middlesex.
George Knight, Esq., 4, Talbot-square, Hyde-park.
Sir S. Morton Peto, Bart, Great George-street, Westminster.
William Swann, Esq., 1, Queen-square, Westminster.

THE BRITISH STEAM FISHERIES Wticulars as to rates, des, cant be ontained of


JOHN ARTHUR ROEBUCK, Esq., M. P. Chairman.
Notice of Call-Notice is hereby given, that the Directors
of the British Steam Fisheries Company (Limited) have this
day made a CALL of 31. per share, net, and the shareholders
are hereby requested to pay the amount thereof to the City
Bank, Threadneedle-street, London; or to the Directors, at
the Offices of the Company, on or before Thursday, the 15th
day of January 1857.

Shareholders who feel disposed to pay their remaining
calls at the same time will receive interest upon such ad-
vance at the rate of 6 per cent per annum.
By order of the Board,

DUN M'LAUCHLAN, Secretary.
County-chambers, 14, Cornhill, London, Dec. 6, 1856.
The Directors take this opportunity of informing the share-
Lia-holders that they have made arrangements for commencing
operations at the port of Harwich by the beginning of Febru-
ary, and hope to be able to declare a dividend in June next.
Prospectuses and forms of applications for the remaining
unallotted shares to be had at the Offices of the Company.

to convert an existing manufacturing business, situate in the Midland Counties, into a Company with Limited ability. Capital required, twelve thousand pounds. Full particulars may be obtained by letter addressed "P. B C." (No. 722), at the Office of the LIMITED LIABILITY CHRONICLE, 29, Essux-street, Strand.

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1. That the resolution passed at the General Meeting of the Company on the 2d of December, dissolving the present company and reforming it under the "Joint-Stock Companies Act 1856," with limited liability, be confirmed.

2. That the assets, liabilities and effects of the late Tre

valga Slate Company be transferred in trust to Mr. William
Col ier, of 11, New Broad-street, London, for sale and transfer
by him to the proposed new company, called the Tievalga
Slate Company (Limited.) By Order, J. W. SMITH.
4, Lothbury, December 19, 1856.

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porated under 19th and 20th Vict. cap. 47. Under the

management of a Board of Directors.

Major-General GEORGE R. PEMBERTON, Chairman.

Consulting Surgeon and Medical Director-Joseph Ames-

bury, Esq.

Office of the Association, 310,

Regent-street, London,

opposite the Royal Polytechnic Institution.

This Association has been instituted to provide establish-

ments at private residences, in different localities, for resi-

dent or non-resident patients in the upper and middle classes

of society, for the treatment and cure of lateral and other

curvatures of the spine, and other deviations from the natural

figure in the spine, chest or limbs, and of contraction of the

joints, and local and general muscular weakness. The several

establishments will be conducted with the highest regard to

privacy, rank and propriety, and will be under the care of

orthopaedic surgeons of the first talent, who will devote their

whole professional services to the patients under treatment.

The modes of treatment practised by the medical staff will

be the most efficient hitherto adopted, and embrace all im-

provements in orthopedic surgery that from time to time

may be introduced.

All communications respecting the establishments and the

reception of patients should be addressed to the consulting

Surgeon, J seph Amesbury, Esq., at 26, Fitzroy-square,

London, with whom an interview may be had daily, from 10

to 12 o'clock. Prospectuses, and every information relative

to the Association, may be had on application to the Secre-


W. ALBERT JAMES, Secretary.

harles Vignolles, Esq., F.R.S., Chairman, 21, Duke-street,


Philip Delamotte, Esq., F.S.A.. King's College, London.

Roger Fenton, Esq., B.A., 2, Albert-terrace, Regent's-park.

Professor Goodeve, M.A., F.R.A.S., Woolwich.

Frederick Hardwich, Esq., 1, Clifton-villas, Upper Hollo-


William Lake Price, 5, St. James's-terrace, Harrow-road.

Lewis Pocock, Esq., F.S. A., 20, Upper Gower-street.

Bankers-The London and Westminster Bank.

Solicitor-D. Cullington, Esq., 2, Craven-street,


Secretary-Professer Brewer, M.A., F.R.G.S., King's College

This Association has been formed for the advancement of

practical and scientific photography. It proposes to apply

photography-1, to medical, scientific literary, artistic pur-

poses, and to portraiture especially: 2, to take fac-similes of

deeds, papyri, autographs inscriptions, early-printed books

and manuscripts: 3, to open rooms for instruction in photo-

graphy: 4, to collect patterns of apparatus and specimens sf

chemicals for photographic purposes, tested under the super-

intendence of first-rate chemists; 5, to aid the topographist

and illustrator; 6, print negatives for amateurs and share-

holders; 7, to form a library connected with the art for pur-

poses of consultation; 8, to establish a general central place

of meeting for foreign, provincial and metropolitan photo-

graphers connected with the Association.

It has been satisfactorily ascertained that. after payment

of all expenses and setting aside a reserve fund, a dividend

of at least ten per cent.. with other advantages detailed in

the prospectus, may be expected by the shareholders.

For prospectuses and shares apply at No. 4, Trafalgar-

square, London, the offices (pro tem.); or to J. S. BREWER,

King's College; or D. CULLINGTON, Esq., Solicitor, 2, Craven-

street, Charing-cross.

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Engineer. James Gascoigne Lynde, Esq., M. Inst. C.E.,

F G.S., 7, Great Queen-street, Westminster.

This Company is formed for the supply of gas and water

to the city of Marysville, California, under two concessions

by the municipal authorities, under an Act of the Legisla-

ture, whereby these privileges are granted for terms ex-

piring in 1872.

Marysville is the third city of California in population and

importance. In the two others, San Francisco and Sacra-

mento, gas-works have been already established. The price

of gas at San Francisco is 15 dollars or 60s. per 1000 cubic

feet, and the Gas Company there realised last year 70 per

cent. profit. The Sacramento Gas Works give nearly a

similar result.

Marysville is most advantageously situate, being the na-

tural terminus of the water conveyance. In 1852 the resident

population was only 4500, it is now estimated at 18.000; be-

sides this, the trànsit population is very large. Water is

supplied to the inhabitants at present by water carts; the

charge for a bucket of four gallons is 124 cents.. or 6d., and

two hogsheads delivered daily are charged at 8 dollars (32s.)

per week.

The reports of the British Consul at San Francisco, and of

temporary offices of the Company, 34, Lime-street.

Mr. Lynde, the Company's Engineer, may be seen at the

Applicants for shares will be required to pay 2s. per share

into the Company's bankers', which will be returned on all

shares not allotted.

Applications may be made to the broker, E. F. SATTER-

THWAITE, Esq., 38, Throgmorton-street; or to the Secretary,

tion may be obtained.

34, Lime-street, of whom prospectuses and forms of applica-


Montagu Chambers, Esq., M.P., Child's-place, Temple-bar,


Thomas Abraham, Esq., New Broad-street, London.

Solicitors-Messrs. A. and W. Bristow, London-street, Green-


Bankers--The London and Westminster Bank.

Secretary (pro tem.)- Mr. James Matthews.

Temporary Offices-6, Love-lane, Eastcheap.

This Company has been established with the view of de-

veloping the peculiar nature of this branch of trade, and

with the further intention of remedying the present existing

irregular supply, so much felt and complained of by the

trade and public generally.

To accomplish the above object, the Company has suc-

ceeded, at a nominal rent, in securing the exclusive right of

collecting ice from a large extent of water, the property of

the Grand Surrey Canal and Dock Company. In addition to

which, a lease has been obtained, upon equally favourable

terms, of a spacious plot of ground, with frontage and

wharfage on the banks of the canal, for the purpose of erect-

ing ice wells and other buildings necessary for carrying on

an extensive business.

The Directors anticipate with confidence an enlarged sale

in foreign block ice, and by having secured the wharfage

before-mentioned (eligible from its situation and proximity

to the Docks), are assured of being enabled to offer the public

a regular and continual supply, and upon far more reasonable

terms, than hitherto has been accomplished by those already

engaged in the sale of this article. Indeed, the idea of form-

ing this Company first entered the minds of the promoters

by the knowledge and constant report of the insufficient

supply of ice to the public. With these facts before them,

they are enabled confidently to affirm that a trade, to the

Captain Bold, K.T.S., Belvidere-villa, Millbrook, near South-


Harry Borradaile, Esq., late Civil Service, Bombay

John Bourne, Esq., late of Messrs. John Bourne and Co.'s

Lieut.-General John Briggs, Madras Army, late Political

Agent in Candeish, and officiating Resident at Nagpore

Colonel A. Cotton, late Chief Engineer of Madras

Captain Cotton, R. N., Alport house, Whitchurch, Salop

Major-General Dickinson, late Chief Engineer of Bombay

Montague Gore, Esq., South Audley-street, Grosvenor-square

Lieut.-Colonel Grimes, Hon. E.I.C.S., lately stationed at


Captain Hutchinson, Hon. E.I.C.S., Assistant Civil Engineer,


Colonel Atwell Lake, C.B., Aide-de-Camp to the Queen, late

Engineer of the Kistnah Irrigation Works

G. May, Esq. (Messrs. May, Mathewson and Co.), London and


Colonel the Hon. R. T. Rowley, 47, Berkeley-square

(With power to add to their number)

Managing Director-John Bourne, Esq., late of Messrs. John

Bourne and Co.'s, Glasgow and Greenock

Engineer-James Kennedy, Esq., late of Messrs. Bury,

Curtis and Kennedy's, Liverpool

Solicitor-Henry R. Hill, Esq., 23, Throgmorton-street

Bankers-Messrs. Williams, Deacon and Co.

Secretary-John Mathewson, Esq.

Offices, 9, Billiter-street, London.

This Company is established for two reasons-first, because

it is wanted, and second, because it will pay. India wants

cheap means of conveyance for her produce; water convey-

ance is cheaper than any possible mode of conveyance by

land, and 10,000 miles of this cheap water conveyance will

be afforded by the great rivers when properly navigated by

steam. The last dividend of the Ganges Steam Company

was 48 per cent. per annum, and the latest returns of a navi-

gation company on the Godavery was 55 per cent. The field,

however, is far too large to be adequately filled by local

effort, and an English company is necessary, which, with

adequate capital, will render available the resources of

European science,

Prospectuses and forms of application for shares may be

obtained at the Offices, 9, Billiter-street, London.

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G. T.-The office named is very respectable. You need not

be afraid to appear as its agent.

TO RUSHOUT-You cannot form an insurance company under the existing law. The Act that protected them is repealed.

as before.

number will, we hope, exhibit a great advance


We trust that those who are interested in Limited Liability Companies will make this Journal the medium of their correspondence on will receive immediate attention. subjects affecting them. All communications

The subscription of 10s. for the year, or 5s. for the half-year, may be transmitted in postage R. A.—An opinion has been taken, and the difficulty remains stamps, and, in return, the Journal will be A READER (York).—You have stated your case so imper-forwarded, postage paid, on the day of publifectly that it is impossible to advise you upon it without cation. more precise details. Our impression is that you have no claim whatever against the company. A PROMOTER. - Deeds of settlement are abolished. You sub

We venture to prefer another request, that the Companies will advertise their prospectuses, stitute for them articles of association, which should be notices of meetings, &c., &c., in these columns,

drawn by counsel.

N. N. N. We calculate that a company cannot be conducted in the cheapest way under 1001. a year. This is independently of the cost of conducting the business.


The subscription to this Journal is 10s. for the year, or 5s. for the half year, paid in advance, for it will publication. The subscription may be sent in

be sent post-paid to the subscriber on the day of

postage stamps, or by post office order. ADVERTISEMENTS for the LIMITED LIABILITY CHRONICLE should be sent to the Office not later than the 24th of each month.

for here, those to whom they are addressed, will be sure to turn for all information relating to Limited Liability Companies, and others not having already representatives in the press. We ask the Secretaries and Officers of Companies to send us their reports, balance-sheets, &c., and any other information as to their doings which they may desire to communicate, and which we will gladly publish without any charge.

We shall be obliged by suggestions of any additions or improvements which may be thought to increase the utility and interests of the Limited Liability Chronicle, they shall be

LIMITED LIABILITY CHRONICLE adopted if practicable.




TO READERS. THE Limited Liability Chronicle appears to-day as a distinct and independent Journal.

That there is ample room for it, a wide field of utility before it, and a large constituency to which it may confidently look for support, there can be no doubt.

If the Mining Companies can maintain a journal of their own, and the Railway Companies two journals, and the Gas Companies another journal, among all the miscellaneous companies not comprised within either of these classes-the great and rapidly increasing array of Limited Liability Companies, which will very soon outnumber all the rest combined, can and will in like manner maintain a journal devoted to their service, as are the Mining and Railway journals to the service of those two sections of joint-stock enterprise.

Already more than 600 companies are incorporated under the new act. To each of these it is both useful and interesting to be informed of all that concerns the law and the business of companies, and to preserve permanently in their offices a record of their own doings as well as of those of others.

That is the object of the Limited Liability Chronicle. Published on the 1st of each month, it will collect every kind of information useful to directors, officers, and shareholders. Here will be found full particulars of all the new companies that are formed, of the doings of companies, of the law affecting them, as decided by the courts or enacted by the Legislature; instructions for forming and conducting companies; answers by competent persons to the queries of correspondents seeking information; the letters of correspondents on subjects of interest to companies; reports of their meetings of business done, of their progress, or of their winding-up.

If each Company will become a subscriber, at the cost of only ten shillings for a year, there will be an ample support to enable this Journal to carry out efficiently all its plans for their assistance. It is hoped that its very trifling cost will introduce it to the hands of the Officers and Solicitors of Companies, and to not a few Shareholders. As the change to an independent existence, and its consequent increase in size and importance, was not resolved upon until late in the month, time has not permitted the adoption of many improvements which are contemplated. The March

JOINT-STOCK SAYINGS AND DOINGS. SIXTEEN new Limited Liability Companies were registered during the fortnight preceding our last publication. The total number whose details we have reported now amounts to 232, with a total nominal capital of 11,483,2901. They are thus classified:


Banking and Money Lending
Exhibitions and Amusements
Gas and Waterworks
Land Companies
Public Buildings

Railways and Telegraphs

Trading (wholesale and retail) Shipping

8 12









25 15

The Royal British Bank affair has passed through some more phases. The new shareholders who subscribed for the new issue of shares have applied to the Court of Bankruptcy for leave to prove against the estate in respect of their advances on such shares, upon the ground that they were induced to take them by the fraudulent misrepresentations of the directors, whose balance sheet showed a flourishing state of affairs when the bank was really insolvent. The court has not yet pronounced its decision,

but from the remarks of the Commissioner it is obvious that he has a strong opinion against the claim. It is of great importance to all parties, for if entitled to prove they would be exempt from calls. The same point has been raised incidentally in the Queen's Bench, on an application by a creditor to take out exccution against one of the new shareholders, who objected on the same ground. The court has taken time to consider, but the judges there also expressed themselves strongly against the argument, which indeed involves this practical result:-That in any partnership, if one partner deceives another, the deceived partner may set up that defence to a claim by a third person whose goods or money he has received, and whose demand he wants to repudiate because his speculation has been unsuccessful. In the meanwhile, executions are going against shareholders by wholesale. Many of them have sold off and left the country, and others are preparing to follow the example. One director only has been brought before the court as yet. Mr. Humphrey Brown, M P., has been declared bankrupt, and has made an arrangement with the official assignee which Mr. Linklater stated in the court to be very creditable to him. He has rendered every possible assistance in the settlement of his very complicated accounts with the bank, and so has saved a vast amount of litigation. The bankruptcy vacates Mr. Brown's seat in Parliament, but not for twelve months. Another incident in this terrible affair has been the perplexity of the shareholders who have had calls made upon them both by the official manager and the official assignee, and they protest that they cannot meet both. We understand that a plan has been suggested for the settlement of the business, without more ado, by the following arrangement.-The wealthy shareholders will subscribe the sum necessary to pay off the creditors, and then enforce contribution from the rest of the shareholders. This will be to them the cheapest The continued high rate of interest operates course in the end, for it will save the enormous still to the depression of joint-stock enterprise. cost of years of litigation, all of which must Where persons who have money can obtain 5 come out of their pockets sooner or later. We per cent. for it by depositing it with absolute are glad to hear that there is great hope that safety in a first-class bank, it cannot be ex- the proposition will be acceded to. The depected that they should hazard it in a joint-posits have been offered for sale and fetch from stock enterprise, however promising. But 5s. to 10s. per share after the dividend paid of when the rate of interest falls, as fall it must 5s. 6d. in the pound. in a few months, unless we plunge into another war, we shall have a very different feeling afloat. Let 2 be the utmost that can be obtained with safety, and we shall find those who possess money ready enough to invest it in any scheme that bears a promise of bringing them dividends. Then will come the harvest of projectors, secretaries, directors, stags, and all the tribe that lie in wait to profit by moments of public folly. We shall not then count the number of new projects by tens, but by hundreds or thousands. A monthly issue The Hide and Skin Company.—It is described will not enable us to report a tenth of them. as being "for the purchase of hides and skins, We shall be compelled to make a weekly, and their collection on commission for recep perhaps a daily, appearance, while the mania tion and sale on con-ignment and for making is growing. But the end will be as certain as advances on them." This is a business which that of all former joint-stock fevers. There ought to be very sufficiently conducted by an will be a crash; thousands of families will be individual, unless, indeed, there is some nianiruined; the mischief will be greater and more fest advantage from trading in it with a wide spread than ever before, under the foster- capital larger than an individual would be ing of a law which provides facilities for willing to invest. In this case the capital preroguery; and then the country, in sober sad-posed is a large one, no less than 50.0007, in ness, will demand a modification of the law that has wrought such evil. How long it may be before the crisis comes, the wisest could not venture to prognosticate, for it must depend upon the money market; and nobody can foretell the prospects of that.

Full particulars of these, stating their names, objects, nominal capitals, number of shares actually subscribed, &c. will be found in previous numbers of this Journal.

The trial of Redpath has thrown no new light upon the actual amount of money embezzled from the Great Northern Railway Company. It has had the good effect of calling forth a strong resolution of the Committee of the Stock Exchange against the practice of brokers buying and selling shares for clerks and servants-the true source of most of the robberies by officials which have lately startled the world. Among the new companies lately formed are the following:-

shares of 21. But, unfortunately, at the time of registration, of the 25,000 shares required only 350 were subscribed. The profits of such a business are not easily estimated, but the reader will, of course, take care to se that they are clearly shown. Indeed it would be

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