If you will fly-(yet ah! what cause can be, Too cruel youth, that you should fly from me?) 255 Ah let me feek it from the raging feas: Sive juvat longe fugiffe Pelafgida Sapho: 255 VER VERTUMNUS AND POMON A. T HE fair Pomona flourish'd in his reign; R VERTUMNUS & POMONA. EGE fub hoc Pomona fuit: qua nulla fatinas 5 The 6 The hook fhe bore, instead of Cynthia's fpear, These cares alone her virgin breast employ, How oft' the Satyrs and the wanton Fawns, Who haunt the forefts, or frequent the lawns, Nec jaculo gravis eft, fed adunca dextera falce: Hic amor, hoc ftudium: Veneris quoque nulla cupido. 15 20 10 15 20 Em |