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most upon fuch of our Enemies as fhall fall into our Hands.

And whereas the faid James Duke of York, in order to the expediting the idolatrous and bloody Defignes of the Papifts, the gratifying his own boundless Ambition after a Crown, and to hinder Enquiry into his Affaffination of Arthur Earle of Effex, hath poyfoned the late King, and therein manifefted his Ingratitude, as well as Cruelty, to the World, in murthering a Brother, who had almost ruined himfelfe to preferve and protect him from Punishment: Wee do therefore further declare, that for the aforefaid villanous and unnaturall Crime, and other his Crimes before-mentioned, and in pursuance of the Refolution of both Houses of Parliament, who voted to revenge the King's Death, in cafe he came to an untimely End, wee will prosecute the faid James Duke of York, till wee have brought him to fuffer what the Law adjudged to be the Punishment of fo execrable a Fact. And in a more particular manner, his Grace the Duke of Monmouth being deeply fenfible of that barbarous and horrid Parricide committed upon his Father, doth refolve to pursue the faid James Duke of York as a mortall and bloudy Enemy, and will endeavor, as well with his own Hands, as by the Affiftance of his Friends, and the Law, to have Justice executed upon him.

And forafmuch as the faid James Duke of Monmouth, the now Head and Captaine Generall of the Proteftant Forces of this Kingdom, affembled in pursuance of the Ends aforefaid, hath been, and still is believed to have a legitimate and legall Right to the Crownes of England; Scotland, France and Ireland, with the Dominions there-unto belonging, of which he doubts not in the least to give the World full Satisfaction, notwithstanding the Means used by the late King his Father, upon. Popish Motives, and at the Infligation of the faid James Duke of York, to weaken and obfcure it; the faid James Duke of Monmouth, from the Generousness of his own Nature, and the Love he bears to thefe Nations, whose Wellfare and Settlement he infinitely prefers to whatsoever_may concern himself, doth not at prefent infift upon his Title, but leaves the Determination thereof to the Wisdom, Fuftice, and Authority of a Parliament, legally chofen, and ting with Freedom. And in the meane time doth proife and declare by all that is facred, that he will, in Conjunction



Conjunction with the People of England, imploy all the Abilities bestowed upon him by God and Nature, for the Re-establishment and Preservation of the Proteftant Reformed Religion in thefe Kingdomes, and for reftoring the Subjects of the fame, to a free Exercife thereof, in Oppofition to Popery, and the Confequences of it, Tys ranny and Slavery: To the obtaining of which Ends, che doth hereby promife, and oblige himfelfe to the People of England, to confent unto, and promote the passing into Laws, all the Methods aforefaid; that it may never more be in the Power of any single Person on the Throne to deprive the Subjects of their Rights, or fubvert the fundamentall Laws of the Government defigned for their Prefervation.

And whereas the Nobility, Gentry and Commons of Scotland, are now in Arms upon the like Motives, and Inducements that wee are, and in Prosecution of Ends agreeable with ours; wee do therefore approve the Justice of their Cause, commend their Zeale and Courage, expecting their, and promifing our Affftance, for carrying on that glorious Work wee are jointly engaged in.

Being obliged, for avoiding Tediousness, to omit recounting many Oppreffions under which the Kingdom hath groaned, and the giving a Deduction of the feverall Steps that have been taken for introducing and establishing of Popery and Tyranny: Wee think fit therefore to fignifie, both to our Countrymen and Forreigners, that wee intend a larger Manifefto and Remonstrance of the Grievances, Perfecutions, Cruelties, and Tyrannies wee have of late layne under, and therein a more full and particular Account of the unparallelled Crimes of the prefent Usurper.

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And we make our Appeale unto God, and all Proteftant Kings, Princes, States and People, concerning the Justice of our Caufe, and the Neceffity we are reduct having our Recourfe to Armes: And as we require, and adjure all fincere Proteftants and men, to be affifting to us against the Enemic pell, Rights of the Nation, and I herties of wee are confident of obtaining cour which they can yield us v

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Nor do wee doubt being juftifyed, countenariced anđ affifted by all Proteftant Kings, Princes, and Commonwealths, who do either regard the Gospell of Jefus Chrift; or their own Intereft; and above all our Dependance and Truft is upon the Lord of Hofts, in whofe Name wee go forth, and to whom wee commit our Caufe, and refer the Decifion betwixt us and our Enemies in the Day of Battle. Now let us play the Men, for our People, and for the Cities of our God, and the Lord do that which feemeth Good unto him.


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