THE INDEX. A A. 60, 61 Donai, meaning of the Name, 48 Anabaptists (Flandrian,) their Herefy concerning the Anointed, Vid. Meffias. Apollinarians, Heretics, 71 70 ibid. .Arians, Heretics, Afcenfion of the Meffias, foretold in Scripture, 117 BL B. 118 Lood, his own Blood, meaning of the Phrafe C. 95 Atholic, the Term, how applied to the Church, CA Chrift, meaning of the Word, 158, 159 29 Chronology, the Vanity of Heathen Chronology, 20 153 Communication of Properties in the Person of our Lord, 81 Commu- Communion, how it is held in the Church, 161, &c. Creation, meaning of the Term in Scripture, 4, 5 18 44, &c. Crucifixion of the Meffias, foretold by the Prophets, 86 ·Manner, Acerbity, and Indignity of the Pu nishment, 87, &c. Curfe, our Lord, how made a Curfe for us, 86 D. Avid, our Lord prov'd to be of the Family of DA Da David, 78 Death of the Meffias foretold by the Prophets, 89,90 Of our Lord, how prov'd, In what it confifted, Defcent into Hell, the proper meaning of the Phrafe, Donatifts, Heretics, E E. 90, 91 92, 93 96, &c. 157 'Mmanuel, the Name, how to be expounded,51,52 Ever-Virgin, meaning of the Title, Eutychians, Heretics, 76 72 3 Divine and Humane, how they differ, 3, 4 Father, this Title, in what respects afcrib'd to God, IO, II, 12 Forgiveness of Sins, how obtain'd and accomplish'd, G G. 167, 168 Eneration (Eternal) of the Son of God, demonstrated, 42, &c. 55, &c. God, God, Existence of God, how to be prov'd, 7,8 Name of God, the Difpute between the Orthodox and the Socinians, concerning the use of it in Scripture, Gods many, meaning of the Phrafe, 50, &c. 49, &c. Goodness, how diftinguish'd as a Divine Attribute, Greeks, the fame with Devout Men, or Profelytes of the Gate, 19 33 98, &c. Heaven and Earth, meaning of the Phrafe among the Hebrews, Hell, Vid. Defcent. 17 Helvidius, his Heterodoxy concerning the Blessed Vir gin, Hermiani, Vid. Seleuciani. Hermogenes, Heretic, 76 70 Holiness, why peculiarly apply'd to the Blessed Spirit, How afcrib'd to the Church, 146 157 Holy Ghoft, whether denied by the Sadducees, or o ther Jews, 136 His Divine Exiftence and Perfonality demonstrated, I. 136, &c. Dentity of the Body in the Refurrection, 180, &c. to our Saviour, Jefus, meaning of the Name, 60, &c. 25 Judgment to come, the Certainty and Manner of it demonftrated, 129, &c. Lord, L. ORD, the Title, how equivalent to Jehovah, L° 60, &c. Marcellus, Heretic, Marcionites, Heretics, Mary, whether any thing peculiar in the Name, as afcrib'd to the Blessed Virgin, 75 Merit, the Doctrine of it in the Church of Rome, unwarrantable and dangerous, Meffias, Jefus prov'd to be the Meffias, 164 29, &c. How a Prophet, a Prieft, and a King, 35,&c. TEftorius, Heretic, N N. Noetus, Heretic, 50, 72 70 18, 19 171 Nothing, out of Nothing, Nothing can be produc'd; the Maxim how to be understood, Novatianus and Novatus, Heretics, O. Nly-begotten, the Title, how peculiar to our Origen, his Error concerning the Eternity of Hell Torments, Origenifts, Heretics, 186 181 P. Pholinus, the first Propofition demonftrated, p. 42, &c. is properly oppos'd to his Herefy, for which SAD Abbath, how determin'd to the feventh Day of the " 70 Saints, a Communion of the Saints in Heaven and 153, 164 Seleuciani, Heretics, the fame with the Hermiani, Sheol, the meaning of the Word, Simon Magus, Ring-leader of Heretics, 26 183 103 71 167 Sitting at the right hand of God, how foretold of The Meffias, 120, 121 How |