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their studious days, their restless nights through anxiety for your salvation: I beheld all their earnestness in private, and in the pulpit, beseeching you to return, and live ; and not only my wounds and bruises, but their secret sighs, their groans, their emaciated bodies, their neglected estates bear testimony against you: And now, seeing you would not hear, and obey, depart from me, ye cursed: CURSE them, ye ministers of the sanctuary who wept at their stupidity, who travailed as in birth for their conversion, who refused to be comforted, because they refused to be reconciled: CURSE them, ye apostles of the Lamb who were witnesses of all the groans which I uttered; of all the insult to which I submitted; of all the agonies which I endured as their Substitute and Saviour: CURSE them, ye holy martyrs who loved not your lives unto death, but constrained by my love followed me to prisons, and flames: CURSE them, ye prophets of my God, who spake of me ages before I was born, testifying beforehand my sufferings and glory: CURSE them, ye angels of light, who sang praises at my birth, who strengthened me in the garden until my decease was accomplished, who attended and aided at my resurrection, who waited to rejoice at the repentance of these sinners: CURSE them, O righteous Father, for all their contempt of thy love in sending thy Son, and to thine authority which commanded them to receive him for salvation: Ye

cherubim with your flaming swords shut against them the gates of glory, and drive them down to hell as the despised of Jehovah: Let my body, which still retains the marks of its crucifixion, stand forth an eternal monument of my compassions towards them, and my justice in now executing vengeance upon them." O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly mine honor be not thou united, "Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?" Is not the thought overwhelming that a male, or a female who now hears me should sink the prisoner of never ending despair? O brethren, "turn ye to the strong holds while you are prisoners of hope." In virtue of the chastisement of Jesus, you may yet have peace, and through his stripes you may yet be healed. He is once more laying his crucified body before you, and tries to stop you in your career to destruction: He continues affectionately to intreat, "hearken unto me, ye stout hearted, that are far from righteousness: Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die, O foolish people, and unwise?" As an ambassador of Jesus Christ I ask you with all affection, will you halt a moment longer between two opinions? Is it prudent to hesitate about a question which concerns not your health merely, not your fortune, not your character, not your temporal ease, but your souls, your precious souls, and that forever? Draw near, ye

drunkards of Salem, ye who waste your time, and strength, and property over the intoxicating cups: Draw near, ye lovers of mammon; ye whose hearts go after your covetousness, and seek your gain from every quarter: Draw near, ye children of pleasure, who spend your evenings in mirth, sporting around in the jovial dance: Draw near, ye careless youth, ye who live without prayer, without Jesus, and without God, who perhaps never spent an hour in self-examination, or in dedicating yourselves to Him who created you, and will soon judge you : Draw near, ye Sabbath-breakers, who waste that holy day in idleness, in amusements, or in pursuing your common employments: Draw near, all such, and survey with me for a few moments the scenes of Gethsemane and Calvary Behold the Lord of glory wounded, and bruised: See the cold sweat like great drops of blood rising upon his body, through the insupportable pressure of his Father's wrath: Hear the piercing groans which escaped involuntarily from his lips, "my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? O my strength, haste thee to help me; I am poured out like water; all my bones are out of joint, and thou hast brought me to the dust of death?" Contemplate these scenes, and then say, can you drink of that cup which even the Son of God recoiled to drink? Can you sustain that shock of almighty vengeance which was too much for him to sustain; before the fierceness of

which "the vail of the temple parted in twain, the rocks were rent, the graves were opened," and before which the "elements hereafter shall melt with fervent heat, and the world and the things that are therein shall be dissolved?" I ask you again, can you endure the wrath which the Saviour endured? Because, as the Lord liveth, if you will not improve that sacrifice which he offered up, you yourselves must be the sacrifice: That fire of divine indignation which came down and consumed him, must come down and consume you, and that eternally : The threatning denounced against disobedience must be inflicted: Justice must be satisfied either by the Surety for the sinner, or by the sinner himself: If God spared not his own Son bearing our iniquities, will he spare you chargeable with all the guilt of your nature, and life? "For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?" AMEN.


JOHN VI. 54.

Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life.

THE natural world, through the condescension of God, is in general an emblem of the spiritual world. Almost every object that strikes the bodily senses, and every action in common life is employed to represent some object in grace, and some exercise in which we engage as christians. The air in which we constantly breathe; which is the great mean of support to animal life, is an emblem of the Holy Ghost by whose influences we "live, and breathe, and move" as christians; by whose free, omnipotent agency our spiritual life is commenced, and carried on, and consummated. The natural sun, which rises in the east; which dissipates the shadows of the night, and enlightens and cheers the natural world, is employed as a representation of the Sun of righteousness; of Jesus-Jehovah who is the light of the spiritual world; who as the prophet of his church dispels that darkness which envelopes the souls of his children, and diffuses over them the light of immortal life. The rain, as it drops from the clouds, and the dew, as it gently distils, refreshing the earth, causing the grass to bloom in the fields, and the corn to

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