POLITICAL REGISTER. VOL. XVII. FROM JANUARY TO JUNE 1810. LONDON: PRINTED BY T. C. HANSARD, PETERBOROUGH COURT, FLEET STREET: SOLD ALSO BY J. BUDD, PALL-MALL; W. AND J. RICHARDSON, ROYAL EXCHANGE; - TABLE OF CONTENTS. FRANCE-Address of the Legislative Body to the Emperor; and his Answer America-President's Message at the opening of the Session of Congress, Nov. Circular Letter of Mr. Jackson, dated Washington, Nov. 18, 1809 American Dispute-Correspondence between Mr. R. Smith, the American Thanks of the City of London to Mr. Wardle, January 30, 1810 Flushing-Report of Adjutant Dubourg, on the present State of the Dock, Port, America-Message from the President, transmitting Extracts from the Corres- Proceedings at the Nomination of Members for the County of Cambridge, Marriage of the Emperor Napoleon with the Archduchess Maria Louisa Imprisonment of Sir Francis Burdett and Parliamentary Reform-Proceedings of the Livery of London, May 4 Imprisonment of Sir Francis Burdett-Procession of the Livery of London; preceded by Mr. Sheriff Wood, in state, to the Tower, May 9 Major Cartwright's Petition to the House of Commons, May 10 Sir Francis Burdett's Letters to Mr. Sheriff Wood and the Freeholders of Mid- dlesex, May 5 - - 819 RESOLUTIONS, PETITIONS, REMONSTRANCES, &C. RELATIVE TO THE IMPRISON- MENT OF SIR FRANCIS BURDETT, THE LIBERTY OF THE SUBJECT, AND Page Captain Foskett's Petition to the House of Commons Intercepted Correspondence-Letter from the Emperor Napoleon to the Queen of Sicily, upon the occasion of his Marriage with the Archduchess MISCELLANEOUS. Dr. Milner on the Catholic Claims 52 Anti Catholicus on Catholic Emancipation 82 Catholic Claims-Letter from Lord Grenville to the Earl of Fingal, Jan. 22 Speech of Mr. Deane at the Berkshire Meeting, upon the Subject of Assessed Taxes 134 Lord Cochrane's Speech in the House of Commons, Jan. 29, on the Vote of Thanks to Lord Gambier 185, 210 A Reporter of Parliamentary Debates for the Morning Post, on Mr. Windham's A. B. on the Delinquency of Mr. Hunt and Mr. Villiers SIR FRANCIS BURDETT TO HIS CONSTITUENTS; DENYING THE POWER OF THE Swift's Character, Panegyric, and Description of the Legion Club A Word in behalf of Mr. Gale Jones W. F. S. on the Liberty of the Subject - - 614 A Free Thinker, on the Edinburgh Reviewers 631 Legality of the Execution of the Speaker's Warrant in the Case of Sir Francis Burdett examined 632 Mr. Erskine's (now Lord Erskine's) Opinion of the Proceedings of the Court of King's Bench in Ireland, by Attachment The Whigs Grumbling - 695 Question concerning Parliamentary Commitments - - 1001 Evidence relative to the Assault on the Duke of Cumberland - Parliamentary Proceedings-Opening of the Session-Lord Porchester's Motion for Inquiry-Lord Cochrane's Motion about Lord Gambier's Court |