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c) the approved insurance coverage against injuries to third parties on the ground;

d) the type of questionnaire referred to in Article 7 and any others which may be deemed suitable.

Article 17. In order that the procedures set out in this Decree might more feasibly be carried into effect and observed, the Ministry of Aeronautics, upon notice to the Commission for Studies Relative to International Air Navigation (CERNAI), may promulgate regulations deemed to be necessary, and the Civil Aeronautics Board shall, as a matter of course, establish an appropriate system of controls over the term of stay of foreign aircraft in Brazil, so organized that the facts concerning any aircraft shall be known at any and all times; that is, from the time it enters the national territory until it departs.

Article 18. The Directorate of Air Routes shall inform the units which constitute the Flight Safety Service as to those areas over which flight plans will not be approved (Article 13).

Article 19. This Decree shall take effect after the legal waiting period (Article 1 and accompanying paragraphs of Decree No. 4,657 of 9.4.42 and all preceding statutes to the contrary shall be abrogated.) Its provisions may be applied by the Ministry of Aeronautics, to those who desire it, prior to that term.




Section 1. The State shall have the monopoly of aerial navigation in the country. Aircraft and all aeronautical equipment shall belong to it.

Public organizations and private persons may not possess and use aircraft without permission from the Council of Ministers.

Section 2. The administration of civil aerial navigation shall organize and direct all activities of civil aviation. Exceptions shall be made upon decision of the Council of Ministers.

The organization, work structure, and scope of activity of civil aerial navigation [as well as], the rights and duties of its employees shall be governed by a regulation approved by the Council of Ministers.

This organization, work structure, and scope of activity of the [military] air forces [as well as] the rights and duties of their employees shall be governed by the law on the armed forces.

The organization and scope of activity of air sport shall be governed by a regulation approved by the Council of Ministers.

Section 3. Civil aircraft must be entered on the register for aircraft at the administration of civil aerial navigation. On registration they shall receive proper insignia and documents.

In order to fly, civil aircraft and persons who are aboard must meet the requirements prescribed in the special regulation approved by the Council of Ministers.

Section 4. Persons who have obtained training in aerial navigation shall receive a certificate of qualification (brevet).

Section 5. Foreign aircraft may fly over the country and land in it only with special permission, while aircraft of States with which Bulgaria has entered into an aerial navigation convention [shall fly] in accordance therewith.

The crew and passengers of these airplanes must possess the necessary documents and permits according to the laws and regulations of the country.

Section 6. Aircraft which fly over Bulgarian territory and persons traveling aboard may not carry objects of such a nature as to endanger the security of the country or to present a danger for the passengers and the aircraft.

Section 7. Air traffic over certain areas may be prohibited temporarily or permanently, entirely or up to a certain altitude.

1 Published in Durzhaven Vestnik (Bulgarian Official Law Gazette, hereinafter abbreviated as DV), No. 68, Mar. 24, 1948. Since December 1950: IPNS.

Section 8. Foreign aircraft which are permitted to fly over Bulgarian territory must cross the borders at precisely fixed places and altitudes and follow fixed air routes.

Foreign aircraft may land only on airports open to them.

Section 9. No construction work may be done around airports without the permission of the aerial navigation authorities.

Section 10. Control over aircraft which fly over Bulgarian territory and do not land at the airports, issuance of permits to foreign aircraft to fly over the country, to take off or land in it during peacetime, shall belong to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior, to which all other government agencies as well as all citizens must render full assistance. This control shall be exercised according to the regulation approved by the Council of Ministers.

During a period of war, the control over aerial navigation shall be exercised by the Ministry of National Defense.

Section 11. Airport fees shall be fixed by ordinances issued by the administration of civil aerial navigation.

Section 12. [Repealed by Section 12 of the Edict on Pensions, Lump-Sum Remuneration, and Aids to Civil Aviation Pilots of February 17, 1953, IPNS No. 14].

Section 13. Pilots shall receive special remuneration for flying and remuneration for hours or kilometers flown by them in the amount and under the conditions indicated in a special regulation approved by the Council of Ministers.

Technicians and specialists in aerial navigation and all other aerial navigation personnel shall receive special technicians' and bonus remuneration. The amount and conditions for the receipt of such remunerations shall be fixed by a separate regulation approved by the Council of Ministers.

Persons employed in aerial navigation, when flying in an official capacity, shall have the right to remuneration under Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Section 12 as well as to remuneration for the hours and kilometers flown by them. [See section 12, supra.]

Section 14. For every violation of the provisions of this law and the regulations, ordinances and directives concerning aerial navigation issued pursuant to this law, the authorities of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of National Defense, and the Ministry of Railroad, Automobile and Water Communications-the administration of civil aerial navigation-shall prepare a record which shall have full evidentiary power until the contrary has been proven. They may also make an investigation for clarification of the circumstances stated in the record and take proper measures against violators.

If necessary, they may contain [i.e., detain] the aircraft and persons aboard it until the question is settled by the competent authorities. Section 15. For every crossing of the borders of the country without permit by an aircraft, for carrying prohibited objects, nonobservance of the air routes when in flight, landing or taking off outside airports without [being in] distress; for [committing a violation of the flight rules; for allowing persons not possessing proper documents in the aircraft; for failure to permit the control authorities to supervise the aircraft, the guilty persons shall be punished by imprisonment in a dark cell, unless another law provides more severe

punishment; and the aircraft and objects found in it may be confiscated.

Section 16. [Repealed by Section 334 of the Criminal Code of February 13, 1951, IPNS No. 13, as amended].

Section 17. [Repealed by the Law on the Court and the Government Attorney's Office in Transport Cases of February 24, 1950, DV No. 46 in connection with Regulation of the Council of Ministers of December 18, 1954, concerning creation of Department of Civil Air Transport "TABSO"].

Section 18. For all other violations of the present law and the regulations, ordinances and directives issued concerning aerial navigation pursuant to this [law], the authorities of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Railroad, Automobile and Water Communications-the administration of civil aerial navigation may impose fines of up to 100,000 leva, as determined by the same regulations. An order for punishment by fines of up to 10,000 leva shall not be subject to appeal.

Section 19. Regulations and ordinances shall be issued in implementation of the present law.

The present Law shall repeal the Law on Aerial Navigation together with all amendments and supplements as well as all other laws which contradict it.

The enforcement of the present Law shall be assigned to the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Railroad, Automobile and Water Communications.



Section 1. The present Regulation shall have the task of determining the conditions of crossing the border by aircraft and their flights over the territory (land and territorial waters) of the country [Bulgaria] in peace time.

Section 2. Control of the air traffic over the country [Bulgaria] shall be exercised by the Ministry of the Interior.

The regulation issued by the Minister of National Defense shall apply to Bulgarian military aircraft. For the observance of the rules concerning flights and landings outside of airports, they [military aircraft] shall be placed under the control of the supervisory authorities according to the present Regulation.


Section 3. Bulgarian civil aircraft may fly, after they have been entered on the aerial navigation register at the Directorate of Air Communications and issued a permit for this purpose.

This permit shall certify the airworthiness of the aircraft and its Bulgarian nationality.

Section 4. No aircraft may fly over Bulgarian territory if they do not have the proper insignia and documents.

2 Durzhaven Vestnik (Bulgarian Official Law Gazette), No. 36, February 14, 1948.

All Bulgarian civil aircraft must display the signs LZ and the colors of the Bulgarian flag on the vertical rudder of the tail.

[Amended by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of October 4, 1950, DV No. 234]. All Bulgarian military aircraft shall have, on both sides of their body, on the undersides and on the vertical rudder, a five-pointed star with red rays against a background of concentric red, green and white circles.

Section 5. All Bulgarian pilots who perform services in aircraft must, when flying, have certificates (brevet), a permit (flight order) and service identification cards while all other citizens, flying with them [must have] identification cards.

Section 6. No Bulgarian aircraft may take off without having a flight plan, certified by the commanding officer of the aircraft before departure; a permit for the aircraft; a document showing that [it] is registered; a logbook for the aircraft; and a list of the crew and passengers. If flying abroad [they must have] passports for all persons flying on the aircraft; permission of the respective States through which the aircraft is going to fly; while the pilots [must have] the documents prescribed in Section 5.

Section 7. Civil and military aircraft of States with which Bulgaria has entered into aerial navigation conventions shall observe the provisions of these conventions, as well as the law on aerial navigation and the provisions of the present Regulation, inasmuch as the latter have not been repealed by the same conventions.

Civil and military aircraft of States which do not have [entered into] aerial navigation conventions with Bulgaria may cross the borders, fly over, land in, and take off from the country only if they have special permission therefor.

Section 8. Requests to fly over Bulgarian territory by foreign aircraft shall be filed through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In this request [the following] must be indicated: type and insignia of the aircraft; purpose of flight; route and time of flight; stay on Bulgarian territory; names of crew and passengers; declarations that the latter know the aerial navigation provisions of the country [Bulgaria], that [they] have valid documents in accordance with Sections 5 and 6 [of this Regulation] and that [they] do not carry explosives, military equipment, still cameras, movie cameras, pigeons and radiosets, but the weapons [they do carry are accompanied by] a permit. The flight permit and the papers according to Sections 5 and 6 must be carried in the aircraft.

Section 9. If the request [to fly] is for a civil aircraft, the permission shall be issued by the Ministry of the Interior, and if [the request] is for a military one, the permission shall be issued by the same ministry in concurrence with the Ministry of National Defense.

The permission must indicate the date; period of time for crossing the border; the border place over which the aircraft is going to fly; route and time of flight; period of time for the stay on Bulgarian territory; names of crew and passengers; declarations which they made; permissions and prohibitions which have been determined for them.

Section 10. A foreign aircraft which has permission to fly over Bulgarian territory must give notification thereof through diplomatic channels [within] 24 hours before the flight.

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