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Note. The page and line refer to the Bill (137.) as first printed by the Lords.

Page 1.

Line 20, at the end of clause 2. add (" and the General Police " and Improvement (Scotland) Supplemental Act, 1863.'')

[blocks in formation]

Order Confirmation. [H.L.]




An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of one of Her A.D. 1877.
Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State for the Improve-
ment of unhealthy Areas in the Parliamentary Burgh of


HEREAS the Right Honourable Richard Assheton Cross, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, has made the Provisional Order set forth in the Schedule hereunto annexed under the provisions of the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement 5 (Scotland) Act, 1875:

And whereas it is requisite that the said Order should be confirmed by Parliament :

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and 10 Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1. The Order set out in the Schedule hereunto annexed is hereby Provisional confirmed.

Order in

2. This Act may be cited as the Greenock Improvement Pro- confirmed. 15 visional Order Confirmation Act, 1877.

Short title.

[blocks in formation]

WHEREAS the Board of Police of Greenock being the Local Authority under the said Act for the Parliamentary Burgh of Greenock presented to me, the Right Honourable Richard Assheton Cross, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, a Petition praying that an Order might be made con- 10 firming a scheme prepared by the said Board, under the above-mentioned Act, for the improvement of certain areas situated within the said burgh:

And whereas a copy of the said scheme and of the estimates by which it was accompanied is annexed to this Order:

And whereas on consideration of the said Petition and on proof of the publi- 15 cation of the proper advertisements, and of the service of the proper notices, I thought fit to proceed with the case, and directed a local inquiry to be made by Mr. George Cunningham in or in the vicinity of the areas to which the scheme relates, for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of the official representations made to the said Board of Police as to the areas, and 20 the sufficiency of the scheme provided for their improvement, and any local objections to be made to such scheme:

And whereas before commencing such inquiry the said George Cunningham made public by advertisement his intention to make such inquiry, and stated the time and place at which he would be prepared to hear all the persons 25 desirous of being heard on the subject thereof, in accordance with the provisions of section sixteen of the above-mentioned Act:

And whereas the said George Cunningham has reported to me in favour of the said scheme, subject to certain qualifications mentioned in his report:

And whereas the population of the working class occupying the areas com- 30 prised in the said scheme is estimated at 2,700, and proper accommodation will be provided for that number by the said scheme :

Order Confirmation.

And whereas an agreement has been made to the following effect:


A.D. 1877.




Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart, of Greenock and Blackhall, Baronet, Her
Majesty's Lieutenant for the County of Renfrew, herein-after called the first


The Board of Police of Greenock, incorporated by Act of Parliament, as the
Local Authority under "The Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1867," within
and for the Parliamentary Burgh of Greenock, herein-after called the second

Whereas in virtue of the powers and provisions of "The Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1875," the second parties have made an improvement scheme for certain areas or lands situated within the said burgh of 15 Greenock, and shown on the plans deposited with reference to the said scheme in November 1876, and they have presented a Petition to one of Her Majesty's Secretaries of State praying that an Order may be made confirming the said scheme: And whereas a portion of the lands forming the area marked K and coloured yellow on the said plan, and the other lands herein-after mentioned, belong to the first party, and the second 20 parties have applied to him to feu the said portion and other lands to them for the purposes of the said scheme: And whereas the first party has agreed to feu the said lands to the second parties on the terms and subject to the conditions herein-after mentioned, therefore the first and second parties have agreed and do hereby agree as follows; viz. :






First. The first party agrees to feu to the second parties, and the second parties
agree to take in feu from the first party: In the first place, all and whole the
lands lying on the south and north sides of Dempster Street of Greenock
forming the said area marked K and coloured yellow on the fore-said plan, a
copy of which is signed with reference hereto, excepting the portions of the said
lands which have been feued to the Greenock Joiners Building Society, Daniel
Monro, joiner in Greenock, and the Water Trust of Greenock, which portions as
well as the site of Dempster Street aforesaid are not hereby agreed to be feued :
And, In the second place, all and whole the lands coloured pink on the said plan, and
bounded by the said area K on the north, by the first party's lands on the south,
by Mount Pleasant Street on the west, and by lands feued to the said Water Trust
on the east.

Second. There shall be erected on the said lands hereby agreed to be feued along
the north and south lines of Dempster Street aforesaid tenements of stone and
slated dwelling-houses for the accommodation of persons of the working class
displaced in consequence of the carrying out of the said improvement scheme, and
cellars and washing-houses for such dwelling-houses, provided that such dwelling-
houses shall not be of greater height above the level of the said street than three
square storeys; but there may be attics in the roof thereof, and there shall be no
sunk dwelling-houses therein, and each tenement shall be internally subdivided
into twelve separate dwellings or possessions, eight of which dwellings or pos-
sessions shall consist of two rooms each, and the remaining four thereof shall
consist of one room each.

Third. The entry of the second parties to the said lands shall be at Martinmas next,
1877, and they shall pay therefor to the first party, or his heirs, for each year of

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