The nimble juice soon seiz'd his giddy head, 405 How some with fwords their fleeping lords have slain, And fome have hammer'd nails into their brain, And fome have drench'd them with a deadly potion; All this he read, and read with great devotion. 410 Long time I heard, and swell'd, and blush'd, and frown'd; But after many a hearty struggle past, 425 430 } As for the volume that revil'd the dames, 'Twas torn to fragments, and condemn'd to flames. 435 Now heav'n on all my husbands gone, bestow Pleasures above, for tortures felt below : That rest they wish'd for, grant them in the grave, IMI IMITATIONS OF ENGLISH POETS. W I. CHAUCER. OMEN ben full of Ragerie, Thilke moral shall ye understond, Lo here is Cox, and here is Miss. 5 19 : 15 But, |