Edipus King of Thebes having by mistake flain his father Laius, and marry'd his mother Jocasta, put out his own eyes, and resign'd the realm to his fons, Etheocles and Polynices. Bcing neglected by them, he makes his prayer to the fury Tifiphone, to sow debate betwixt the brothers. They agree at last to reign fingly, each a year by turns, and the first lot is obtain'd by Etheocles. Jupiter, in a council of the Gods, declares his refolution of punishing the Thebans, and Argives alfo, by means of a marriage betwixt Polynices and one of the daughters of Adrastus King of Argos. Juno oppofes, but to no effect; and Mercury is sent on a meslage to the shades, to the ghost of Laius, who is to appear to Etheocles, and provoke him to break the agreement. Polynices in the mean time departs from Thebes by night, is overtaken by a storm, and arrives at Argos; where he meets with Tydeus, who had fled from Calydon, having kill'd his brother. Adrastus entertains them, having receiv'd an oracle from Apollo that his daughters should be marry'd to a Boar and a Lion, which he understands to be meant of these strangers by whom the hides of those beafts were worn, and who arriv'd at the time when he kept an annual feast in honour of that God. The rise of this folemnity he relates to his guests, the loves of Phœbus and Psamathe, and the story of Chorabus. He enquires, and is made acquainted with their defcent and quality: The facrifice is renew'd, and the book concludes with a Hymn to Apollo The Translator hopes he needs not apologize for his Choice of this piece, which was made almost in his Childhood. But finding the Version better than he expected, he gave it fome Correction a few years afterwards. THE FIRST BOOK OF STATIUS his THEBAIS. F Raternal Rage, the guilty Thebes alarms, Demand our fong; a facred fury fires 5 Europa's rape, Agenor's stern decree, And Cadmus searching round the spacious sea? FRATERNAS acies, alternaque regna profanis Pierius menti calor incidit. Unde jubetis Legis Agenorea? fcrutantemque æquora Cadmum? How A How with the ferpent's teeth he sow'd the foil, And fix, O Muse! the barrier of thy fong The long confusions of his guilty race. And mighty Cafar's conqu'ring eagles fing; 10 15 20 Longa retro feries, trepidum fi Martis operti 10 15 20 How |