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in favor of there being something there." To these may be added also, Carmlick Shoal 39° 32′ N., 50° 50' W. 1841*, for although this latter is rather distant from the foregoing it may prove that this report is true, although the position may be erroneous, in longitude especially.

The following account of this bank appears in Laurie's Atlantic Memoir, and we hope hereafter to see this important subject investigated by a few of those deep casts of some of our naval officers that have been already attended with success.

"M. Bellin, however, placed it as a certain danger; and in his memoir of 1742, has said, that this danger was seen on the 22nd of August, 1700, by M. Daraith, who approached within one league and a half of it, then sailed around it in order to observe it well, and took an altitude within sight of it. The rock is described as extending one league and a half, being three-quarters of a league broad. Its longitude is very uncertain.

"April 20th, at 8 A.M., being on the starboard tack, ship going two knots and a half an hour, moderate weather, a man saw something ahead; the helm was immediately ordered a-weather to clear it; being very near it, ship was only 15 or 20 fathoms to leeward of it, which enabled me to distinctly make it out to be a rock, just even with the water; its head was round, and appeared to be about 3 fathoms or more in diameter; it was covered with weed, similar to that on half-tide rocks; it was of a light green, with some branches of a red colour. It was at times on the top of a sea invisible; but in the hollow of a sea, several feet uncovered. I observed the sea to break on it twice, causing a spray, as any pinnacle-like substance, with deep water around it, might be expected to do. My first officer and others also saw it, and are fully convinced of its being a danger; the lead was hove as soon as it could be got forward, but there was no bottom at 90 fathoms perpendicular. I might then be within musket shot of it; from the mast-head, no appearance of other danger could be seen.

"From an excellent observation at noon; I consider it to lie in lat. 40° 18′ N., long, by dead-reckoning, 53° 40′ W.

"The water, for several miles around it was dark as if on soundings. Fearing I might strike on some invisible danger, I did not put the ship's head toward it, and there was too much sea to lower a boat; recovering from the consternation this unexpected sight put me into, I left it astern, fearing there might be more beneath the surface, directly in the track I was going.

"From my thermometrical observations on approaching to and on the great Bank of Newfoundland, I have reason to think the above longitude nearly correct; at least, if any error, it could be only a few miles too far eastward. I unfortunately broke this most valuable instrument a short time before seeing the above danger.

"I understand there have been many opinions as to the truth of my statement; it is difficult to convince some, and perhaps, if the Harbinger, which I commanded, had struck on it, some would have supposed she had alighted on the back of a whale, though by-the-by, weeds are seldom seen growing there.

"During the many years (14) I have commanded a ship, mostly in the North American trade, I have seen various things in the ocean, and was too well acquainted to mistrust my eyes in this case. It is said that Daraith saw a danger not far from this; perhaps it may be a part of the same, as he represented it as very extensive. I am convinced we too often treat doubtful dangers in charts, with indifference, because they are not always seen by

*Nautical Magazine, p. 781, 1841.

those who look for them; may it not be the case, that ships sometimes are wrecked on them and never heard of? However, I shall always dread the above danger when sailing in that part of the ocean."

Liverpool, Feb. 3rd.-The John Garrow, Hamilton, arrived here, passed over a bank about fifteen miles from west to east, in lat. 40° 25′ N., long. 54° 28′ W. The sea ran higher on than off the bank, the water was very much discoloured, and large quantities of seaweed were floating about. Tried the temperature of the water, and found it 12 degrees below the air, and when the bank was passed over, found the water 14 degrees above the air. A very heavy gale blowing at the time, the John Garrow was prevented sounding. Shipping Gazette, Feb. 4th, 1851.

HALIFAX, Jan 25-The new lighthouse, a square building, painted white, with a black ball on the seaward side, on Cape Latour, which forms the east side of Barrington Harbour, about midway between Cape Sable and Cape Negro, is now in operation. It exhibits a bright flash light of 15 seconds' duration, with alternate eclipses of 34 or 25 seconds As this light will be of some importance to American vessels, I give, from the authority of the commissioners, the following bearings and distances:— Lat. of light, 43° 26′ 9′′ N, long. 65° 23′ 7′′ W., variation magnetic bearing; Cape Sable S.. extreme S. 77° W. distant 7 extreme Black Ledgė S. 34° E., distant 1 miles; Salvages, or S. 88° E.; Brazil Roek, S. 4° 10' W., distant 5 miles; Bantam Rock, 45° W. distant 1 miles.-Boston (U.S.) Post.

15° 40′ W:, miles; south Half Moons,


Despatches have been received at the Admiralty from Capt Kellett, C.B., of H.M.S. Herald, dated at sea the 14th of October, 1850, on his return from Behring Strait. The Herald had communicated with H.M.S. Plover, on the 10th July, at Chamisso Island, where the Plover had passed the preceding winter. The two ships proceeded to the northward until they sighted the pack ice, when the Herald returned to Cape Lisburne in quest of Capt. Collinson's expedition, and on the 31st fell in with H.M.S. Investigator, which had made a surprising short passage of twenty-six days from the Sandwich Islands. The Herald remained cruizing off Cape Lisburne, and again fell in with the Plover on the 13th of August, on her return from Point Barrow, Com. Moore having coasted in his boats, and minutely examined the several islets as far as that point from Icy Cape, without gaining any intelligence of the missing expedition. Com. Moore and his boat's crew had suffered severely from exposure to cold. Capt. Kellett having fully victualled the Plover, ordered her to winter in Grantley Harbour (her former anchorage at Chamisso Island not being considered safe), and then returned to the southward on his way to England. Despatches have also been received from Capt. Collinson, C.B., of H.M.S. Enterprize, and Com. M'Clure, of H.M.S, Investigator.

Capt. Collinson's letter is dated Port Clarence, September 13th, 1850, and after detailing his voyage from the Sandwich Islands, till he arrived in lat. 73° 20′, and his embarrassments among the ice, it proceeds to say,—

"On the 29th of August the thermometer having fallen to 28 deg., and there being no prospect of our being able to accomplish anything towards the fulfilment of their Lordships' instructions this season, I bore away for Point Hope, where I arrived on the 31st, and found a bottle deposited by the Herald,

which informed me that it was intended to place the Plover in Grantley Harbour this season. I accordingly proceeded thither, with the view of taking her place for the winter, and enabling Commander Moore to recruit his ship's company by going to the southward. On my arrival I found her inside preparing her winter quarters, and having examined and buoyed the bar, I attempted to take this vessel inside, but failed in doing so, owing to the change of wind from south to north having reduced the depth of water four feet, and had to relieve the ship of 100 tons, which was quickly done by the opportune arrival of the Herald, before she was released from a very critical position.

"The tides being irregular, the rise and fall depending principally on the wind, and that wind which occasious the highest water producing a swell on the bar, it became a question whether a considerable portion of the ensuing season might not be lost in getting the ship out of Grantley Harbour; and on consulting Captains Kellett and Moore, finding it to be their opinion, founded on the experience of two years, that the whalers coming from the south pass through the Straits early in June, whereas the harbours are blocked until the middle of July, I have come to the conclusion that I shall better perform the important duty confided to me by returning to the south, and replenishing my provisions, instead of wintering on the Asiatic shore, where there is not a prospect of our being of the slightest use to the missing expedition. It is, therefore, my intention to proceed to Hong-Kong, it being nearer than Valparaiso, aud the cold season having set in, my stores and provisions will not be exposed to the heat of a double passage through the tropics; and as I shall not leave until the 1st of April, I may receive any further instructions their Lordships may please to communicate.

"The Plover has been stored and provisioned, and such of her crew, as are not in a fit state to contend with the rigour of a further stay in these latitudes have been removed and replaced by Capt. Kellett, and the paragraphs referring to her in my instructions fulfilled.

"I have directed Commander Moore to communicate annually with an island in St. Lawrence Bay, in lat, 65° 38′ N., and long. 176° 43′ W., which is much resorted to by the whalers, and where any communication their Lordships may be pleased to send may be deposited by them, as they are not in the habit of cruizing on this side of the Straits; and I have requested Capt. Kellett to forward to the Admiralty all the information on this head he may obtain at the Sandwich Islands. It is my intention to proceed again to the north, and remain in the most eligible position for forwarding assistance to the Investigator, which vessel having been favoured with a surprising passage from the Sandwich Islands, was fallen in with by the Herald, on the 31st of July, off Point Hope, and again on the 5th of August, by the Plover, in lat. 70° 44' N. and long. 159° 52′ W., when she was standing to the north under a press of sail, and in all probability reached the vicinity of Point Barrow, fifteen days previous to the Enterprize, when Capt. M'Clure, having the whole season before him, and animated with the determination so vividly expressed in his letter to Capt. Kellett, has most likely taken the inshore route, and I hope before this period reached Cape Bathurst; but as he will be exposed to the imminent risk of being forced on a shoal shore and compelled to take to his boats, I shall not forsake the coast to the northward of Point Hope, until the season is so far advanced as to ensure their having taken up their winter quarters for this


A letter from Com. M'Clure, date H.M. discovery ship Investigator, at sea 51° 26' N., long. 1729 35 W., July 20, 1850, gives the following account of the proceedings and intentions of that officer:

"As I have received instructions from Capt. Collinson, c.B., clear and unembarrassing (a copy of which I enclose), to proceed to Cape Lisburne in

the hope of meeting him in that vicinity, as he anticipates being detained a day or two by the Plover in Kotzebue Sound. It is unnecessary to add that every exertion shall be made to reach that rendezvous, but I can scarce venture to hope that even under very favourable circumstances I shall be so fortunate as to accomplish it ere the Enterprize will have rounded that Cape, as from her superior sailing she hitherto having beaten us by eight days to Cape Virgins, and from Magellan Straits to Oahu six. It is, therefore, under the probable case that this vessel may form a detached part of the expedition that I feel it my duty to state, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty the course which under such a contingency I shall endeavour to pursue, and have to request that you will lay the same before their Lordships.

"After passing Cape Lisburne it is my intention to keep in the open water, which from the different reports that I have read, appears about at this season of the year to make between the American coast and the main pack as far to the northward as 130° meridian, unless a favourable opening should earlier appear in the ice, which would lead me to infer that I might push more directly for Bank's Land, which I think is of the utmost importance to thoroughly examine. In the event of thus far succeeding, and the season continuing favourable for further operations, it would be my anxious desire to get to the northward of Melville Island, and resume our search along its shores and the islands adjacent, as long as the navigation can be carried on, and then secure for the winter in the most eligible position which offers.

"In the ensuing spring, as soon as it is practicable for travelling parties to start, I should dispatch as many as the state of the crew will admit of, in different directions, each being provided with forty days' provisions, with directions to examine minutely all the bays, inlets, and islands towards the north-east, ascending occasionally some of the highest points of land, so as to be enabled to obtain extended views, being particularly cautious in their advance to observe any indication of a break up in the ice, so that their return to the ship may be effected without hazard, even before the expenditure of their provisions would otherwise render it necessary.

"Supposing the parties to have returned without obtaining any clue of the absent ships, and the vessel liberated about the 1st of August, my object would then be to push on towards Wellington Inlet, assuming that that channel communicates with the Polar Sea, and search both its shores, unless in so doing some indication should be met with to show that parties from any of Capt. Austin's vessels had previously done so, when I should return, and endeavour to penetrate in the direction of Jones's Sound, carefully examining every place that was practicable.

"Sir, should our efforts to reach this point be successful, and in the route no traces discernible of the long missing expedition, I should not then be enabled longer to divest myself of the feelings, painful as it must be to arrive at such a conclusion, that all human aid would then be perfectly unavailing; and, therefore, under such a conviction, I would think it my duty, if possible, to return to England, or at all events endeavour to reach some port that would insure that object upon the following year.

"In the event of this being our last communication, I would request you to assure their Lordships, that no apprehension whatever need be entertained of our safety until the autumn of 1854, as we have on board three years of all species of provisions, commencing from the 1st of September proximo, which, without much deprivation, may be made to extend a period of four years; as, moreover, whatever is killed by the hunting parties, I intend to issue in lieu of the usual rations, which will still further protract our resources.

"Should difficulties apparently insurmountable encompass our progress so as to render it a matter of doubt whether the vessel could be extricated, I should deem it expedient in that case, not to hazard the lives of those entrusted

to my charge after the winter of 1852, but in the ensuing spring quit the vessel with sledges and boats, and make the best of our way either to Pond's Bay, Leopold Harbour, the Mackenzie, or for whalers, according to circum


A subsequent letter from Com. M'Clure, dated Her Majesty's discoveryship Investigator, July 28th, 1850.' Kotzebue Sound, lat. 66° 54' N., long. 168°W." states that the writer had not seen anything of the Enterprize, nor was it his intention to lose a moment by waiting off Cape Lisburne, but he should use his best endeavours to carry out the intentions contained in his letter of the 20th."

"Her Majesty's ship Enterprize,
Oahu, June 29th, 1850.

"Memorandum.-As soon as Her Majesty's ship under your command is fully complete with provisions, fuel, and water, you will make the best of your way to Cape Lisburne, keeping a good look out for Herald, or casks, and firing guns in foggy weather after passing St. Lawrence. The whalers also may afford you information of our progress.

"Should you obtain no intelligence, you will understand that I intend to make the pack close to the American shore, and pursue the first favourable opening west of the Coast Stream, pressing forward towards Melville Island. In the event of meeting land, it is most probable that I would pursue the southern shore, but conspicuous marks will be erected, if practicable, and information buried at a ten-foot radius.

"As it is necessary to be prepared for the contingency of your not being able to follow by the ice closing in, or the severity of the weather, you will in that case keep the Investigator as close to the edge of the pack as is consistent with her safety, and remain there until the season compels you to depart, when you will look into Kotzebue Sound, for the Plover, or information regarding her position; and having deposited under her charge a twelvemonth's provision you will proceed to Valparaiso, replenish, and return to the Straits, bearing in mind that the months of June and July are the most favourable.

"A letter from the hydrographer, relative to the variation of the compass, is annexed, and you will bear in mind that the value of these observations will be greatly enhanced by obtaining the variation with the ship's head at every second or fourth point round the compass occasionally, and she should be swung for deviation in harbour as often as opportunities may offer.

"Should you not find the Plover, or that any casualty has happened to reuder her inefficient as a depot, you will take her place; and if (as Capt. Kellett, supposes) Kotzebue Sound has proved too exposed for a winter harbour, you will proceed to Grantley Harbour, leaving a notice to that effect on Chamisso Island. The attention of your Officers is to be called, and you will read to your ship's company the remarks of Sir J. Richardson, concerning the communication with the Esquimaux, contained in the Arctic report received at Plymouth.

"Your operations in the season 1851, cannot be guided by me, nor is there any occasion to urge you to proceed to the north-east; yet it will be highly desirable previous to entering the pack that you completed provisions from whalers, and obtained as much reindeer meat as possible. Capt. Kellett's narrative will point out where the latter is to be had in most abundance, and where coal can be picked up on the beach; but husband the latter article during the winter, by using all the drift wood in your power.

In the event of leaving the Straits this season, you will take any weak or sickly men out of the Plover, and replace them from your crews, affording Com. Moore all the assistance in your power, and leaving with him Mr.

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