SAPно TO PHA ON. AY, lovely youth, that do'st my heart command, S Must then her Name the wretched writer prove, To thy remembrance loft, as to thy love? 5 The Lute neglected, and the Lyric muse; And tun'd my heart to Elegies of woe. SAPHO PHAON I. E CQUID ubi afpecta eft ftudiofæ littera dextræ, Protinus eft oculis cognita nostra tuis? An, nifi legisses autoris nomina Sapbus, 5 Carmina, cum lyricis fim magis apta modis. Flendus amor meus est: elegeïa Aebile carmen; Non facit ad lacrymas barbitos ulla meas. D4 I I burn, I burn, as when thro' ripen'd corn 10 15 20 Ah youth ungrateful to a flame like mine! Those heav'nly looks, and dear, deluding eyes? Uror, ut, indomitis ignem exercentibus euris, Eft in te facies, funt apti lufibus anni, 10 15 ? 20 The |